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Forum News and Suggestions => Custom Bats Blog => Topic started by: The 22nd Yard on April 02, 2013, 06:29:22 PM

Title: World Test Championship
Post by: The 22nd Yard on April 02, 2013, 06:29:22 PM
An article written back at the beginning of February which seems relevant just as the IPL opens. (

With a WTC looking more and more likely, what are your thoughts on how it could be set up?
Title: Re: World Test Championship
Post by: Manormanic on April 02, 2013, 06:44:13 PM
Back to blah - you did a bit better with the James Kirtley one.  It won't happen unles India are in with a good chance of winning it is the long and short answer to this question.
Title: Re: World Test Championship
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on April 02, 2013, 07:02:47 PM
Back to blah - you did a bit better with the James Kirtley one.

Without wishing to start an argument, it's a bit harsh publicly slating these blogs isn't it? Fair enough you may not like them, but it would be nice for everyone else to be able to read these without your negativity underneath...
Title: Re: World Test Championship
Post by: farnham_quins_2 on April 02, 2013, 07:28:58 PM
Indeed. Unless you have constructive criticism maybe just dont read them..?
Title: Re: World Test Championship
Post by: Buzz on April 02, 2013, 07:56:01 PM
Back to blah - you did a bit better with the James Kirtley one.  It won't happen unles India are in with a good chance of winning it is the long and short answer to this question.

you are turning into one of those people who post on the dailymail website! ;)

of you aren't interested don't read, or at least give something other than patronising criticism.
Title: Re: World Test Championship
Post by: Manormanic on April 02, 2013, 07:59:46 PM
Without wishing to start an argument, it's a bit harsh publicly slating these blogs isn't it? Fair enough you may not like them, but it would be nice for everyone else to be able to read these without your negativity underneath...

Having considered your views, I'm going to say no, I don't feel it is harsh - the author puts their work out there and invites comments, so I do not feel it is inappropriate of me to comment.  I have already offered some constructive criticism though I do feel that, if the author is going to "blog for the forum" (and probably look to use that to parlay a media job in the future) they ought to be a bit further along than to need some of the constructive criticism that some of their articles appear to require.  Julian Millichamp makes a duff bat you'd expect to hear about it and so would he - the same applies here (save that the author is working with Kashmir rather than G1 clefts!)
Title: Re: World Test Championship
Post by: Manormanic on April 02, 2013, 08:00:17 PM
you are turning into one of those people who post on the dailymail website! ;)

Who is to say that I don't? ;)
Title: Re: World Test Championship
Post by: Tom Ford on April 02, 2013, 08:03:37 PM
Having considered your views, I'm going to say no, I don't feel it is harsh - the author puts their work out there and invites comments, so I do not feel it is inappropriate of me to comment.  I have already offered some constructive criticism though I do feel that, if the author is going to "blog for the forum" (and probably look to use that to parlay a media job in the future) they ought to be a bit further along than to need some of the constructive criticism that some of their articles appear to require.  Julian Millichamp makes a duff bat you'd expect to hear about it and so would he - the same applies here (save that the author is working with Kashmir rather than G1 clefts!)

Didn't the author originally make it clear he wanted to hear criticism?
Title: Re: World Test Championship
Post by: Nickauger on April 02, 2013, 08:19:54 PM
Having considered your views, I'm going to say no, I don't feel it is harsh - the author puts their work out there and invites comments, so I do not feel it is inappropriate of me to comment.  I have already offered some constructive criticism though I do feel that, if the author is going to "blog for the forum" (and probably look to use that to parlay a media job in the future) they ought to be a bit further along than to need some of the constructive criticism that some of their articles appear to require.  Julian Millichamp makes a duff bat you'd expect to hear about it and so would he - the same applies here (save that the author is working with Kashmir rather than G1 clefts!)
This I agree with 100%
Title: Re: World Test Championship
Post by: The 22nd Yard on April 03, 2013, 12:20:49 AM
Back to blah - you did a bit better with the James Kirtley one.  It won't happen unles India are in with a good chance of winning it is the long and short answer to this question.

So you really think India have strong enough political power to override an International tournament including 90% of the other nations? For example, they could argue against the World Cup if a few of their main players were injured, and win? If that is the case then India have too much power. I knew they wouldn't like international series over the IPL, but they would never have the power to cancel them. I believe the ICC still run cricket, despite the BCCI being very very close behind and everyone else being very far behind them.

