Custom Bats Cricket Forum

Equipment => Your Kit => Topic started by: Liam-SCCC on October 12, 2014, 06:05:26 PM

Title: Your kit for the 2015 season
Post by: Liam-SCCC on October 12, 2014, 06:05:26 PM
So, since the end of the season I haven't really thought about kit. But after doing a bit of indoor coaching this weekend I'm starting to think about it a bit more!

I'm fairly happy with my kit so this is what I plan on going into next season with.

Bat: Red Ink custom - 2 seasons use, will have a refurb but is an absolute beauty. Depending on how it goes I may start the ball rolling on a twin bat at some point of the season!
Gloves: GN A61 1000 - Season old, absolutely fine, superb gloves. May pick up a pair of 2015 GN gloves if any take my fancy
Pads: GN E41 Oblivion Test - Excellent pads, will only replace if some of the stitching continues to under and subsequently breaks!
Helmet: Masuri - Will only replace with a potential new club helmet

All the rest will stay the same, first year I haven't really felt the need to blow a load of money on kit!

So what are you doing? Some of you may already have your new kit, so post it!
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Alvaro on October 12, 2014, 06:27:28 PM
I got a rebate, so...I have a couple of bits coming. I don't have a club, but compensating with kit...
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Ams4287 on October 12, 2014, 06:27:45 PM
Haha we got as far as mid October until the '2015 kit' post appeared. Only kidding there is some bargains out there to be had so let's see who's first to post a mountain of new stash!
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: calcurtis98 on October 12, 2014, 07:13:28 PM
I now get paid to go to school, I do enjoy EMA, despite its inconsistencies, that £120 a month may get spend on some cricket gear!
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: JB on October 12, 2014, 07:42:10 PM
I've already bought another Spectre, this one a bit heavier at 2.14, off Paul @ IJC. sold my 2.12 one from last season to a team mate who used it once and loved it. Ordered a Carbine direct from Affinity And an X*  Custom from John at Red Ink!! I've defo got to sell some more bats to fund this! Haha
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on October 12, 2014, 07:57:56 PM
I'd already done a rolling post of my 2015 kit arriving piece by piece haha  :-[

Not finalised what bats will be in my bag but will definitely be using SS kit next season.

Gladiator TON Duffle (

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Softs (

SS Platino

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Between SS LE & SS Super Test.
Also have a pair of SS Platino that were cheap for nets.

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Thigh Guards
Ayrtek set I got cheap on here

Old style Green Masuri Test Ti

Keeping my green Asics Gel Advance.
Also got a pair of Gel 335s in good nick.

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SS LE will almost certainly be my match bat (
Will have either an SS Orange or SS Dynasty in my bag too (will chose when my Dynasty arrives)
Got a really heavy SS Super Power that was going to be a net bat but may now miss out. (
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Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: smilley792 on October 12, 2014, 08:02:06 PM
Helmet and several bats to choose from. Probably be the 2 beauties i picked up last Thursday that make it into my kit bag.

I have pads, 2x gloves and a bat on pre order too. And just need a bag and I'm done.......honest. pics when it all arrives.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: JB on October 12, 2014, 08:03:19 PM
What's happened with the GM kit?? Has it all been sold?
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on October 12, 2014, 08:04:34 PM
What's happened with the GM kit?? Has it all been sold?

Sat in my spare room buddy but all offers considered.
Might eBay it around March/April time
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: JB on October 12, 2014, 08:24:02 PM
The spare room must be quite full!! I've got a few bits to sell but likewise I'm going to hold onto it for next year! There's no way I'll be able to get down to even two match bats!!
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: cheese on October 12, 2014, 08:31:56 PM
What I want my kit to be:

Helmet: Masuri Elite (old style) = Got it

Bats: Gray Nics Oblivion 2013 (will be sent for a refurb and relabel)
Gray Nics Maverick 2013 (will be sent for a refurb and relabel)

Gloves: Gray Nicolls Oblivion E41 1000 (2015) = pre-ordered from Vitas
Gray Nicolls Oblivion E41 Test (2014) = already got
Gray Nicolls Legend 2012 = already got

Pads: Gray Nics Oblivion Test

Shoes: Adidas SL22 in red (to bat in) = Already got
Not sure what boots I'll get to bowl in, I'm waiting to see the offering from Adidas before deciding

Thigh Pad will be my P2 stripper

Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: AverageCricketer on October 12, 2014, 08:39:56 PM
Same kit as last year.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: at200 on October 13, 2014, 03:34:22 PM
Sold a lot but buying a lot too

Bats: 90% certain got SF black edition coming *
         Ca 8000
Pads: SF testlite *

Gloves: SF testlite *
            Ayrtek greens

Protection: masuri titanium
                 Custom stretton fox thigh guards electric blue & chest guard *
Shoes: fielding: some spiked asics trainers
            Batting:  new balance ck 4030
Bags: GM duplex LE (match bag)
           Albion duffle (training)
          Looking for new match bag not sure what yet
          Large spartan, hammer black edition

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: jwebber86 on October 13, 2014, 05:54:07 PM
i have got a couple of changes to last season

bat: gray nics nemesis i have bought a second one since the end of the season and its 1.5oz lighter so one for nets and one for games
gloves: salix pod players. i think i bought then from the forum and wore them in the last 2 games of the season
pads: puma evospeed 5000 brand new from pro direct in the end of season sale replacing my 2 strap puma when the strap was breaking.
protection: ayrtek carbo finish with a titanium grill same as this season.
                thigh pad: i have slazenger x lites from this season, i have order a pair of gray nics omega stripper style and also have got a padman style shorts
shoes: woodworm spikes same as the last 2 season i think, my old woodworm spikes now have rubber studs for astro games
bags: gn double decker same as this season
        shamrock duffle bought today for nets

ive also got a lms kit bag but this is made up off my old kit or coloured stuff to match the shirts
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: AndrewS on October 18, 2014, 09:43:05 PM
Haven't played for a good number of years and decided to play again. I knew I'd need to pick up a new bat but when I went to pick up my kit from the garage it has been had at by a mouse. The only thing I managed to hang on to was my bag  ??? ... but it was a good reason to hit the end of season sales. This is my kit for next year:

Hell4Leather Tempo G1 (original shape) @ 2'10
MSR Net bat @ 2'10, 2'12 post fettling

Puma Platinum 6000 Limited - quite impressed by the lightness of these but slightly tall on the knee but not so much that it will cause me any issues.

Puma Platinum 6000 Limited - got about 3 weeks till my first net but love these. Pittards palm, light, comfortable.

Adidas/Ayrtek Premiertek Titanium Lid
P2 Strippers

GN bag from the dawns of time. Think it's an Optimum.

Need to pick up some new shoes, new whites and possibly a new duffle but will do that closer to the season start. May also invest in a second pair of gloves as I've always worn inners but trying to ditch them.

Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: smilley792 on October 18, 2014, 09:59:47 PM
My 2015 kit has started to arrive.

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feeling a little yellow......
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Ams4287 on October 18, 2014, 10:52:27 PM
Haven't played for a good number of years and decided to play again. I knew I'd need to pick up a new bat but when I went to pick up my kit from the garage it has been had at by a mouse. The only thing I managed to hang on to was my bag  ??? ... but it was a good reason to hit the end of season sales. This is my kit for next year:

Hell4Leather Tempo G1 (original shape) @ 2'10
MSR Net bat @ 2'10, 2'12 post fettling

Puma Platinum 6000 Limited - quite impressed by the lightness of these but slightly tall on the knee but not so much that it will cause me any issues.

Puma Platinum 6000 Limited - got about 3 weeks till my first net but love these. Pittards palm, light, comfortable.

Adidas/Ayrtek Premiertek Titanium Lid
P2 Strippers

GN bag from the dawns of time. Think it's an Optimum.

Need to pick up some new shoes, new whites and possibly a new duffle but will do that closer to the season start. May also invest in a second pair of gloves as I've always worn inners but trying to ditch them.


Considering you've had a great many years off you've picked up some lovely kit to get back into it! Could you post some more pics of the Tempo please?
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: AndrewS on October 19, 2014, 10:32:11 AM
There are more Tempo pics in the H4L forum - (
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: blocka on October 20, 2014, 07:53:53 AM
My 2014/15 Kit got plenty of new softs GN Legend gloves pads and keeping pads.
Two new bats a GN Powerbow Gen X and a H4L on it's way from Itsjustcricket
Also new bag today from Dingbat Sports
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Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Neon Cricket on October 20, 2014, 08:14:18 AM
My 2015 kit has started to arrive.

([url][/url]) ([url][/url])

feeling a little yellow......

You're a brave man - that lid!!
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: praguetaz on October 20, 2014, 12:20:34 PM
Hmmm.. kit for next year as well as Winter training.. think i'll give the Winter League a miss again as last year's was a debarcle...

Bats - My refurbed H4L 666 stickered as an NV was feeling lovely at the end of this season so it'll continue in Winter training but need to break in my Affinity Phantom which feels lovely in the hands ready for next season... can't wait for that!

This leaves my Affinity Ayrtek which is quality but a tad heavy for me at 2.12, although the pick-up feels more like 2.10.. might have to let it go  :(

Then there's an Aldred Velocity Grade 3 which I picked up from JB.. just came home to finally get my hands on it.. again pure quality; love the shape - will definitely be a gun but at 2.12 and a tad heavy pick up (with so much willow) for my humble wrists, I can't see it getting used unless an extra grip changes this significantly - I'm gutted really as have been waiting since mid-August to finally marvel at Paul's handy work. Again, one of my team mates will get a stunning bat in the coming months unless I go for a weight reduction but am undecided at the moment.

Sold all my other bat's this season - 7 or more to team mates so don't feel so guilty anymore about quality willow lying around. - Quick update 15.12 - to make up for the heavier bats in my reduced collection - taken a punt on one of Jake's B&S Assegai 3 stars last week, which if as good as I hope will eventually replace my repaired 666.

Kit - Really happy with my Ayrtek Premiertek ACIS lid, H4L NV gloves, Woodstock Airstream Pads and my Aero P2 Thigh Pads.

So, for 2015 - I'd love some Stretton Fox Thigh Pads but only at a reasonable price if anyone can't get on with them but that in all honesty is it.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: blocka on October 20, 2014, 09:52:20 PM
Here are my current bats for this season
GN X181 1000LE and GN Powerbow Gen X net bat
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Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Kez on October 22, 2014, 02:51:11 PM
Kit for 2015
Warsop Killer- 2' 8 
Slazenger V12 LE- 2' 11' 3/8
Mongoose Mmi3 Super Premium - 2' 13
Kookaburra Kahuna - 2' 9' 1/2
Warsop Platinum - currently being refurbed.
Puma Pulse 6000

Black Masuri Ti

Adidas 22yrds Low gold ones
Asics 452 no


GM Original 2013
Slazenger Pro Tour 2013
Warsop Platinum
Puma Pulse 600
Spartan MC LE - LH (gift from Marcus North)
and my catching mitt - Mizuno GXC93

Need to get some new thigh guards
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: wilkie113 on October 22, 2014, 04:28:58 PM

SG test pads
Blank online stockist gloves, I have a couple of pairs.
Stretton thigh pad set
SS platinum
B3 bespoke 3 stripe, Bragg used stick
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: procricket on October 22, 2014, 04:45:02 PM
Tom got your message will see what i can do oh that ss mmm
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: wilkie113 on October 22, 2014, 08:05:57 PM
Cheers Dave, appreciate it. If were ever at a net together feel free to have blast with the SS
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: horseman on October 27, 2014, 12:44:36 PM
Gloves Gloves Gloves, trying in vain to find a pair of puma 6000 platinum gloves and pads.

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Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: tushar sehgal on October 27, 2014, 12:46:50 PM
Gloves Gloves Gloves, trying in vain to find a pair of puma 6000 platinum gloves and pads.

I have Puma Platinum elite 5000 brand new if you are interested in MRH, I'll take pics if you need. Haven't thought abt a price.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: horseman on October 27, 2014, 01:09:32 PM
I have Puma Platinum elite 5000 brand new if you are interested in MRH, I'll take pics if you need. Haven't thought abt a price.

Thanks tushar, but im a lefty!! Probably why theyre like gold dust.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Alvaro on October 27, 2014, 01:15:09 PM
Have you tried Talent Cricket? (
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: KIPPERS on October 27, 2014, 01:29:01 PM
I will probably buy what everyone else bought 2 years ago and are now selling lol
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: at200 on October 28, 2014, 04:44:25 PM
80% done just some spikes and a duffle to get (

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Vitas Cricket on October 30, 2014, 01:57:25 PM
The blanks look like Hunts to me.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Vitas Cricket on October 30, 2014, 02:18:33 PM
Orange ones are Glory yes, they both look very nice.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Neon Cricket on October 30, 2014, 02:45:32 PM
The problem is it's not just a case of 'giving free kit' to pro's any more - many are represented by agencies and the agencies are looking for cash too, after all they're not going to want to be paid their commission in bats!

Hunts deserve to be more popular than they are, the gear is quality and the prices are brilliant compared to GM/GN/Kook etc.

Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Neon Cricket on October 30, 2014, 03:10:10 PM
They don't get the exposure though - you'll give a full set of kit (2 bats, 3/4 gloves, pads, bags etc) to a young player and he might make it onto Sky for 5 minutes batting 8/9 - in all honesty it isn't worth it.

