Custom Bats Cricket Forum
Equipment => Bats => Bat Care => Topic started by: bucko2007 on March 04, 2009, 07:08:49 PM
I had a net session yesterday, and only today when looking at my bat (as you do) I realised it has a massive crack in it!! It is the GM Icon I was selling a while back, that I decided to use... Here are some pics...
It is reall frustrating becuase I spent a long time knocking it in, and it came "pre-knocked in anyway"... I can't really think of a shot yesterday where it would have cracked which is doubly frustrating!! I paid far too much for this on ebay lol, and I was wondering if anyone has some advice for what I should do? Seeing as on ebay its somewhat harder to say "hey my bat is broken and I've only used it 8 times, so can you help me out?" to the guy who sold it me. Obviously if I had bought this off an official website (although the guy hu sold it to me on ebay owns it would be much easier to claim some kind of replacement! Am I right in saying that if a bat breaks like this, its really not on...
Hmmm, unusual to see a crack across all those grains. If I were you I'd email the seller explaining what has happened and see what he says. Then if theres no joy give GM an email explaining whats happened and if he sold the bat to you under the name justsport then tell them that hes not offering a return on what looks like to me some break that was not your fault.
Cheers Leo, I've sent an email to the guy. Hopefully I will get some success! I was really surprised to see it crack like that, it "seemed" really solid, not that that means anything lol
Go direct to GM as it is a new model and you should be able to get a swap, all bats run the risk of this, its a natural product after all.
Ok cheers Talisman
GM have replied by saying...
Please return your bat to the retailer from which it was purchased. They will be able to give you their expert advise on a course of action and thenature of the damage.
Unfortunately the guy who sold me the bat is not responding!!
say you got it from a friend some distance away from you, so you can't go back to the store. worth a try?
Hmmmm possibly, i shall wait for further reply
Surely they should take it back for examination, its their product after all.
Just out of interest, how much did you pay for this on Ebay?
£210 including postage
Ah... and also I have my suspicions on how this guy was able to sell it to me for that price... VAT dodging me thinks
VAT is only compulsory if your business has a turnover greater than £62k per year
Ok then corporation tax, whatever... the point is if u sell something on ebay under someone elses name, you can often get away with not declaring it and lots of people do this. I cannot understand how someone can sell me it for £210 unless something is going on.
- (
Can I spot a little white lie in there!?...could not resist.
I knew that was coming lol. That's fine man, I wanted to sell it at the time and if people are stupid enough to let previous purchase price effect their judgement then so be it! Doesn't change the item in question!!
Latest reply from gm....
Your contact of sale is with the retailer who sold you the goods, thismakes them legally obliged to deal with you problem.
The seller is not responding...
thats really poor from gm as it is their product and they should be responsible if it breaks. especially if its their top of the range model. i would not be impressed i feel real sorry 4 u mate. the best thing to do is tape it up and hope for the best.
The standard procedure with GM is to send it to the retailer who will then determine whether a swap/refund or whether to send it to GM for a repair. When you buy off Ebay you don't get the guarantees you do in a shop, willow is a natural product and can break at any time, so you can't really claim anything off the ebay seller as you have used the bat, just one of the risks with buying off ebay.
cheers for me lables outlaw unlucky for me my ca i put them on broke in 2 lol
Do you have a link to the original auction? Also a copy of the guarantee from GM which you get with their new bats?
I'll have the bat if GM won't do anything, I know I'll get it replaced without a moments doubt.
i was gonna ask, is the bat still for sale?
Hey guys thanks for your input... I finally got in contact with the seller through his ebay account. He said I should send him the bat and then he will contact GM for me!! The bat isn't for sale unfortunately Ian. Thanks for your offer Talisman, hopefully the guy will be able to sort it for me, but if that fails then I'll give you a shout!
Be careful sending the bat back as you will need to record what he has offered to do and also the sending of the bat. Last thing you want is for the bat to go missing. I've been waiting for a Warsop Venom for 3 weeks that has gone missing.
Could just be wear and tear as per normal on willow, but it looks suspiciously like wind damaged timber. It would crack like that in a few places on the bat equally spaced down the blade until eventually it snaps.
A more informed opinion on this as a possibility would be appreciated. It's worth posing the question though.
I understand that it is a natural product and wear and tear is normal, but I have only used it a hatful of times... this is not what you expect when you pay so much for a bat.
Has anyone got any advice on how to package the bat to send off? I lost the original box mine came in and I cannot find a similar one!!
put in the bat cover and wrap it it in bubble sheet.
Bat Cover?!
cant see why not, ive done it a few times, if not just wrap in bubble wrap then brown paper
Yeah thats what i'm gonna do. Cheers guys
They sent a replacement!! Its better than the original lol
Nice lets see some pics mate :) Who replaced it in the end? GM?
I'll get some pics up later! I sent it to the seller, who sent it to GM, and the GM sent him a new one and so on...
great news, lucky b******d!!