In terms of criticism, I like to know what you did/didn't like, what could be done better and how to improve. However, if a comment is purely to say you didn't like it, it doesn't seem necessary. The idea is to start discussion, that is why they are opinion pieces rather than just plain press releases. For example, if you disagree with a post and voice this opinion, I state my opinion as a counter-argument, rather than saying you are wrong.
Title: Re: World Test Championship
Post by: The_Bird on April 03, 2013, 09:11:20 AM
So you really think India have strong enough political power to override an International tournament including 90% of the other nations? For example, they could argue against the World Cup if a few of their main players were injured, and win? If that is the case then India have too much power. I knew they wouldn't like international series over the IPL, but they would never have the power to cancel them. I believe the ICC still run cricket, despite the BCCI being very very close behind and everyone else being very far behind them.

India didnt like DRS so they didnt have to use it, if the Indians don't like the ICC Test Championship proposal it won't happen.
Title: Re: World Test Championship
Post by: The 22nd Yard on April 03, 2013, 10:03:05 AM
India didnt like DRS so they didnt have to use it, if the Indians don't like the ICC Test Championship proposal it won't happen.

Sure one piece of equipment is different to an international competition?
Title: Re: World Test Championship
Post by: The_Bird on April 03, 2013, 10:21:13 AM
Sure one piece of equipment is different to an international competition?

You would hope so but they haven't budged have they...
Title: Re: World Test Championship
Post by: The 22nd Yard on April 03, 2013, 12:50:20 PM
You would hope so but they haven't budged have they...

True, I'm sure they could be convinced to use DRS if they make the tournament big enough... and not over the IPL window.
Title: Re: World Test Championship
Post by: GoldenArm on April 03, 2013, 01:08:18 PM
What do you think the chances are of them using an old fashioned timeless test as the centre piece final? I think it would be fascinating personally, if unlikely.
Title: Re: World Test Championship
Post by: Manormanic on April 03, 2013, 02:03:54 PM
So you really think India have strong enough political power to override an International tournament including 90% of the other nations? For example, they could argue against the World Cup if a few of their main players were injured, and win? If that is the case then India have too much power. I knew they wouldn't like international series over the IPL, but they would never have the power to cancel them. I believe the ICC still run cricket, despite the BCCI being very very close behind and everyone else being very far behind them.

Yes, I rather suspect that they do have that level of pull when it comes to any new innovation, as opposed to existing competitions (though even there the BCCI have a certain amount of previous, such as over the biennial structure of the T20 World Cup and the format of the 50 over version.  You see, the politics of the ICC is such that they can get their own way very easily - it is long established that the four Asian boards will always vote en bloc behind one another, whilst New Zealand and the West Indies rely too heavily on the television revenue that comes from series with India for their financial well being toeffectively oppose them.  So that leaves Australia and South Africa, who have one set of interests, and England who have a subtly different set, swinging in the wind on any key vote.

In terms of criticism, I like to know what you did/didn't like, what could be done better and how to improve.

Fair enough, you've asked the question.

I'll start with something I actually liked - your post on James Kirtley.  It was a bit too long and the writing bears many of the flaws that I shall go on to mention later, but at least you were writing something that was unique to your blog.  You could have improved that piece by going further down that personal line, cutting out a lot of the extraneous career-bio from the middle and maybe reflecting on why it is that so many youngsters have "odd" favourite players (mine, for the record, was Ashley Metcalfe, who I doubt many will even have heard of).

The problem is, the other posts you've made have not had the same individuality; they have, for the most part, appeared bland rehashes of arguments or issues that anyone likely to read them will find covered far, far better on a dozen mainstream websites; they have not hinted at the bredth of subject knowledge required for a project such as this and, allied to the sheer number of the things, have come across rather like the kind of forum blitz that sponsors such as MSR and Hammer did before getting the message that quality is better than quantity.  There are loads of potential topics within the sport that do not get covered at all regularly, if indeed they ever are, so why do we need another dozen pieces on the ICC rankings?   

In addition, I suspect that you have yet to grasp the art of critically rereading your own work before you make it public, as there are any number of glitches that you ought to have picked up and corrected yourself before publication contained therein.  It is a time consuming process, but a little thought to the clarity of your grammar and the structure of your arguments (which are not necessarily wrong in and of themselves), as well as to the overall word count, would improve your work considerably.

Really sorry if you think any of this harsh.
Title: Re: World Test Championship
Post by: The 22nd Yard on April 03, 2013, 05:31:29 PM
Fair enough, you've asked the question.