When I last spoke with Matt at Hunts he said they gained more from sponsoring a few of the England Women's players than David Willey during the 2013 season and the England women's team didn't feature on live TV once...
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on October 30, 2014, 03:40:47 PM
I had a delivery today, so apart from a bat currently with Wilkie my kit for next season is all in my possession now!  :D

Not working tomorrow so I'll get the camera out soon and let you all see my indian goodies  ;)
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: tim2000s on October 30, 2014, 03:49:04 PM
You can tell Hunts Bats by their shoulders...
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Vitas Cricket on October 30, 2014, 05:30:59 PM
You can tell Hunts Bats by their shoulders...

And toes.

Knees and toes
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: CrickFreak on October 30, 2014, 05:53:31 PM
Heres mine. To quit bat buying habit is harder than quiting smoking.... I hope I quit both before next season  :D

Just too many bats for the amount of cricket we can play here... will have to get rid of some, mostly SF Optimus :(

1. SS DK 19 - (
2. Black Cat Shadow - (
3. TON Reserve - (
4. SF Optimus - (
5. MSR bat with Newbery Tour stickers - (

Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Gingerbusiness on October 30, 2014, 06:07:43 PM
Well they obviously do not need the money and seem to be very happy with their business. I like Hunts a lot. Great equipment
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on October 30, 2014, 06:11:20 PM
Here's my kit for next season

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SS Limited edition bat
SS embossed Test Opener pads
SS Super test gloves
SS Limited Edition gloves
Masuri Titanium

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Blank thigh guards (was an Ayrtek set)
TON duffle
£10 clothes/shoes bag I got off eBay
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Shortpitch on October 30, 2014, 06:29:54 PM
Like the pads a lot. for some reason its tough to get latest SS pads here in USA. Awesome Kit WalkingWicket. working on my Aldred to be my match bat next season, will post the pics soon.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Alvaro on October 30, 2014, 07:23:18 PM
That LE really has cleaned up beautifully.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Alvaro on October 30, 2014, 07:24:16 PM
I received a lovely stick today.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on October 30, 2014, 07:53:12 PM
Like the pads a lot. for some reason its tough to get latest SS pads here in USA. Awesome Kit WalkingWicket. working on my Aldred to be my match bat next season, will post the pics soon.

Thank you mate, when the pads were listed for sale I simply had to have them!
They're pretty hard to come by from how long it took Dave to find a pair.

That LE really has cleaned up beautifully.

Cheers buddy, just uploaded some proper pictures into the topic I started about it.;topicseen#msg510131 (;topicseen#msg510131)
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: procricket on October 30, 2014, 07:58:52 PM
The pads are not normal test opener pads Cam

They have the insert fibreboard and all white piping and without the test opener side writing on the side wing.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on October 30, 2014, 08:02:39 PM
I know they're a special pair of pads Dave, that's why I had to have them!
I love the clean look of the side wings and first impression when they arrived was they're top top quality.
Currently moulding them so they wrap around my legs bette, can't wait to try them out now  :D
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: langer17 on October 31, 2014, 03:55:36 AM
This is my current kit for the Aussie season. Not the best photos but they show everything:

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Helios The Atlas - Match bat and easily the best bat I've ever had.
B3 2 Stripe Bespoke - Recent purchase and will require some more playing/knocking in
GN Predator Maxx LE (Blank bat) - Use this as a net bat and still pretty decent 5 years on
Kookaburra Ice Sub 30 - Got this years  ago, but used it for less than a season and have just hung onto it. Very decent middle so will refurb and see how that goes.

GN E41 1000 LE

Kookaburra Beast Players
Kookaburra CCX Players x2
Screaming Cat Professional
Puma Calibre 5000
Kookaburra R Players x2 (Small Mens)
GM Original (Old spares)
Bradbury Players (Old Spares)

Masuri Test with Titanium Grill and club logo (Yellow)
Old Masuri Titanium (Blue)

Asics Gel Advance 2
Asics Gel Advance 4
Asics 180 Not Out

GN Legen thigh pad
KD Players Inner thigh guard
Aero Box

Keeping kit (used very rarely now)
Puma Airflow Gloves
Puma Half Chamios Inners
Puma Air Force Pads

Gabba Customised Club Bag
GN Legend (Not pictured)

Oakley Radar with G26 lenses

Other bits not pictured
Inners, socks, balls, sweatbands, clothes
20 grips of various styles and colours
2 club duffle bags
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: wayward_hayward on October 31, 2014, 09:16:11 PM


Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: cricketrob on October 31, 2014, 09:34:45 PM
What is the bat on the left?
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: tushar sehgal on October 31, 2014, 09:37:43 PM
What is the bat on the left?
It's a DS, sillyshilly on here makes them
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: wayward_hayward on October 31, 2014, 09:47:01 PM
It's a DS, sillyshilly on here makes them

Correct, It was Tim's to test high and low density willow and if it had any effect on performance.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: KIPPERS on November 05, 2014, 11:04:09 AM
Just gave up smoking so ive treated myself to a few early chrimbo presents(
was told it was a 5 fin but it doesnt have the fin stickers and the grains dont look that great but still a nice stick anyway. Then of course some one only went and put the matching pads and gloves on the Bay so I had to get them too Doh!!! I'll kop a bit of flack using that lot in the League
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on November 05, 2014, 11:13:38 AM
Nice looking kit that Kippers, always been curious about Shark (but never curious enough to pay full price for one!)
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: JMB174 on November 05, 2014, 12:07:21 PM
looking for some new boots for next season, had boots made up from trainers in the past but it always seems expensive as they only last 1 season. any views on what is good out there ?
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: ijmorgan on November 11, 2014, 05:50:21 PM
Here is what will be my kit for next season, will be getting some Strettons made in the coming months for winter nets. Quite a lot of village in my gear but all seems to function. Never wear a helmet so got bored of carrying it around.

Slazenger V500 Ultimate 2.9
B&S LE 2.10
B3 Custom 2.11
All my bats have 2 grips on.

Slazenger Ultimate.

Slazenger Ultimate.

Evo Speed Spike and moulded.

Slazenger Pro Tour.
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Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on November 11, 2014, 05:54:41 PM
That bag!
If j could bring myself to spend that much I'd have loved one of them, but the thought of some belled standing on it with spikes on was enough to put me off!
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: ijmorgan on November 11, 2014, 07:07:43 PM
To be fair they could be snapped up for around 40% off which i thought wasn't to bad for a good quality leather bag of that size, i also picked up the holdall size bag for around £60 which i think is a bargain for a leather overnight bag.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on November 11, 2014, 07:39:48 PM
To be fair they could be snapped up for around 40% off which i thought wasn't to bad for a good quality leather bag of that size, i also picked up the holdall size bag for around £60 which i think is a bargain for a leather overnight bag.
Overnight bag I like the sound of, but the full size kit bag being left on a changing room floor, the thought of a spike going through that makes me shudder!  :(
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: ijmorgan on November 11, 2014, 07:54:24 PM
Overnight bag I like the sound of, but the full size kit bag being left on a changing room floor, the thought of a spike going through that makes me shudder!  :(

Seems they have a few on Amazon for £50 cant go wrong for that price. (
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on November 11, 2014, 07:55:39 PM
While I had my bats out I thought I'd take a quick snap

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Added an extra 2 layers of grip round the top of the handle so they look cool!
(Definitely not a counter balance jedi mind trick thing!)
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Kal on November 11, 2014, 08:38:43 PM
To be fair they could be snapped up for around 40% off which i thought wasn't to bad for a good quality leather bag of that size, i also picked up the holdall size bag for around £60 which i think is a bargain for a leather overnight bag.

Did you really get your bag for £60? That's a bargain and a half. The pro tour large holdall retails at around £160! (
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: No.4 on November 11, 2014, 08:46:47 PM

Added an extra 2 layers of grip round the top of the handle so they look cool!
(Definitely not a counter balance jedi mind trick thing!)

Top idea with the extra layers at the top. I'm off to try it out!
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: ijmorgan on November 11, 2014, 10:01:52 PM
Did you really get your bag for £60? That's a bargain and a half. The pro tour large holdall retails at around £160!

[url][/url] ([url][/url])

No not that cheap, i've had it a couple of years the Mrs paid around £110 for it when it was up around £200, she gets random discount codes through her work. To be fair still looks mint 2 seasons in.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: harry gamble on November 28, 2014, 06:42:22 PM
Im looking to buy the 2014 puma evospeed cricket as it seems a fair deal for £200 on pro direct cricket, i wondered if anyone had one and could tell me what they are like e.g. performance, size, middle ping and where abouts the middle is etc, :) :
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: KIPPERS on November 28, 2014, 09:34:04 PM
New Toy for nets from the Bay
No idea if its any good but its pretty
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: KIPPERS on November 29, 2014, 06:45:54 PM
Ugly bat. this thing looks like a bowed floor board. But pings like a Submarine Hunter
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: smilley792 on November 29, 2014, 08:01:13 PM
I clearly have issues.

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and there's more on order!!
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: KIPPERS on November 29, 2014, 11:17:32 PM
and too much cash
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on November 29, 2014, 11:44:20 PM
An old favourite that may or May not make an appearance next season.

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Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: i12breakfree on November 29, 2014, 11:47:49 PM

I clearly have issues.

([url][/url]) ([url][/url])

and there's more on order!!

I think u need a separate thread for just your collection display [emoji6]
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Nmcgee on November 29, 2014, 11:56:35 PM
An old favourite that may or May not make an appearance next season.

([url][/url]) ([url][/url])

([url][/url]) ([url][/url])

That's an absolutely beautiful profile. Looks the way a bat should look.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Aussie on November 30, 2014, 05:53:37 AM

Bats: Wombat Dig IN LE, Wombat League
Pads: Wombat League
Gloves: Wombat Dominate, Wombat Test, Wombat League, Wombat Match
Helmets: Albion Ultimate 98, Albion Elite Club
Shoes: Nike Air Opener
W/K: Wombat Dig In Pads, Wombat Dig In Gloves
Misc: Wombat Dig In Thigh Pad, Wombat Test Arm Guard

Worst thing is, I don't even wicket keep. Just have them as spares for other blokes.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Boondougal on November 30, 2014, 09:20:18 PM

New Toy for nets from the Bay
No idea if its any good but its pretty

I wanted this one also... Looks like s nice stick
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: KIPPERS on November 30, 2014, 09:32:28 PM
Yep cleaned up nicely
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: King pair on December 02, 2014, 08:55:19 PM
Rightio lads,

After a redundancy payment recently and quickly getting a new job,  I was able to sort my kit for next year in 1 big go. So here it is
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The bat is a D & P vector that belonged to a South African under 19s player proing at a club down south, he left it for the club to sell on eBay to raise money for something and I snapped it up for 65 quid towards the end of August. Then I sent it off to Salix when I was returning my broken Praestania from last season and got it a refurb. Salix agreed to sticker it up as I have spent a lot of money with them and at the time I also ordered a replacement for my broken Praestania. I can honestly say it is incredible. I'm not one for saying pro bats this pro bats that but in this case it really is incredible.

Still waiting for my new Salix we've had a couple of issues with weight not being light enough for me when I recieved the bat, Salix's customer service has been really good as always and hoping to have it as soon as.
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Salix pod one (much better and lighter than the pod players I used last year)

Pod players youths (bought last week, fit much better than my mens)
Pod players mens
Pod arma

Asics Gel Advance 4s (Gonna use these for batting, used them all last season)
Asics Strike Rate (Gonna use these to field in, ridiculously comfy)

Lions Masuri (given to me by our pro last season, titanium elite grill)
New Masuri Test Titanium grill with my club badge embroided on
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Oakley Radars- black and white (bought from cam pye last week)
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Salix allkit.

Aero P2s not pictured
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: harry gamble on December 03, 2014, 07:19:17 PM (
please could anyone care to tell me what these pads are that have been pictured, seen these a few times before but have no idea what make they are and where i can buy a pair from
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: ProCricketer1982 on December 03, 2014, 07:21:23 PM
[url][/url] ([url][/url])
please could anyone care to tell me what these pads are that have been pictured, seen these a few times before but have no idea what make they are and where i can buy a pair from

look like salix logo on the shin?  If so, check out salix's website direct or contact a sponsor from this forum, or message chris soulman as he's linked with Salix.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: harry gamble on December 03, 2014, 07:23:46 PM
look like salix logo on the shin?  If so, check out salix's website direct or contact a sponsor from this forum, or message chris soulman as he's linked with Salix.
thank you ill have a look. how do you contact someone on here
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: ProCricketer1982 on December 03, 2014, 07:26:12 PM
thank you ill have a look. how do you contact someone on here

click on their user name, then left hand side, half way down is 'PM' .. click that and boom.. you directly message them
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: harry gamble on December 03, 2014, 07:29:28 PM
great cheers. im new to this site haha  :D
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: smilley792 on December 03, 2014, 07:29:59 PM
Pretty sure that's @WalkingWicket37 old kit? So he should be able to answer
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: rich041187 on December 03, 2014, 07:30:45 PM
Here's my new beast for the season.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on December 03, 2014, 07:32:58 PM
[url][/url] ([url][/url])
please could anyone care to tell me what these pads are that have been pictured, seen these a few times before but have no idea what make they are and where i can buy a pair from

Hi mate

They're mine! Or they were before they lost a fight with floor during an indoor game!

They're the blank one from Online Stockist, can be bought from here: (
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: tushar sehgal on December 03, 2014, 07:58:23 PM
Here's my new beast for the season.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Thats a good looking stick, could be a candidate for best grains thread...what's the weight on her?
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: rich041187 on December 03, 2014, 10:16:37 PM
She is about 2:11 but pick up is silly light. I never use bats that heavy but am now a convert to the notion that pick up is everything. Like to thank Paul at Vyper for putting me on the path to this enlightenment

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Vitas Cricket on December 03, 2014, 10:22:37 PM
How much was it?

I could have got you one of those for £165 without the Vyper stickers...
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Twelfth Man on December 03, 2014, 10:28:29 PM
How much was it?

I could have got you one of those for £165 without the Vyper stickers...

Are you able to get Hunts bats, Jake?
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: rich041187 on December 04, 2014, 12:13:38 AM
More than 165 for sure. Where are they sourced then? Presume you guys have the same contact or are you just saying you could've found a comparable piece of willow?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Vitas Cricket on December 04, 2014, 01:18:55 AM
Same bat maker. I'm not going to say it outright out of respect to Vyper, but if you have a look around the forum it shouldn't be too hard to work out :)

£165 for a custom G1 is our price. I'll even personally pick the bit of wood for you.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: El Nino on December 04, 2014, 06:14:30 AM
Same bat maker. I'm not going to say it outright out of respect to Vyper, but if you have a look around the forum it shouldn't be too hard to work out :)

£165 for a custom G1 is our price. I'll even personally pick the bit of wood for you.
Interesting, how much is shipment to aus normally?
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: tim2000s on December 04, 2014, 07:11:39 AM
Same bat maker. I'm not going to say it outright out of respect to Vyper, but if you have a look around the forum it shouldn't be too hard to work out :)

£165 for a custom G1 is our price. I'll even personally pick the bit of wood for you.
Hopefully in February I'll be taking advantage of this Jake....!
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Nmcgee on December 04, 2014, 08:31:38 AM
Here's my new beast for the season.


Regardless of what it cost you Rich, that is a beautiful looking stick.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: GDP1964 on December 04, 2014, 08:47:24 AM
Must be one of the best bats I have seen
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Nmcgee on December 04, 2014, 09:02:33 AM
Must be one of the best bats I have seen

I'm sure you B&S guys must have a few crackers that can rival this? I think your new season bats look outstanding.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: rich041187 on December 04, 2014, 10:03:52 AM
Same bat maker. I'm not going to say it outright out of respect to Vyper, but if you have a look around the forum it shouldn't be too hard to work out :)

£165 for a custom G1 is our price. I'll even personally pick the bit of wood for you.

 :o that's incredible value. What a man.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: GDP1964 on December 04, 2014, 10:05:15 AM
Phew this will be hard to beat we will take up the challenge thou . One thing for sure £165.00 sorry can't beat that price
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Nmcgee on December 04, 2014, 10:06:07 AM
Who cares. Should've, would've, could've. Long after the price is paid, you've still got an amazing bat.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: GDP1964 on December 04, 2014, 10:18:42 AM
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Vitas Cricket on December 04, 2014, 11:53:01 AM
Interesting, how much is shipment to aus normally?

Approx £30
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Vitas Cricket on December 04, 2014, 12:10:39 PM
Phew this will be hard to beat we will take up the challenge thou . One thing for sure £165.00 sorry can't beat that price

I have a feeling there Will be plenty of lovely Assegais and Impis posted in this topic over coming weeks
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: nomad71 on December 04, 2014, 01:38:50 PM
First post everyone be gentle !
Old timer coming out of a 9 year retirment stepping in to the mine field of new cricket equipment for 2015 season.
I've read the forum inside out and I'm more confused than I ever was were to pick up some good gear for a good price. Any advise or general direction I could be pointed in? So I can sort myself out for next year ?   
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on December 04, 2014, 02:01:18 PM
First post everyone be gentle !
Old timer coming out of a 9 year retirment stepping in to the mine field of new cricket equipment for 2015 season.
I've read the forum inside out and I'm more confused than I ever was were to pick up some good gear for a good price. Any advise or general direction I could be pointed in? So I can sort myself out for next year ?   

Welcome to the forum bud

I'd recommend 1 of 2 things

Option one, contact a forum sponsor (Jake at Vitas is usually the first person I ask) with what you want and your budget and they'll sort you out.

Option two (the one o went for to get my 2015 kit) - if you know what you're after order directly from India, the postage is a bit more but the saving on products negates this.

If you're orderig from India feel free to PM me (I may not reply until after 5) and I'll let you know how I went about it.
We're (mostly) a friendly bunch on here who're happy to help  :)
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: GDP1964 on December 04, 2014, 02:17:58 PM
Who ever you order from make sure you have re call to any breakages tears splits that may happen with in your warranty period
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: nomad71 on December 04, 2014, 02:26:24 PM
Thanks for the welcome guys
I might take you up on your offer walkingwicket thanks
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: tim2000s on December 04, 2014, 03:48:57 PM
Hi Nomad, just so you are aware, online stockist is based in India and while being cheap, you will have no recourse if there is anything wrong with your goods, or if a bat or softs get damaged in the early part of the season. Using one of the forum sponsors does come with this benefit, and if you approach them directly, you might be surprised at what you can get.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on December 04, 2014, 04:31:11 PM
Hi Nomad, just so you are aware, online stockist is based in India and while being cheap, you will have no recourse if there is anything wrong with your goods, or if a bat or softs get damaged in the early part of the season. Using one of the forum sponsors does come with this benefit, and if you approach them directly, you might be surprised at what you can get.

But at £39 each you could buy 3 SS Dynastys and hope for the best  ;)
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: OllieWalker39 on December 07, 2014, 08:38:46 PM
Not posted on here for a while unfortunately!

However, I am now in the market for a new bat for 2015, and have a nice sized budget (not GM L.E budget as quite simply the major marques over price their goods by quite a substantial margin) to get a stick with. However, with there now being so many smaller companies making gear, I'm unsure with what to get - I don't really care about the stickers - it could look crap and go like a gun and that'll do me!

So, basically I'm wanting a list of companies to peruse and see what takes my fancy. Ideally after dead straight grains (numerous), bit of heartwood on the inside edge (RH) and a light pickup around 2lb 8 - 2lb 10. Oval Handle is a must (semi-oval is fine too, but won't have a round handle)... and if anyone could show me how to use a bat that'd be good too! ;)
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Vitas Cricket on December 07, 2014, 09:06:33 PM
How about a custom made from us (made by Hunts) for £165 in G1 willow. Some recent examples can be seen here: ( (

Feel free to visit us for some coaching in our on-site net, I am sure i can improve your game :)

#onestopcricketshop ;)
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: OllieWalker39 on December 07, 2014, 09:25:02 PM
Those Hunts are absolutely stunning! and at £165 a bit of a steal! When you say custom, how far are they custom; are they a standard blade and shape made to your own weight and handle choice or could I have it made to me?!

If I was from round Peterborough I'd be there, however it's a long way from Yorkshire (a whole 150miles each way!).
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Vitas Cricket on December 07, 2014, 09:35:30 PM
Those Hunts are absolutely stunning! and at £165 a bit of a steal! When you say custom, how far are they custom; are they a standard blade and shape made to your own weight and handle choice or could I have it made to me?!

If I was from round Peterborough I'd be there, however it's a long way from Yorkshire (a whole 150miles each way!).

The A1 is a wonderful drive though ;) - happy to do a special price on a 2 hour session if you wanted to come down and pick the bat up and have a net at the same time.

Fully custom, you can have any handle or blade size. Any shape/profile you want (within reason of course, we do get a few requests for huge edged bats with no concaving and a feather light weight, Tony is good, but he isn't quite a miracle worker)

Alternatively you can send me an existing bat to have the shape copied if you like.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: OllieWalker39 on December 07, 2014, 09:49:55 PM
One of my favourite driving roads... ;) You are a tempter - we will have to see how Xmas goes etc!

That's what I like to hear - I'm only 5ft 9 so sort of scrape into a Short Handle!

Thanks for the heads up on that though - will definitely be in touch soon as that's a steal! :D
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Vitas Cricket on December 07, 2014, 09:55:20 PM
No problem mate, send me a pm to discuss :)
Title: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: notapatchon on December 12, 2014, 06:43:23 PM
So, 3 and a half years into my "comeback" and a lot of farting about with Kit, I think I've finally settled on a set-up that will hopefully do me for a while now.  Part stuff I've picked up along the way finished off with a couple of bargains that I've picked up because they were surplus to requirements for a friend of a friend's friend sort of thing.

You can see it here:

Bag - GN1000 duffle.  I coveted one for most of last season and finally managed to pick one up from the batch that was released in Autumn.  A bit less roomy than the woodworm duffle I had last year, but lighter and more comfy.  I do a lot of walking with my bag so that's important

Shoes NB4020/4030- I've been thrips ugh a pair of asics and a couple of pairs of Adidas, the last pair I had were Vectors and they were just too tight on me.  So I sold the shoes I had on eBay and came up with enough for new spikes & rubbers.  Went with these after seeing them in a shop, very light and comfy.

Pads GN Powerbow Gen X Players - one of my bargains.  I've been using Adidas pads until now and thought they were light but these are something else, hardly feel like they’re there.  Look on the small side but wrap around nicely and fit perfectly even though I've got long legs.


GN Powerbow 750 - My gloves are the one thing I hadn't chopped and changed but my trusty CA's split half way through last season, I picked up some Kookaburra's to replace them but fell out with them when I got a cut finger from getting hit on the hand three times in an over.  Bought these based on availability and price.

GN A61 - and then a bargain came along, there’s a pair of these currently on eBay for £68, I picked these up for £25.  Light but robust, taken a couple of blows on them and there’s good protection.  Look good too.

Helmet Masuri Club - have struggled to find a lid I was comfortable with but got this for last year and have no reason to change.

And then the shining glories

First a GN Powerspot @ 2'10" - 8 lovely straight grains, great pick up, flies off the middle and off the rest of it as well. Got this after selling a M£H original that was just too heavy for me.  A lovely bat and a worthy replacement for the Newbery GT335 that I started my first full season back with. 

And finally a GN F18 LE @ 2'9", allegedly picked for a pro and a bargain at about half their current retail price.  You can judge it for yourself from the pictures but the Ping is lovely and I’m now dying for winter nets to give it a go.

The elephant in the room is that, shoes and helmet aside, it's all Gray Nicolls.  That’s a happy accident and not by design.  Non matching gear has never bothered me one bit, but now I’m steadying myself for the inevitable ’new sponsors?' and ’third team pro’ jokes I’m going to get in January.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: tushar sehgal on December 12, 2014, 06:49:25 PM
Nice kit, that F18 looks a really good stick, what are the edge and spine measurements? on some of the forum sponsors pics f18's looked fairly skinny..
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: notapatchon on December 12, 2014, 06:50:58 PM
Will dig the tape measure out later.  Not slim at all, I'd say slightly bigger than the Powerspot
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Seniorplayer on December 12, 2014, 09:05:04 PM
So, 3 and a half years into my "comeback" and a lot of farting about with Kit, I think I've finally settled on a set-up that will hopefully do me for a while now.  Part stuff I've picked up along the way finished off with a couple of bargains that I've picked up because they were surplus to requirements for a friend of a friend's friend sort of thing.

You can see it here:

Bag - GN1000 duffle.  I coveted one for most of last season and finally managed to pick one up from the batch that was released in Autumn.  A bit less roomy than the woodworm duffle I had last year, but lighter and more comfy.  I do a lot of walking with my bag so that's important

Shoes NB4020/4030- I've been thrips ugh a pair of asics and a couple of pairs of Adidas, the last pair I had were Vectors and they were just too tight on me.  So I sold the shoes I had on eBay and came up with enough for new spikes & rubbers.  Went with these after seeing them in a shop, very light and comfy.

Pads GN Powerbow Gen X Players - one of my bargains.  I've been using Adidas pads until now and thought they were light but these are something else, hardly feel like they’re there.  Look on the small side but wrap around nicely and fit perfectly even though I've got long legs.


GN Powerbow 750 - My gloves are the one thing I hadn't chopped and changed but my trusty CA's split half way through last season, I picked up some Kookaburra's to replace them but fell out with them when I got a cut finger from getting hit on the hand three times in an over.  Bought these based on availability and price.

GN A61 - and then a bargain came along, there’s a pair of these currently on eBay for £68, I picked these up for £25.  Light but robust, taken a couple of blows on them and there’s good protection.  Look good too.

Helmet Masuri Club - have struggled to find a lid I was comfortable with but got this for last year and have no reason to change.

And then the shining glories

First a GN Powerspot @ 2'10" - 8 lovely straight grains, great pick up, flies off the middle and off the rest of it as well. Got this after selling a M£H original that was just too heavy for me.  A lovely bat and a worthy replacement for the Newbery GT335 that I started my first full season back with. 

And finally a GN F18 LE @ 2'9", allegedly picked for a pro and a bargain at about half their current retail price.  You can judge it for yourself from the pictures but the Ping is lovely and I’m now dying for winter nets to give it a go.

The elephant in the room is that, shoes and helmet aside, it's all Gray Nicolls.  That’s a happy accident and not by design.  Non matching gear has never bothered me one bit, but now I’m steadying myself for the inevitable ’new sponsors?' and ’third team pro’ jokes I’m going to get in January.

Also have all Gray Nics i normally get who's your sponsor and all the gear no idea comment.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: notapatchon on December 12, 2014, 09:40:28 PM

Also have all Gray Nics i normally get who's your sponsor and all the gear no idea comment.