It's all good feedback, maybe a tad on the harsh side, but then that may just be me taking it to heart.

The truth is, as much as I loved doing the Kirtley piece, the idea is to create discussion on the Forum. Again, the idea with the initial 'bombardment' was to get members interested in the blog as well as seeing which types of posts members would be interested to comment on. Sadly, the posts on Graeme Swann, Tendulkar and Prior (which I agree you could find similar articles on mainstream websites, written by people who have been writing about cricket for longer than I have been alive) were the posts that got some interesting discussion going.

I'm not sure how familiar you are with blogs, but unless you are reading big cricket blogs, where the writers make half their income on advertising and have a close set of editors giving them ideas for stories not to mention hundreds of followers doing the same, it is hard to churn out 'purely original articles' regularly. Especially if, like I do, you enjoy reading, watching and writing about cricket. I don't particularly want to spend a week pondering an original idea that no one has written about before because in a sport as highly documented as cricket, they are hard to come by. I would prefer, as well as trying to research these original pieces, to put my opinion too more 'mainstream' events happening in the cricketing world.

Although you mention loads of potential topics, if you would like to message me with a few of these I would be very interested to write about them. Maybe even try and make them with 'G1 clefts rather than Kashmir Willow'.
Title: Re: World Test Championship
Post by: Manormanic on April 03, 2013, 05:44:50 PM
the idea is to create discussion on the Forum. Again, the idea with the initial 'bombardment' was to get members interested in the blog as well as seeing which types of posts members would be interested to comment on. Sadly, the posts on Graeme Swann, Tendulkar and Prior (which I agree you could find similar articles on mainstream websites, written by people who have been writing about cricket for longer than I have been alive) were the posts that got some interesting discussion going.

This may well be true - but what discussion did they stimulate/what did they add to the discussion that could not have been done by a two line opener to a thread?  Or a link to the equivalent Times articles covering the same subjects that came out at about the same time?  I think at first, you might need to accept that its better to get a reputation for quality, even if you're not getting the number of posts about your blogs, than it is to go for numbers, especially when a lot fo those numbers are criticisms or members asking why a blog is needed in the first place?

I'm not sure how familiar you are with blogs, but unless you are reading big cricket blogs, where the writers make half their income on advertising and have a close set of editors giving them ideas for stories not to mention hundreds of followers doing the same, it is hard to churn out 'purely original articles' regularly. Especially if, like I do, you enjoy reading, watching and writing about cricket. I don't particularly want to spend a week pondering an original idea that no one has written about before because in a sport as highly documented as cricket, they are hard to come by. I would prefer, as well as trying to research these original pieces, to put my opinion too more 'mainstream' events happening in the cricketing world.

And, possibly, you'll be granted more leeway in doing so after a few editions of well thought out, well written, vaguely original product than you are being right now, because your opinion will have come to mean something or at least be thought to have some weight.  But for the time being, I really would urge you to think of ways of setting yourself apart.  Original ideas/slants are not that difficult to come by - I've worked in the field before and I never found it that tough - if you're willing to put the time and effort in to get there.  If you go for the easy option all the time...

Although you mention loads of potential topics, if you would like to message me with a few of these I would be very interested to write about them. Maybe even try and make them with 'G1 clefts rather than Kashmir Willow'.

Let me ponder that one.  Not sure how I feel about doing the thinking for you.
Title: Re: World Test Championship
Post by: The 22nd Yard on April 03, 2013, 05:56:40 PM
Let me ponder that one.  Not sure how I feel about doing the thinking for you.

Yet your are happy to compare my articles to pieces on other sites that, as you will know having been in the field, have gone through 4 people before being written and then another 4 or 5 to review/edit? Not to mentioned the wad of cash they are handed on completion. Seems a bit of a double-standard surely?
Title: Re: World Test Championship
Post by: The_Bird on April 03, 2013, 06:10:04 PM
All of Manormanic's comments appear to be very constructive mate, no problem in defending yourself but you have to be open to criticism about ways to improve your blog.

Otherwise you just look a bit silly...
Title: Re: World Test Championship
Post by: The 22nd Yard on April 03, 2013, 06:19:20 PM
All of Manormanic's comments appear to be very constructive mate, no problem in defending yourself but you have to be open to criticism about ways to improve your blog.

Otherwise you just look a bit silly...

I didn't realise it seemed I wasn't open to criticism, I haven't certainly taken some of it in as you say it is constructive. I was purely mentioning how some of the comments would be hard for me to change and why.

Sorry if it seemed otherwise Manormanic.