If it wasn't that it'd be something else mate, I put it down to jealousy
Title: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: notapatchon on December 12, 2014, 09:42:37 PM
Nice kit, that F18 looks a really good stick, what are the edge and spine measurements? on some of the forum sponsors pics f18's looked fairly skinny..

Fairly hefty edges around 39mm, maybe even 40.  Spine is 59-60 ish.

I'll add the photos to that album.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on December 13, 2014, 10:35:50 PM
Another update to mine. Hopefully (other than a bat someone is holding for me) there won't be any more purchases, but never say never!  ;)

Helmet - Masuri Titanium (old style)

Gloves - SS Super Test and SS Super Test Whiteouts (pro issue)

Pads - SS Test Opener (pro issue)

Thigh pads - blank (was an Ayrtek set but the stickers "came off")

Bats - SS Yuvi 20/20 and SS Limited Edition. Both in the full profile

Bag - last season's Ton Duffle

( (

( (
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Ams4287 on December 13, 2014, 10:46:26 PM
Do like those whiteout gloves! Which compartment does the dog fit in the duffle?
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on December 13, 2014, 10:50:19 PM
She doesn't fit in so has to walk alongside me mate.  :D
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Nmcgee on December 14, 2014, 06:00:01 AM
Nice kit. Where's the I-Bat?
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on December 14, 2014, 09:35:48 AM
@Nmcgee the I-Bat never materialised, but the Yuvi was cheaper and the same shape that I wanted. so I went for that instead  :D
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Rowan on December 14, 2014, 11:07:38 AM
Another update to mine. Hopefully (other than a bat someone is holding for me) there won't be any more purchases, but never say never!  ;)

Helmet - Masuri Titanium (old style)

Gloves - SS Super Test and SS Super Test Whiteouts (pro issue)

Pads - SS Test Opener (pro issue)

Thigh pads - blank (was an Ayrtek set but the stickers "came off")

Bats - SS Yuvi 20/20 and SS Limited Edition. Both in the full profile

Bag - last season's Ton Duffle

([url][/url]) ([url][/url])

([url][/url]) ([url][/url])

Absolute heaven, very lucky man.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: jamielsn15 on December 14, 2014, 12:48:37 PM
Never really been a fan of the SS/TON gear but have to admit, laid out that gear looks pretty good!
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: smilley792 on December 14, 2014, 12:51:19 PM
I do prefer these bats so much more than your original 2 tons.

Quality looking gear. But the gm purist in me is crying a little......
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on December 14, 2014, 01:00:11 PM
I do prefer these bats so much more than your original 2 tons.

Quality looking gear. But the gm purist in me is crying a little......

I will be the first to admit the finish on the new one is much better than the original 2 I bought, and the LE (even though I bought it 2nd hand) is a cut above the first 2!
That said I do still have a soft spot for the SS Orange I originally bought, I've not decided what to do with the Super Power yet though (but that's for another thread!)

And don't you worry about the GM stuff, as the buyer pulled out I've still got it all stashed away and ready for action!  ;)
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Andythomo21 on December 14, 2014, 01:08:59 PM
Lovely looking kit.  An order from online stockist?  I've got the gloves from eBay (awaiting delivery). Where did you get the pads please?
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: 19reading87 on December 14, 2014, 03:04:37 PM
Are those just normal GM grips Cam?
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on December 14, 2014, 03:12:53 PM
Are those just normal GM grips Cam?

There plain ripple grips I got from Eclipse All Sports mate.
Lovely grips and a good quality, just a slightly strange shade of White (

Here's one next to a bright white Matrix grip, there more an off white
( (
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: JB on December 15, 2014, 09:35:26 PM
The wife is out at a Christmas do so thought I'd take the opportunity to get the kit out for some photos

Missing a Salix Pod Players and an M&H Somerset which a team mate has. The Maverick F1 Elite pads are coming tomorrow, also waiting for a Red Ink T20 and an Amplus. Then I hope that's me done!
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Ams4287 on December 15, 2014, 09:40:57 PM
Wow very very impressive collection mate! All around the 3lb mark? What's your favourite stick?
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: JB on December 15, 2014, 09:47:34 PM
The Persona is only 2.9, just couldn't pass the opportunity to buy it, apart from that they range from 2.13 to 3.0. I'd probably struggle to pick a favourite the hellfire with the black/red grip the Spectre on the far left and the affinity Ayrtek probably top 3. The toro is a very good bat too!
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Mazer135 on December 15, 2014, 09:58:38 PM
I wish I had enough money for all that kit. Jealous much all lovely kit!
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on December 15, 2014, 10:20:31 PM
Looks lovely that lot JB. I'm sat looking at the pictures drooling!
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Nmcgee on December 15, 2014, 10:41:21 PM
Outstanding JB. A true CBF member!  :)
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Andythomo21 on December 15, 2014, 10:50:31 PM
Wow, what a collection! A few 'bobs' worth there!!
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: spoonbed on December 15, 2014, 11:35:30 PM
All those affinity's look bloomin lovely
I'm not an aficionado like you lot, but the ayrtek version was the one that took my eye.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Nmcgee on December 16, 2014, 02:06:31 AM
I'm actually somewhat amazed you managed to maintain both a wife and that extensive collection. Not sure I could sadly!
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: toenails97 on December 16, 2014, 06:37:51 AM do you choose which bats to use?? Also Id be open for a net before Christmas if you fancy it? Finish Thursday
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: JB on December 16, 2014, 07:53:10 AM
I'm up for a net, need some time at the crease to choose!! I'm working up until Friday. Off monday/tuesday next week if thats any good? I cant make sunday as i'm at the match!
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Stuey on December 16, 2014, 08:03:49 AM
That's some collection of willow you have there and not divorced.....amazing :)
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Gurujames on December 16, 2014, 08:29:37 AM
Beautiful stuff. However, it looks like one or two could do with a sand and oil. Send them to me to do, I promise I will send them back. LOL
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: KIPPERS on December 16, 2014, 09:36:56 AM
bA hUMBUG     Firewood..........Not Jealous at all
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: rich041187 on December 16, 2014, 09:38:43 AM
JB is my absolute hero!!!
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: toenails97 on December 16, 2014, 02:29:45 PM
I'm up for a net, need some time at the crease to choose!! I'm working up until Friday. Off monday/tuesday next week if thats any good? I cant make sunday as i'm at the match!
I could do Tuesday mate, I'll text you to see what times best for you and lucky lad - I wanted away tickets but they sold out too fast  :(
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: JB on December 16, 2014, 07:10:26 PM
@toenails97 Tuesday works for me! You're better off without a ticket, there isn't a police escort for the away fans! It'll be carnage
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: toenails97 on December 17, 2014, 06:53:08 AM
@JB champion! Really want to get a hit in before Christmas! That's what my dad said but nah really wanted to go - reckon we'll give yous a good run as always *cough* 3-0  ;)
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: smilley792 on December 17, 2014, 08:20:05 PM
My 2015 match kit, plus bats bats bats.

So the theme is yellow...... Lost of, and mainly gm, with some b3 thrown in. Seems a like Nottingham based gear.

( (

Match bat. 2.14 b3 bespoke 3 stripe in my design.
Back up bat, GM octane 808 2.14
Net bat. 2.14 b3 bespoke 1 stripe(identical to 3 stripe)

Helmet, yellow masuri titanium elite. Old style(looking forward to people's attempts to sledging)

Gloves GM 808 le split fingers

Pads GM 808 le

Plus my bespoke strettons(no pics)

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And then the rest of my kit, spare back up, wasted money....... Call it whatever.

Helmet, green masuri titanium elite
Pads gray nics maverick elite
Gloves gray nics kaboom
Gloves b3 splits

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( (

And then the money shots. Bats bats bats

( (

The b3 twins, 2.14
B3 butterfly 2.13.5
B3 extreme 2.15
Gm octane 2.14
Ca 10000 2.10
Gray nics maverick colossus 2.14
Gray nics nemesis 2.12
Malik laminate 2.15
Rk joker 3.1(sticker less)
Red ink oversized 2.15
H4l tempo devil 2.15
Laver and wood mega 3.2(and growing daily)
Slazenger v600 trainer 3.8
Mongoose mmi3 2.14

( (

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Also I have a b3 finch in 2.14, a ton l.e I. 2.10 and a traditonalist showed red ink that have been borrowed by team mates.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: JB on December 17, 2014, 08:27:20 PM
You could of sold me those Maverick Pads save me giving the money to PDC!! You'll be walking out to bat like big bird with the yellow kit!! I suppose the oppo will all be laughing until you start smashing boundaries with those big bats!!  ;)
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Andythomo21 on December 17, 2014, 08:28:35 PM
Lovely gear, cracking collection.  That B3 is a strange shape.  The helmet is brave, prepare for the sledging!
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: smilley792 on December 17, 2014, 08:31:03 PM
You could of sold me those Maverick Pads save me giving the money to PDC!! You'll be walking out to bat like big bird with the yellow kit!! I suppose the oppo will all be laughing until you start smashing boundaries with those big bats!!  ;)

big birds amusing. A may pin a yellow feather somewhere!!.

I'll I've had so far is "oi yellow helmeted c unit"...... very imaginative.  Lol.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: smilley792 on December 17, 2014, 08:36:32 PM
Lovely gear, cracking collection.  That B3 is a strange shape.  The helmet is brave, prepare for the sledging!

I like to be sledged.

Strange shape b3 here if your interested in more detail. (
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on December 17, 2014, 08:38:36 PM
Lovely collection there Chris, very envious of the Masuri helmets!
The willow on display isn't bad either  :)
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: JB on December 17, 2014, 08:51:22 PM
big birds amusing. A may pin a yellow feather somewhere!!.

I'll I've had so far is "oi yellow helmeted c unit"...... very imaginative.  Lol.

That's the problem though, too much of the sledging is crap not many have any imagination or are quick witted enough! I think it should be witty and amusing. I'm not into the aggressive sledging, I'd rather take the psis out of someone playfully than just slag them off! Anyway the first thing I'd think if you walked out in yellow is ' this lads got balls'
Title: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: i12breakfree on December 17, 2014, 09:33:05 PM
Wow...Great collection there @JB for some reason it was not showing up on my cell phone tapatalk app. I guess too good for the small screen.
Where do u hide all this if wife doesn't know about it ?

@smilley792 even you have a lovely collection. Love the new GM pads and the B3 bats look nice. I guess all set for 2015 ;)
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Ams4287 on December 18, 2014, 06:59:50 PM


A modest collection compared to some - probably 3 bats to many based on my ability!
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: JB on December 18, 2014, 07:58:38 PM
Those Aldreds are lovely! All nice grains though
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: i12breakfree on December 18, 2014, 10:55:01 PM
Those are some quality bats @ams4287
Which one is your favorite ?
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Ams4287 on December 18, 2014, 11:36:46 PM
Those are some quality bats @Ams4287
Which one is your favorite ?

The Gray Nics mate, it was one of the first batch of legends when they were introduced 4 years ago and was actually a wedding present (it's really the balance that stands out). I haven't used it since The latter part of the 2012 season when I cracked the shoulder - Ryan glued it up for me and since then it's been sanded and refaced and I'm going to break it out again in 2015. Not seen any of the 2015 legends but picked up a couple in retailers over the last season or 2 and can't believe the grain structure that's trying to be passed off as the top 1% as was the original statement (mind you the price has shot through the roof also).

I've had a fair view few that have passed through my hands over the last couple of seasons, whether that's souced for mates or ones I've moved on but I generally try to limit to 3 as I only play Saturday's (but as a number of forum members we just can't help ourselves and as such the temptation is out there lol).  The BAS is the most surprising performance wise, and I really rate the pressing. The end Gold Soverign is a nice bat and picks up way lighter than 2.11, Paul's care and love of his profession really shows in his work. The other ones not made by Paul, it was sourced from elsewhere and is actually a performance lam (a little heavier at 2.12 with a very full profile) - I'm yet to finish knocking it in so can't really make any judgement at the moment.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: rich041187 on December 19, 2014, 04:37:36 PM
Did you get second thoughts on flogging the BAS @Ams4287 as saw you removed it on the Bay? Last chance saloon for her to perform for you haha?
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Ams4287 on December 19, 2014, 07:39:37 PM
Did you get second thoughts on flogging the BAS @Ams4287 as saw you removed it on the Bay? Last chance saloon for her to perform for you haha?

To be honest it was only the do I really need 4 bats guilt trip that I'd thought about moving it on @rich041187 - can't sell the GN for reasons in my post, the lam I've never used and the Aldred is just getting going so it was a process of elimination. For what I'd put it on at I just thought you know what it's a great stick, with a clean face that for the money I may as well keep it. So no last chance saloon for her to perform the only thing that lets it down is my ability  :D I'd recommend a BAS to anyone (plus the MH stickers I popped on it are the best around lol).

The pictures were from my iPhone so I'll take some more that are a little clearer at somepoint over Christmas.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: KIPPERS on December 19, 2014, 08:04:31 PM
Got a fleet of new sticks to try out (
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on December 19, 2014, 08:12:58 PM
Is the blank one the bat that had New Balance stickers?
If so can we get some post refurb pics please? (Sorry if I missed them in a separate thread)

Also love the look of that Warsop, always wanted to try one out! 
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: jwebber86 on December 20, 2014, 04:14:07 PM
my kit for next season a lot from last season.

from the right

puma evospeed 5000 new in september
hunts county triumph pads and gloves spare set that i use in the nets
ayrtek carbo with club stickers
salix pod players bought near the end of the season my favourite gloves ever
kookaburra 750 gloves cant remember the model just a spare set if i ever bat long enough
gray nics omega thigh pad set just bought from vitas yet to try them out
newberry tour and slzenger x lite fielding pads. haven't tried either out but will sell one set at some point

( (

now the bats

mongoose mmi3 used in lms games
gray nics nemesis 2.11 match bat
gray nics nemeisis 2.12 net bat
mongoose cor 3 2.11
red ink middling bat 2.12
h4l devil 3.0
the bat i shaped myself 3.0 bought from red ink as a g3 part made

( (
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on December 23, 2014, 07:14:05 PM
Word of warning on those scuff sheets: they may start coming unstuck after a couple of months, or splitting on impact with a ball if you got some out of a dodgy batch.
I experienced it first hand last season  :(

Just seen the post above mine was removed (presumably something to,do,with the stickers?)
I've not totally lost the plot, it was one of the a kangaroo brand scuff sheets, with the honeycomb pattern reinforcement on the edges.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Nmcgee on December 24, 2014, 01:44:09 AM
Got a fleet of new sticks to try out (

I like the look of the Shark and Nixon bats Kippers. Any chance of a few more pics?
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: KIPPERS on December 24, 2014, 09:14:22 AM
Yep that scuff sheet is absolute rubbish don't buy one. I'm going to take it off again when I can be bothered, It was the only one in the house.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Northern monkey on December 24, 2014, 09:41:13 AM
Just ordered a new bat from Affinity to go with my Toro and my son also wants another Affinity Carbine as a spare
Not sure on pads and gloves this year,,,really like the red ink products, and I'm a big fan of Asads, Uzi range of softs

Really need a plain White Adidas short sleeve shirt in large if anyone has one?
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Boondougal on December 24, 2014, 09:45:17 AM

And then the money shots. Bats bats bats

([url][/url]) ([url][/url])

ok, how many other people have shown this picture to their significant other and said... look i told you i didn't have that many!
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: JB on December 24, 2014, 09:54:01 AM
Just ordered a new bat from Affinity to go with my Toro and my son also wants another Affinity Carbine as a spare
Not sure on pads and gloves this year,,,really like the red ink products, and I'm a big fan of Asads, Uzi range of softs

Really need a plain White Adidas short sleeve shirt in large if anyone has one?

Did you get a Polaris?
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Northern monkey on December 24, 2014, 10:11:05 AM
No,,, it's more of a Carbine profile, but with a bit more meat lower down and a very long middle
The pick up just felt so good,  in fact you've just reminded me, I didn't tell Marcus what stickers!doh!
I'd popped in to pick up my sons carbine after a refurb,(looks as good as new,,which it certainly didn't when I dropped it off)
My son wanted the purple carbine sport stickers on,, think I prefer the originals.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: rich041187 on December 24, 2014, 10:40:36 AM
Probably not the only one to think this...Please can you adopt me??
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: JB on December 24, 2014, 11:15:01 AM
I prefer the original Carbine stickers too, the Ayrtek stickers are very nice. I got those on a custom Marcus made me
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Northern monkey on December 24, 2014, 11:55:41 AM
Yeah the Ayrtek greens very nice

Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: FvanN on December 25, 2014, 02:22:21 PM
( (
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Wjpn on December 26, 2014, 09:33:49 PM
Hi guys, merry Christmas, I'm relatively new to the forum and as its Christmas and I got some new kit I figured it was the best time to share my kit of the thread! (the kit listed that isn't in the photos is in storage due to moving recently)

[im( (][/img]
[im( (][/img]

Bag: Gray Nicolls legend (the last on, not current one)
Bats: F18 test (2"8 ), Oblivion LE (2"10), X181 750i (2"9) & oblivion LE (pro issue) (2"9)
Gloves: Legend, Oblivion E41 test, Maverick elite & Powerbow 750
Pads: Oblivion LE
Helmet: Legend (titanium grill)
Keeping gear: Powerbow players pads & Maverick gloves
Spikes: Adidas SL22, I also have a pair of blue asics gel advance 4s and a pair of green gel advance 3s, always used asics but wanted a change for this season!
Thigh guard: Aero p1

[im( (][/img]

[im( (][/img]

I'm quite confused about this F18, gott it from a local retailer (Christmas present), the edge size is 44mm... absolutely no concaving on the bat, and with the weight at 2"8 exactly, I can only imagine its a less dense cleft or there's something about it a bit different, it is simply huge. 8 dead straight grains, for test grade I would usually expect more grains... but the performance is simply incredible.
On the shoulder of the bat there is a J, im used to seeing a stamp on each shoulder, but on this bat there is only one stamp, is this normal? Any insight would be greatly appreciated!

My match kit will look like this

[im( (][/img]

F18 bat, oblivion pads, legend or oblivion gloves, adidas spikes, legend helmet

Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on December 26, 2014, 09:51:05 PM
The F18s in my local shop didn't have a lot of wood up the top or down the bottom which may explain the weight.

I'm not sure on the shape of it though, I'd like to have a hit with one before I make a decision if I like them or not, pick up on them is lovely though
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: fromthehip on December 26, 2014, 09:51:54 PM
Some serious nice gn kit you have got....
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Wjpn on December 26, 2014, 09:54:58 PM
The bat is extremely thick up top near the handle, the other f18s In the shop seemed to be more exaggerated I'm the middle, whereas mine seems to be huge all the way through the shape, it's not very bowed, I must say the toe is relatively dead, but a centimetre or so up from the toe... It just goes... Friends of mine believe it could be a pro issue bat but I'm not sure!
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on December 26, 2014, 09:58:52 PM
The bat is extremely thick up top near the handle, the other f18s In the shop seemed to be more exaggerated I'm the middle, whereas mine seems to be huge all the way through the shape, it's not very bowed, I must say the toe is relatively dead, but a centimetre or so up from the toe... It just goes... Friends of mine believe it could be a pro issue bat but I'm not sure!

Sounds as if you have got a special one bud. The ones I saw had a very exaggerated swell and not much wood elsewhere.

Can you put a picture of the profile please? And from the toe up so we can see the concaving?
I'm curious to see how yours differs from the "standard" shape
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Wjpn on December 26, 2014, 10:19:27 PM
Here are the extra photos, in all honesty, I think it probably is standard the shape, it isn't blatantly different, but I do feel there are some subtle differences, but its just the size.. for me it doesn't fit the weight, its absolutely huge, my dad has a salix wasp for example, that's 2"12 but its easily smaller than the f18. I'd say the f18 picks up around 2"7, in comparison to the others that were in store, the middle is actually slightly lower, its really sweet from about 4inches from the toe, right up to the f18 stickers, beautiful bat and cannot wait to use it.
The other thing that im unsure about is the single shoulder stamp, iv only ever seen GN bats with 2

[im( (][/img]

[im( (][/img]

[im( (][/img]

[im( (][/img]

[im( (][/img]
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: pug456654 on December 26, 2014, 10:58:00 PM
It does look special to me. 2.8, 44m edge with no concaving? But then i suppose Test Clefts should be special..... Shape looks really forgiving, hope you score heaps of runs with it  :)

Btw I love the socks in the photo, Christmas present too? ;)
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on December 26, 2014, 11:13:46 PM
Out of curiosity why doe it have a hammer edge sheet on there?
I thought GN bats came with that nice helicopter factory fitted
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Wjpn on December 26, 2014, 11:34:16 PM
Hahaa the socks were a present as well, well spotted!

The hammer edge was put on by me, this year im 90% sure all bats LE grade and test grade are left with a natural finish, so I put one on, just personal preference, I tried to get a GN one but the shop had hammer edge in, so I went with that
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on December 31, 2014, 01:15:55 PM
Just waiting for my new helmet to arrive and I'll have everything for next season.

Might do an in the bag video if theres any interest?
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: smilley792 on December 31, 2014, 01:40:34 PM
Just waiting for my new helmet to arrive and I'll have everything for next season.

Might do an in the bag video if theres any interest?

Start a new thread and ill do one too..... when I decide which new duffle to purchase.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on December 31, 2014, 01:52:43 PM
We have a deal Chris!  ;)
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Mattsky on December 31, 2014, 02:00:48 PM
Nice profile on the F18. Even more tempted now to get a lower-grade one for a net bat. Hmmmmm...
Oh - and welcome to the forum!
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: ilanz_bess on January 01, 2015, 12:41:47 AM
Happy New Year everyone! Finally have my kit sorted for 2015. Here goes...

Affinity Arytek - 2lb 10oz
Affinity Toro - 2lb 8oz
Affinity Carbine (custom) - 2lb 11oz

Salix Pod Players
Affinity Ayrtek
Chase FLC

GM Original Pads (2010 model)
SF Pads (pro issued, Lendel Simmons)

Helmet: Masuri (old model)

Shoes: Asics Gel Advance 4

Bag: Salix Pod Pro (not shown)

( (

( (
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on January 05, 2015, 05:37:18 PM
And after the wait my new helmet is miles too big, doh!  :(
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: ilanz_bess on January 05, 2015, 06:21:58 PM
Should have measured first @WalkingWicket37 :)
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on January 05, 2015, 06:49:19 PM
I stupidly bought it in the same size as an existing helmet from the same manufacturer, idiotic decision eh!  :(

On the bright side, someone on eBay will get a bargain and I can buy a green one  ;)
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: ilanz_bess on January 05, 2015, 07:22:38 PM
Hahaha, eBay the cure for most stupid decisions @WalkingWicket37
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on January 05, 2015, 07:29:10 PM
It was a good decision, just inconsistent sizing!  ;)

As for curing most stupid decisions, will eBay stop a certain 'stupid decision' calling and texting me?  :-[
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on January 05, 2015, 08:07:48 PM
Replacement helmet (in Medium this time) ordered, hopefully this one actually fits!
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: JG on January 06, 2015, 11:04:11 AM
I finally thought i would get in on the action of next seasons gear...

All can be seen on my flickr album because i have no idea how to upload the correct format on here: (

- Im guessing a SS TON orange (i've butchered the stickers and the bat)
- Dukes legend (once again some stickers have been removed)
- Hammer Beserker ST platinum (hopefully not mine for long as looking to sell)
- Puma Platinum (same again, not my favourite- net)
- Choice Willow Templar (secondary bat)
- GM Six6 Original (2015)

Missing a Puma Cobalt 6000 as its with a team mate

- GM Original LE (2014)
- Woodstock Platinum (sky blue to match gloves, but in York)
- Salix pod one keepers pads
- Woodstock Keeping pads

- 2 x GM Original LE (2015)
- Woodstock Airstream
- Woodstock Platinum

Missing Salix pod one keepers gloves, 2 x Pod players batting gloves and woodstock keepers gloves

- Nike Lunar Dominate
- Asics Gel Advance 5
- Adidas Vector (2014)

Missing Asics Gel Gully 3's

This years vision series elite and last years elite helmet, sorry for the background decor- the missus' sorts all that out ;)

CK22 Duffle and a Woodstock platinum wheeley bag, as well as some custom oakley radarlock. To complete the set with some of Stretton Fox's thigh guards

Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Andythomo21 on January 06, 2015, 11:40:30 AM
Some lovely gear there mate. Choice willow bat looks nice, never seen one before.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: ilanz_bess on January 06, 2015, 11:41:38 AM
Hey @JG your kit looks amazing. Specially interested in hearing about your views on the Woodstock pads, as I'm thinking about getting a pair myself.

With regards to the uploading of pics, this link should help (
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: rich041187 on January 06, 2015, 11:48:04 AM
Why are you getting rid of the Hammer bat....looks great??
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: JG on January 06, 2015, 12:06:19 PM
Why are you getting rid of the Hammer bat....looks great??

Just not the bat for me really! Thats all i can say, rather disappointed for the price i paid but hey ho! you live and you learn...

Hey @JG your kit looks amazing. Specially interested in hearing about your views on the Woodstock pads, as I'm thinking about getting a pair myself.

With regards to the uploading of pics, this link should help [url][/url] ([url][/url])

The woodstock pads are lovely and padded, very traditional style and comfortable- in the cases that i got struck there was nothing more than a minor vibration! certainly would recommend... rather cheap for the quality but it has held up nicely last season and the biggest bonus is that they look really classy!

Some lovely gear there mate. Choice willow bat looks nice, never seen one before.

Lovely local bat maker that does some fantastic deals for the local club players couldn't ask for much more!
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Mattsky on January 06, 2015, 01:16:23 PM
Don't forget to let us know when (and where) you're putting those two bats up for sale!   :D
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: JG on January 06, 2015, 02:02:30 PM
Whenever and wherever ;) i've just been having texts, PM's- eBay etc are all hassle to deal with so its open really.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on January 06, 2015, 02:32:49 PM
My helmet that actually fits has now arrived! (It's also the right colour)
Having sold a load of kit and getting a helmet I'm almost happy with (but that's for another thread!) I'm now done.

I can officially say I've decided on my kit - for the first net session of the year this Friday!  :D
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: ilanz_bess on January 06, 2015, 06:44:32 PM
Did you go for the medium in the end? @WalkingWicket37 just of curiosity what's the main differences between the old school masuri and the albion?
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on January 06, 2015, 07:20:16 PM
Yeah mate went for a medium.
With the thickest padding it fits just right, glad I didnt go for a small!

And the albion goes further down the back of my neck than the Masuri and has more padding on the inside.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on January 06, 2015, 07:30:34 PM
( (

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( (
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: ilanz_bess on January 06, 2015, 11:55:47 PM
Cool bro, thanks for the pics. Thinking about jumping on the sports direct sales offer....
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: KIPPERS on January 07, 2015, 09:59:45 AM
So tempted by one of those bright yellow Albion s just for a laugh what are there sizes like i'm a 61cm (
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on January 07, 2015, 10:18:04 AM
So tempted by one of those bright yellow Albion s just for a laugh what are there sizes like i'm a 61cm
[url][/url] ([url][/url])

Large is 60-63 so should fit!  ;)
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: JG on January 08, 2015, 10:31:48 AM
My hammer platinum bat is now on the eBay, for anyone interested: (
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: qasim_aziz99 on January 08, 2015, 10:57:05 AM
Looks a belter!
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: cricketbadger on January 08, 2015, 10:57:56 AM
My hammer platinum bat is now on the eBay, for anyone interested:

[url][/url] ([url][/url])

Naughty naughty
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: FattusCattus on January 08, 2015, 10:58:53 AM
Burn him! Burn him!!

All the villagers form a vigilante mob!
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: JG on January 08, 2015, 11:02:26 AM
A previous post was asking me to inform the cohort as to when and where I was getting rid of it... Sorry for following up a request  ;)
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: qasim_aziz99 on January 08, 2015, 11:10:42 AM
Pitch forks at the ready. Lol
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Montys Beard on January 08, 2015, 11:12:44 AM
*sharpens pitchfork*...

No lynching?! Bah, you've all changed...
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on January 08, 2015, 12:20:38 PM
Back onto the topic of kit, tonight I will (hopefully) upload a (rather bad) video of my bag to youtube.

It did take me 6 attempts to get one I wasn't interrupted midway thorough, and the sound came out pretty bad, but I finally got one recorded! Haha
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Boondougal on January 08, 2015, 12:51:07 PM

Burn him! Burn him!!

All the villagers form a vigilante mob!

@FattusCattus I assume this is for the use of the phrase... "Surplus to requirements" when it comes to selling a bat.

Surely this is never the case!
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: JG on January 08, 2015, 01:04:55 PM
I was trying to put it in the nicest way, for saying i'm sick and tired of seeing the stupid thing in my kit bag, without having a hope of being used ;)
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Boondougal on January 08, 2015, 01:15:33 PM

I was trying to put it in the nicest way, for saying i'm sick and tired of seeing the stupid thing in my kit bag, without having a hope of being used ;)

There is always a dark corner, spare shelves or deliberately purchased second bags to keep such items in! :-)

GLWTS.. Looks like a nice stick.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: JG on January 08, 2015, 01:22:27 PM
Not when you're a university student with not a lot of room, cannot get away from it  >:( might get put out as part of a weather vane if i can't get rid of it soon ;)
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: harry gamble on January 08, 2015, 06:06:01 PM
I finally thought i would get in on the action of next seasons gear...

All can be seen on my flickr album because i have no idea how to upload the correct format on here: (

- Im guessing a SS TON orange (i've butchered the stickers and the bat)
- Dukes legend (once again some stickers have been removed)
- Hammer Beserker ST platinum (hopefully not mine for long as looking to sell)
- Puma Platinum (same again, not my favourite- net)
- Choice Willow Templar (secondary bat)
- GM Six6 Original (2015)

Missing a Puma Cobalt 6000 as its with a team mate

- GM Original LE (2014)
- Woodstock Platinum (sky blue to match gloves, but in York)
- Salix pod one keepers pads
- Woodstock Keeping pads

- 2 x GM Original LE (2015)
- Woodstock Airstream
- Woodstock Platinum

Missing Salix pod one keepers gloves, 2 x Pod players batting gloves and woodstock keepers gloves

- Nike Lunar Dominate
- Asics Gel Advance 5
- Adidas Vector (2014)

Missing Asics Gel Gully 3's

This years vision series elite and last years elite helmet, sorry for the background decor- the missus' sorts all that out ;)

CK22 Duffle and a Woodstock platinum wheeley bag, as well as some custom oakley radarlock. To complete the set with some of Stretton Fox's thigh guards
very jealous of this kit, especially the bats and shoes. whats the puma platinum 6000 like looks like a worldie bat
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: SOULMAN1012 on January 11, 2015, 05:49:08 PM
Evening guys thought I would share a few pics of one of my sets of kit for next year. As you will see as normal for me all matching kit

Bat - Warsop platinum Pro. I started a topic about weight reduction and does it effect a bats performance. This is the bat I want weight reduced from as it's just simply a Gun of a bat, lovely when driving but I've struggled to cut and pull and little glances with it. I picked this from the small pro selection they have at a Warsop and I try not to get carried away with weight when picking bats and felt that this was fine. But since I've just really struggled and noticed how much heavier it feels when I've netted with it for anything over 20 mins. Back to the bat, I love the profile of this and is a county pro players profile so I'm told, little concaving, with a very long middle mid placed in the profile and straight even grains. Finished with purple chrome stickers and hybrid grip x2

Gloves - platinum pro mens RH pittard palms sausage style gloves super comfy and great protection

Pads - Platinum peerless small mens. Used these in the past and although not top of the Warsop range I have always found them perfect for me and like the traditional design

Keeping kit is a Platinum pads and Camo gloves

Bat is a Warsop platinum wheelie bag, just huge

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Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: SOULMAN1012 on January 11, 2015, 05:49:53 PM
I'll post some pics of more of my 2015 kit soon.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on January 11, 2015, 05:58:47 PM
Always fancied one of those Warsop bats with the snake sticker, ever since I saw King Ravi using one. Can't bring myself to spend that much on a bat though!
Yours looks a belter Chris  :)
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: ppccopener on January 11, 2015, 06:02:37 PM
Lovely bat that warsop
I've found them at least as well finished as m and h and close to Salix
225 gets a top of the range one I was down there this time last year when a team mate picked up a grade 1
You can't go far wrong
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: wayward_hayward on January 11, 2015, 06:34:28 PM
Lovely set Chris, no idea how you choose your kit for a match.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: SOULMAN1012 on January 11, 2015, 07:12:11 PM
Lovely set Chris, no idea how you choose your kit for a match.

A lot of thought throughout the week lol. I seriousness I stick with one set if kit through the year for sat league cricket and rotate others on Sunday and T20
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: jwebber86 on January 11, 2015, 07:35:12 PM
love the look of the keeping gloves. if i kept more i would be tempted for myself
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: AlanB on January 11, 2015, 08:38:22 PM

Good to see some Warsop gear featuring here.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: wayward_hayward on January 24, 2015, 03:11:01 PM
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Moongoose cor3 Premium
Puma Ballistic 6000 Carbon Handle
Norfolk Bat Jemz Butterfly
GM Epic 707
Salix Falx Grade One

Kookaburra Ricochet Pro Players
SS Super Test
SS Limited Edition
Kookaburra Ricochet 800

Kookaburra Ricochet 1000

Should be able to guess the rest.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: lexx on February 07, 2015, 12:54:11 PM
My 2015 kit is all sorted now.Here are a few pics of my kit,I've left my helmet and bag but they are a kook pro duffel(green) and masuri titanium(green)

1.B&S Impi 2'9-2'10 supplied by Jake at Vitas.This is a custom Hunts County made by Tony and is a copy of my Woodworm Wand.
2.M&H CK22 2'10
3.HAWK XB700 Pro Edition,recently refurbed by the guys at Hawk.

1.New Balance,supplied by Dave at B3 great gloves.
2.New Hawk XB700 batting gloves with my initials sewn in too both wrists on the towling.
3.New Hawk XB900 batting pads again with AJR sewn in to the bottom straps

Adidas last years Vectors

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Thanks,i will do a full review for the Custom county,many thanks to Jake for sorting that for me.

Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Ams4287 on February 07, 2015, 04:33:23 PM
My 2015 kit is all sorted now.Here are a few pics of my kit,I've left my helmet and bag but they are a kook pro duffel(green) and masuri titanium(green)

1.B&S Impi 2'9-2'10 supplied by Jake at Vitas.This is a custom Hunts County made by Tony and is a copy of my Woodworm Wand.
2.M&H CK22 2'10
3.HAWK XB700 Pro Edition,recently refurbed by the guys at Hawk.

1.New Balance,supplied by Dave at B3 great gloves.
2.New Hawk XB700 batting gloves with my initials sewn in too both wrists on the towling.
3.New Hawk XB900 batting pads again with AJR sewn in to the bottom straps

Adidas last years Vectors

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Thanks,i will do a full review for the Custom county,many thanks to Jake for sorting that for me.

Some lovely kit there mate - how does the duckbill county pickup vs the square toed M&H?
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: lexx on February 07, 2015, 04:36:48 PM
Both pick up very well. I've not used either at nets yet and over the next few weeks I will use both and see how they feel.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: lexx on February 07, 2015, 05:02:44 PM
Thanks for liking the kit, going for white and blue this year. Then I spoilt it by having those outragious pink impi stickers! !!! Love it
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Pilgrim on February 11, 2015, 07:38:41 PM
So I think I have now got all the kit I'm going to get before next season. Is has all been bought since the end of last season.
I got the Spartan MP 1000 pads and LE gloves in the prodirect sale. They will be my back-up pads and gloves (the other Spartan gloves were last year's).
The whiteout SS softs are amazing and will be my match pads and gloves for this season. I couldn't resist getting the thigh pad set too. All from DKP cricket. Great customer service
The GM original duffle was a Christmas present and is great.
The helmet is a slightly cheaper Albion from sportsdirect with a masuri titanium grill (had a maroon masuri last season but tried an Albion and preferred the helmet but not the grill. Lucky it fitted).
Shoes are last year's Puma evospeed and are so comfy, will probably stick with them.
Some of the bats have been seen before on here.
GM Mogul 606 2lb 9oz, great pick-up and balance from Vitas cricket.
GN x181 750i, 2lb 10oz, always wanted one of these so got one from eBay recently, direct from factory.
SS iBat, full profile, 2lb 11oz, just massive, from Onlinestockist.
SS LE, just under 2lb 11oz, full profile, again massive and great grains, from Onlinestockist.
SS maximus, most recent purchase, feels incredibly light, just amazing pick-up and still plenty of wood, very slight concaving. Haven't weighed yet but guess it is 2lb 8oz. From DKP cricket.

I think the maximus will be my match bat and will go so well with the whiteout softs. Got a teammate already interested in buying the iBat so may seek that on. May also shift on the GN but definitely keeping the other 3.
Enjoy the pics.

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Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on February 11, 2015, 07:51:12 PM
I thought I had first dibs on the I-Bat!  :(
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Pilgrim on February 11, 2015, 07:58:21 PM
Ha ha! I haven't sold it yet, just someone likes the look of it. Message me if you are still keen.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: No.4 on February 11, 2015, 08:17:47 PM
You've got some lovely looking kit there.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: wdeans92 on February 17, 2015, 10:18:56 AM
My 2015 kit
SS platinuim players bat - 2'9
SS Test opener Pads
SS White out gloves - Still to arrive
Remfry Inner and Outer thigh pad - Still to arrive
Masuri old style black helmet, steel grill (sports direct bargain)

Items to add -
Boots - Eyeing up a pair of blue adidas vectors just need to find the right price
Bat number 2 - Another SS from OS no doubt
Bag - Currently using a duplex stand up wheelie and its just far too big dont like the double decker idea would much prefer a large main pocket with two big side pockets for gloves/ boots
Gloves - Torn between the SS blue test gloves or the red test. Being club colours are red and black i may pick the latter ( cricket OCD)

Pictures to follow
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: No.4 on February 18, 2015, 07:39:33 PM
I have most of my 2015 kit sorted now and whilst the wife is out it is time to post it!

Weekend Match Bats
B3 Crown Bespoke 2.10 with 2 grips
County Revolution 2.11 2 grips
Mid Week T20 Bats
Ton Gladiator Players 2.9 1 grip
Ton Max Power Classic 2.9 1 grip

This could yet change as I don't think I need both Tons. I may put one on eBay soon.

County Triumph pads and gloves
Ton Gladiator Elite pads
Ton Max Power Pro gloves
Aero P2's & box
Adidas Sl22 Spikes
Nike Dominates (ordered today)
Masuri Helmet
Ton Duffle
B3 Hold-all
SS Players keeping gloves
Aero P1 inners
Ton keeping pads
Oakley Racing Jackets

Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: fromthehip on February 18, 2015, 08:07:01 PM
Finally got my stuff complete some bits won't make final cull
But very happy with my lot.........
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Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: JB on February 18, 2015, 08:15:06 PM
Those RPC softs are pure class!
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: wdeans92 on February 19, 2015, 09:43:04 AM
Finally got my stuff complete some bits won't make final cull
But very happy with my lot.........
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What holdall is it you have your stretton foxes resting on in one of the pictures? exact type im after!!  PS awesome set up!
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: tushar sehgal on February 19, 2015, 01:57:15 PM
What holdall is it you have your stretton foxes resting on in one of the pictures? exact type im after!!  PS awesome set up!

That's a Blueroom...check Robert Pack Cricket its their brand.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: fromthehip on February 19, 2015, 10:37:38 PM
Quality bag but won't be using it as it's far to big for match day for our small changing rooms
Shame really as its a great bag
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: SOULMAN1012 on February 22, 2015, 02:45:46 PM
SS/Ton kit for this year

Bats - legacy elite + max power both 2.10
Pads - test opener
Gloves - gladiator pro + max power x2 red and blue with pittard palm
Keeping kit - professional pads & gloves
TON thigh guard set
Ton duffle
Masuri test lid
Adidas Howzat full spikes

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Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on February 22, 2015, 02:53:58 PM
Still love the look of that keeping kit every time I see it!
And not that I tried them on before I posted them to you, but the gloves were a great fit!  :-[

Wish I was a keeper so I could justify buying myself some.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: SOULMAN1012 on February 22, 2015, 03:14:59 PM
Taken a few weeks of nets to break in but like the rest of the Sareen gear very good and also in terms of £££ quite cheap when ordering from abroad.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: velvetsky01 on February 23, 2015, 06:54:22 PM
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my Batting Kit for the season 2015

2 x M&H Solution Bats - (Black handle - 2.9 * Winter eBay bargin -  White Handle 2.7)
M&H S6 2.10 (might be for sale)
M&H T2 Pads
M&H T2 Gloves
P1 Strippers
M&H Arm Guard
Ayrtek  Helmet - got in a end of season sale
Adidas SL22 FS II shoes - End of season sale

I also have some Spare M&H Distinction Pads & Gloves as back up to go into my M&H Bag - I like to support my local Batmaker ;-) 
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Toby on February 24, 2015, 09:12:00 PM
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Gray Nicolls F18 500 Light 2.8 - Brand New yet to be used
Kookaburra Blade 250 2.8 - Going into it's 5th season
Puma Kinetic 5000
Gray Nicolls X181 1000LE
Gray Nicolls Oblivion 5 star
Gray Nicolls Test Opener Helmet
Asics Gel Advance 5
Kookaburra Blade Inner and Outer Thigh Pads
GN1000 Duffle Bag
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Nmcgee on February 25, 2015, 08:36:27 AM
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Sexy kit mate.

If you ever want to offload any softs, just give me a bell  :D
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: trypewriter on February 25, 2015, 04:25:16 PM
The stuff I'm going to use

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Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: FattusCattus on February 25, 2015, 05:00:48 PM
Very consistent colour choices my monochromatic friend!
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: trypewriter on February 25, 2015, 05:41:12 PM
Very consistent colour choices my monochromatic friend!

Not by design Bruce - pure accident - if I hadn't missed out on the Ayrtek gloves there would have been more colour.
Giving the youth size pads and gloves a go this season with Pod Black gloves and Ayrtek pads.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: tejasapatel on February 25, 2015, 06:25:41 PM
Everything in life is black and white. Even Pillows.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Stumper on February 26, 2015, 01:42:41 PM
Well my first post, so were better to start than with some pics of my kit.
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GN Oblivion E41 LE - Match Bat
GN Powerbow Gen X 5 star - Match Bat
GN DynoDrive - Last years bat now relegated to nets/practice bat/Under going refurbishment - annoying is the fact i had to remove the scuffsheet, and the dynadrive sticker is on the scuffsheet, removed from the SS but no longer sticky grrrrrr
GN Oblivion E41 1000 Batting Pads - Match Pads
GN Powerbow Gen X 750 Batting Pads - Nets/Practice Pads
GN Legend Wkt Keeping Pads - Match Pads
GN Maverick Wkt Keeping Pads - Practice Pads
GN Oblivion E41 1000 Batting Gloves - Match Gloves
GN Maverick 750 Batting Gloves - Match Spares
GN Powerbow Gen X 750 Batting Gloves - Nets/practice Gloves
GN Legend Wkt keeping Gloves - Match Gloves
M&H CK22 Wkt Keeping Gloves - Practice/Match Spares - Gloves not in picture, in a team mates kit bag
Aero P1 inners, other various inners
Aero P1 Strippers - Match
Aero P2 Strippers - Nets/Practice
GN Legend Arm Guard - Match
Kook Arm guard - Nets Practice
Masuri Vision Elite Helmet/Steel Grill - Match
GN crappy helmet - Nets/Practice
Adidas Twenty2YDS AR14 shoes - Indoors and carpets
Adidas Howzat FS II Shoes - Match
GM shoes - Pactice
2 Shock Doctor Abdo guards - Got 2 because they sent me 2 by mistake :-)
Slazenger V1200 bag - Match
GM 606 Bag - Nets/Practice
Oakley sunnies

Oh dear I seem to be struggling a bit here. I can not quite figure out how to insert the pictures directly into the post, tried tag IMG nothing happens, only seems I can insert a URL.

Also is it really necessary to validate every post you make with a daft Captcha and answer a general cricketing question, I can see this will really annoy the hell out of me, or does this stupid and pointless idea disappear after a certain amount of posts???

Scratch that I am already annoyed beyond belief, answered some of the daft question, which were correct but computer say NO.


Which company, founded in 1885, makes Cricket Bats in Nottingham? (Answer using full words). which if i am not mistaken is Gunn & Moore
Who is Australia's  Vice captain, I answered Brad Haddin, nope then tried Steven Smith again computer say NO
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: RF on February 26, 2015, 01:54:34 PM
@Stumper nice kit mate.

If you stay on this forum too long you'll have twice as much gear in 3 months time! :)
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: 19reading87 on February 26, 2015, 01:56:40 PM
Gray nics seems to be very popular atm!
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Stumper on February 26, 2015, 02:31:19 PM
Thanks RT, but not so sure i will be around on this forum for 3 months if i keep being asked to answer stupid questions after every post or edit. It is one thing to get these stupid questions but another when you answer a question correctly and the computer says NO
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: King pair on February 26, 2015, 02:38:24 PM
Thanks RT, but not so sure i will be around on this forum for 3 months if i keep being asked to answer stupid questions after every post or edit. It is one thing to get these stupid questions but another when you answer a question correctly and the computer says NO

what questions are you talking about?
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: fromthehip on February 26, 2015, 02:45:20 PM
Thanks RT, but not so sure i will be around on this forum for 3 months if i keep being asked to answer stupid questions after every post or edit. It is one thing to get these stupid questions but another when you answer a question correctly and the computer says NO
Only lasts a few posts if I remember correctly
I couldn't work it out either
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Stumper on February 26, 2015, 02:47:42 PM
The stupid validation questions I get and have to answer before submitting a post. Like now I have to answer these tedious questions and this is my second attempt  trying answer you. (

Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on February 26, 2015, 02:49:25 PM
The stupid validation questions I get and have to answer before submitting a post. Like now I have to answer these tedious questions and this is my second attempt  trying answer you. (

I can't even read the top bit, and it's Taylor, right? The Little Master is James Taylor...  ;)
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: RF on February 26, 2015, 02:50:09 PM
@Stumper yess the validation questions are a pain in the (No Swearing Please) but they stop when you get over 50 posts I think
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Chalkie on February 26, 2015, 02:50:45 PM
Stumper i had similar problems, but it isnt on all posts for me now - for example i didnt have to do it here.

When it says full words it means 'and' rather than '&'

Also try just the surname for the vice captain.

The one i always have problems with is the weight of the ball - never seem to get that in the right format.

Its worth persisting - this forum is great but a serious threat to the bank balance due to kit envy.

Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Stumper on February 26, 2015, 02:54:36 PM
@WalkingWicket37 nope mate, Tendulkar. Well the good news is that the annoying question and answer rubbish has gone :-), dunno if it is normal after 3 posts or something to do with the mail i sent to one of the admins?. I am pretty sure this forum must have lost a load of active members due to that totally rubbish idea.

Now I just need to figure out how to insert pictures directly into the posts, tried the IMG tag but nowt happens, unless i am somehow doing it wrong?
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: RF on February 26, 2015, 02:56:59 PM
I don't think you can insert pictures direct into posts.

I can't anyway, surely someone can make this easier?
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Stumper on February 26, 2015, 02:59:36 PM
I don't think you can insert pictures direct into posts.

I can't anyway, surely someone can make this easier?

Well I see the majority of pictures here in this thread are viewable without having to click a link, like on my post you have to click the link to see the pics???
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on February 26, 2015, 03:01:03 PM
@WalkingWicket37 nope mate, Tendulkar.

Well I can tell you're going to be fun to have around!  :D ;)
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on February 26, 2015, 03:02:45 PM
@Stumper and @RF

Here's the post explaining how to post pictures. (
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: No.4 on February 26, 2015, 03:09:04 PM
I find it easiest to upload photos using the tapatalk app on my phone or iPad. There's no need for a separate photo bucket account then.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Stumper on February 26, 2015, 03:09:11 PM
Well I can tell you're going to be fun to have around!  :D ;)

@ WalkingWicket37  :D :D :D :D and cheers for the link

@ Chalkie LOL @ Kit Envy, my problem is i am very weak willed, hopefully that's balanced out by having a overbearing tyrant of a wife :o
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: liscon12 on February 26, 2015, 03:12:43 PM
I use Photobuck its great, not seen the guide posted above but all you do is have to copy the photos url and insert it in the reply box, its as simple as that!  :)
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Chalkie on February 26, 2015, 03:14:37 PM
@Stumper - i have the same at home, with the added twist that i am mainly a bowler (who aspires to score runs as well), so wife has been saying why do you want to buy an expensive bat, its not like you need it...  :(
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: 19reading87 on February 28, 2015, 02:28:16 PM
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Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on February 28, 2015, 02:31:13 PM
Love the coffin!
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: 19reading87 on February 28, 2015, 02:36:09 PM
Looks good don't it ;)

I might have another special bit of Willow on the way to...
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: cricketbadger on February 28, 2015, 02:50:55 PM
Seeing your gear and the coffin has just made me really want one, before i start searching, anyone know where I may be able to get one from, guessing they wont be cheap though.

Did anyone notice Ashley Giles was trying to sell off loads of old kit last week or so, he had a few coffins knocking around
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: 19reading87 on February 28, 2015, 03:05:41 PM
This was from duck and run. Fairly steep in price but I was fed up of paying £80 every 2 years for a new bag because it had ripped
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: No.4 on February 28, 2015, 03:06:02 PM
I have just had a quick look. Duck and run do a similar looking one for £135. Not sure if that is a good price or not.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: 19reading87 on February 28, 2015, 03:12:48 PM
I have just had a quick look. Duck and run do a similar looking one for £135. Not sure if that is a good price or not.

Yep this is from duck and run. Excellent value personally and is actually smaller than my previous kookaburra bag
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: cricketbadger on February 28, 2015, 03:17:58 PM
Would last me for the rest of my playing career, so looking at it that way, £100+ isnt a bad price
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Stumper on February 28, 2015, 03:23:10 PM
Nice coffin, but seems from that picture a bit limited on what you can get in there, I guess it is no good for a wicket keeper!!.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on February 28, 2015, 03:29:42 PM
Would last me for the rest of my playing career, so looking at it that way, £100+ isnt a bad price

Considering my large wheelie only lasted a season and cost me £55 I'd say the coffin is very reasonably priced.

I've been toying with the idea of one but have never taken the plunge and bought one.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Ams4287 on February 28, 2015, 03:59:46 PM
Used a morrant coffin for many seasons but got cheesed off with carrying around at grounds where we had a trek to the changing rooms - if you get one go for wheels!

Vulcan kit looks great @19reading87 could you add some pics of the bats & stuff please.

Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: ca_gold on March 02, 2015, 07:27:33 AM
Long overdue post here.  @cover_drive has been insisting that I put something up,  so here goes. 

I am actually in the middle of my season,  but it's been quite the hunt to find the right match bat.  For the past two seasons I had been using an uzi pro.  It was the ultimate weapon,  but after about 2000 runs,  it finally went.  It was easily the best bat I had used and the search began for my next match bat.  I tried a few brands before finally settling on the few below:
From left to right :
1) uzi pro 2.8, 40MM (white grip) -  first bat I've ever hand picked myself from a store.  My current match bat.  Balance is superb. 
2) uzi pro 2.12,  42 Mm (yellow grip) -  ,  an absolute beast.  This was the best pinging uzi in the store but Def pick ups like a 2.12
3) gn xxx8 2.78, 40Mm edges,  to sexy to say no to.
4) ton reserve edition -  2.8, 40Mm, fuller profile. Has a semi oval handle and was apparently destined for ramdin.  Don't know If that's true,  but it's a great bat. 
For softs there are some aussie gn legend and uzi pro softs to match.

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Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Nmcgee on March 02, 2015, 07:43:58 AM
A Gray Nics Nice kit.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: ilanz_bess on March 02, 2015, 11:38:56 AM
Hi @ca_gold how do you rate the Uzi pads? Thinking about getting a pair....
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: CrickFreak on March 02, 2015, 03:55:30 PM
Long overdue post here.  @Cover_Drive has been insisting that I put something up,  so here goes. 

I am actually in the middle of my season,  but it's been quite the hunt to find the right match bat.  For the past two seasons I had been using an uzi pro.  It was the ultimate weapon,  but after about 2000 runs,  it finally went.  It was easily the best bat I had used and the search began for my next match bat.  I tried a few brands before finally settling on the few below:
From left to right :
1) uzi pro 2.8, 40MM (white grip) -  first bat I've ever hand picked myself from a store.  My current match bat.  Balance is superb. 
2) uzi pro 2.12,  42 Mm (yellow grip) -  ,  an absolute beast.  This was the best pinging uzi in the store but Def pick ups like a 2.12
3) gn xxx8 2.78, 40Mm edges,  to sexy to say no to.
4) ton reserve edition -  2.8, 40Mm, fuller profile. Has a semi oval handle and was apparently destined for ramdin.  Don't know If that's true,  but it's a great bat. 
For softs there are some aussie gn legend and uzi pro softs to match.

([url][/url]) ([url][/url])

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([url][/url]) ([url][/url])

Nice kit... if you ever decide to sell your TON then let me know :)
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: fromthehip on March 02, 2015, 07:02:51 PM
Finally got my stuff complete some bits won't make final cull
But very happy with my lot.........
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Well was done but a little treat may well be on its way
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: ca_gold on March 02, 2015, 07:36:01 PM
Hi @ca_gold how do you rate the Uzi pads? Thinking about getting a pair....
Love the pads.  Light weight and classy,  they offer all the protection  I need.  Highly recommended.  If you can try a pair on in store
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: ilanz_bess on March 02, 2015, 07:52:37 PM
Unfortunately @ca_gold I live in Trinidad, so trying them on won't be feasible.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: tushar sehgal on March 03, 2015, 01:24:04 PM
@ca_gold lovely kit mate, how come you've got one Uzi at 2'12 and rest of your bats at 2'8? if you decide to move it on let me know as 2'11-2'12 is my preferred weight.

Also where are you playing that you are half way through the season? Not in Aus I suppose?
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Chalkie on March 06, 2015, 10:33:56 AM
So having been granted permission by the ‘boss’ to play cricket again after a long break I have got myself some kit (nothing too flash as I’m more a bowler).

Firstly for the bat, the highly knowledgeable staff at Sports Direct hand picked a Slazenger V1200 Fusion for me – apparently a bargain at just £49.99 compared to RRP of £199.99   ;)   Nice grains but a couple of blemishes (the main one was hidded by a sticker so didnt spot till got home). Knocked it in (following the IJC youtube process) and at nets it seems to have a decent middle on the occasions I find it.

For softs I took the forum advice and spoke with some of the suppliers on here. Both Vinay and Arvind were really helful and had some great deals. In the end Vinay sorted me out with some nice VKS Superlight softs including his new 2015 gloves.

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Now I need to get a bag, and Richard at B&S has wheelie bags for the very reasonable price of £25 – my only concern is that unless I start buying as much kit as most of the people on here, will it be too big? It’s 100 x 40 x 35cm. (

Maybe I need a smaller bag but don’t really want to spend more than £30 – what do you think?

As an incentive I have promised myself a better bat if I can score some any runs this season - The B3 and Aldred ones look lovely.

Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Neon Cricket on March 06, 2015, 11:04:28 AM
Get yourself a duffel if size isn't of matter mate - I find them much better personally! (Haven't used a wheelie for 3 seasons now and I still carry around full kit/whites/towel etc)
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: peristocle on March 06, 2015, 02:59:05 PM

The bag looks a great deal, need a new wheelie myself. Has anyone here got one?
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: tommo256 on March 09, 2015, 09:24:44 PM
My kit for the season is sorted! Will post pics tomorrow
But it is as follows-
Bat- B&S assegai 3*, hunts county glory and potentially one to add!
Gloves and pads- B&S scorch, aero 5* vintage pads, neon gloves, SM pintu leopard prints
Bag- Adidas duffle, should change to be fair
Helmet- Shrey Armor
Spikes- Adidas SL22, another pair to be added
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Alvaro on March 11, 2015, 02:57:49 PM

Found a new club after moving to Oxford and started netting. Got the bug back a bit, so here's what I'll be using this season. The bat is lovely - I got it from Uzi Sports last year and have spent my time getting it prepared. Judging by nets, it was time well spent.


In case of breakages...
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: fromthehip on March 11, 2015, 03:16:16 PM
Finally got my stuff complete some bits won't make final cull
But very happy with my lot.........
([url][/url]) ([url][/url])
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So much for being done and happy with this lot.....which I was its now changed
With one or two nice little new additions
When I get the new bat on Friday I will update hopefully for final time.......dam this forum
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: RF on March 14, 2015, 09:50:24 PM (
My kit for this year
GM Duplex Bag
Asics Spikes
Warrior Thigh Pad
Mongoose Inner Thigh Pad
SS All white pads
SS All white gloves
Masuri Helmet
Warrior batting gloves for back up
Match Bats
B3 2lb 8oz
Orange bat 2lb 10oz
White bat 2lb 12oz
Sunday / Retro bats
GM Diamond
GN Scoop
The other 2 bats are old GM and Kookaburra for nets
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: RF on March 14, 2015, 10:02:37 PM
More bat pics (

My photography skills are about as good as my batting......sorry
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: RF on March 14, 2015, 10:04:56 PM
Another picture of bats (
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: procricket on March 14, 2015, 10:08:35 PM
Russ pictures
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Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: RF on March 14, 2015, 10:12:14 PM
 Thanks for that mate

Dave's IT skills are like his batting, ie a lot better than mine,  :)

Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Boondougal on March 14, 2015, 10:24:40 PM
@RF Haha I'm so after a scoop for my collection.
Looks like your sorted for the summer mate
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: RF on March 14, 2015, 10:53:03 PM
I'm putting the two old bats on Ebay tomorrow mate, I don't really know what to do with them when I've finished re-furbishing them.

It had a horrible old cotton / fibre face on the front but I pulled it off and oiled it.  It was painted white underneath at well, you can see some of it near the stickers that I couldn't get off, didn't want to damage the stickers as they're originals.

I think it needs a black grip but I haven't been able to find at old style diamond one
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Boondougal on March 14, 2015, 11:10:12 PM
Yep, black grip would work better. I remember a lot of them having that fibre face when we were kids. Must have been a job to get it back to wood! Good luck with the sale. I know I want one but I can't promise I'll be bidding. Looks like you have plenty of garage wall space there... Get those bats in a rack. The next refurb just goes on the rack.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: RF on March 14, 2015, 11:32:30 PM
It took ages mate, but worth it cos the covering was awful, must have been a trend / fad back then.

It doesn't respond that well or I'd use it more as it looks great.

God knows how Lara and Gower scored all those runs with one of them.

I might keep it just to look at it, not sure yet
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: 123* on March 21, 2015, 04:58:54 PM
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My new bat kindly donated by an England test players, goes very nicely!
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on March 21, 2015, 06:49:32 PM
Do they only have one test cap?
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: kavidosaja on March 22, 2015, 11:49:05 AM
Hi guys,

Kavi here from Kenya, just got my new BAS bow 2020 and some other gear so thought id post a few pics!! also for whoever is interested, my cricinfo profile:

BAS bow 2020 (Hashim Amla profile apparently)
B3 DB2 3 stripe
Ihsan which i got from a team mate in the national team who's sponsored by them
Newbery Mjolnir players

2 pairs of GM originals (match gloves)
GM d30 909

RNS Green ones which i use when playing for kenya
Gray nicolls oblivion test

BAS players
Aero p2

Shrey Armour steel grill
Albion with a masuri titanium grill

Keeping gloves:
Kookaburra (not sure what the model is)
SF platinum

Nike lunar dominate (getting washed)

Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Gurujames on March 27, 2015, 01:57:24 PM
My gear for the new season. Most of the new buys are centred around protection. I find I am becoming poorer at pulling the ball. It may be I'm getting older and fear being hit by the ball so for the first time ever I will try a thigh pad and box.
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Bats: Salix Praestantia 2.8 - Beautiful.
Salix 'The Edge' 2.6 - Used in the nets but cannot get on with it.
Fake Nike Drive 2.8 - Actually a G1 MSR. Very hard Pressed - net bat
SS Turbo Grand Prix 2.7 - Beautiful.
All with octopus grips

B&S LE 2014 - No complaints here

SS Heritage Youth size - excellent
salix Pod Arma Youth Size - Only complaint it the rubber thumb protector was small so I swapped it with the one in my old gloves.

Thigh Pad
slazenger from Sports Direct clearance sale. Not worn yet but fits well.

Slazenger Duffle - Fantastic value and will be a great practice bag
SS Gladiator Elite - Large but lacks a small pocket. the Side pockets are probably larger than necessary too. But was only 20 quid posted so good value.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on March 27, 2015, 04:57:18 PM
"For the first time ever I will try a thigh pad and box"

I'm guessing you never got one in the nadz while your weren't wearing one. You never forget to protect your thinking apparatus again wearing one!  :(
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Gurujames on March 27, 2015, 05:17:35 PM
I'm a eunuch..... Not really. I like to think its down to a solid technique and playing proper cricket shots. In reality though it's probably just been down to luck that I have never been hit. Thigh pad though I'm man enough to take a few bruises. Grrrrrr.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Buzz on March 28, 2015, 09:10:43 AM
I am not sure this is allowed on the forum, but I mitigation I only played 2 or 3 games last year...

My kit is the same as last year, with just the bag changed to something smaller :O

GM icon 606
blank bats hulk (main bat)

Gm original l.e.  pads and gloves

Nike span 7 trainers spiked.

Foxy thigh pads, shock Dr box and old masuri ti lid.

May replace the lid at some point to a compliant one...

The bag is a sports direct slaz duffle

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Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Northern monkey on March 28, 2015, 11:07:05 AM
First time with a box????
 I thought I was daft batting with no thigh pad.

Off down to the cricket equipment paradise that is Uzi sports tomorrow, so hopefully pick up some new stuff
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Ryan on March 28, 2015, 02:31:27 PM
My kit sorted for 2015. Only thing I've added is a ton duffle. Might also get some more trainer's spiked.



Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: FattusCattus on March 28, 2015, 06:23:48 PM
And finally - my kit for the season, after much chopping and changing. I seem to be a bit of a second-hand rose, and have gathered up cast-off kit from far better players than myself - however, there is method to my madness as it's usually pretty good kit.

Anyone who has seen me bat will notice that I possibly have 2 too many bats for my talent - but it would be pretty poor show on this forum to rock up with only 1 stick :)


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Left to right -

SS blank, duckbill profile - 2.8lbs
Red Ink, Big Betty - 2.85lbs
Salix, Torqueish - 2.10lbs (stunning bat from Andrew with pressing cracks)

SS and Red Ink need to be fully knocked in, but tap up really well. The Salix is an astonishing bat - unbelievable response, but sadly due to my poofy elbow is just too heavy for me at the moment.

Rest of kit:

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Gloves - HitsHard
Pads - HitsHard
Bag - ProStar stand up
Helmet - Albion plastic thingy

HitsHard softs are Marmite, but if you ignore the knuckles, they are superbly comfortable.

The Propstar bag is a pleasant surprise, roomy yet not overlarge, and with two internal bat pockets.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on March 28, 2015, 06:32:11 PM
If you'd left the stamps on the SS it would've been pure pornography Fattus!

Lovely looking kit mate.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: Straight Bat Shot on March 31, 2015, 06:44:34 PM
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My Kit for the 2015 season.


Newbery B52 Player
Newbery GT Player
Newbery Mjolnir SPS (Old shape)


Newbery SPS RH


Newbery SPS RH


Blankbat large holdall.
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: jazz15c on April 01, 2015, 11:28:27 AM
BAT - Gray Nicolls GN100 Scoop. Just started its 2nd full season and it's a monster. I'm not blessed with anything approaching natural timing but this bat more than makes up for it. I'm tempted to pick up a spare, as they are few and far between online, and I don't want to get another year down the line and find that they're all gone. At £180, it's extremely tempting...

LID - Green Masuri Vision Elite Test (colour of club, Plymouth CC) - new for this season. slightly heavier than older models, due to more steelwork in the grille, but fit/vision is superb, even if you can't adjust the grille anymore (quite rightly so).
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: trypewriter on April 02, 2015, 11:28:27 AM
And finally - my kit for the season, after much chopping and changing. I seem to be a bit of a second-hand rose, and have gathered up cast-off kit from far better players than myself - however, there is method to my madness as it's usually pretty good kit.

Anyone who has seen me bat will notice that I possibly have 2 too many bats for my talent - but it would be pretty poor show on this forum to rock up with only 1 stick :)


([url][/url]) ([url][/url])

Left to right -

SS blank, duckbill profile - 2.8lbs
Red Ink, Big Betty - 2.85lbs
Salix, Torqueish - 2.10lbs (stunning bat from Andrew with pressing cracks)

SS and Red Ink need to be fully knocked in, but tap up really well. The Salix is an astonishing bat - unbelievable response, but sadly due to my poofy elbow is just too heavy for me at the moment.

Rest of kit:

([url][/url])  ([url][/url])

Gloves - HitsHard
Pads - HitsHard
Bag - ProStar stand up
Helmet - Albion plastic thingy

HitsHard softs are Marmite, but if you ignore the knuckles, they are superbly comfortable.

The Propstar bag is a pleasant surprise, roomy yet not overlarge, and with two internal bat pockets.

Whatever happened to that lovely Hits Hard bat?
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: FattusCattus on April 02, 2015, 11:34:04 AM
It was part of a foolish, drunken swapsie deal when I thought I had retired for the 3rd time last season. I tried to get it back but it had already moved on.

However the Salix replacement from the same source more than makes up for it - it's really rather arousing when I eventually connect with one. And rocking the hand-crafted stickers too :)
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: SOULMAN1012 on April 02, 2015, 05:05:52 PM
It was part of a foolish, drunken swapsie deal when I thought I had retired for the 3rd time last season. I tried to get it back but it had already moved on.

However the Salix replacement from the same source more than makes up for it - it's really rather arousing when I eventually connect with one. And rocking the hand-crafted stickers too :)

Fattus you fool that HH was a cracker of a bat, belonged in the hands of a "proper bat" like yourself
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: trypewriter on April 02, 2015, 06:16:56 PM
Fattus you fool that HH was a cracker of a bat, belonged in the hands of a "proper bat" like yourself

What he said! :(
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: FattusCattus on April 02, 2015, 06:29:27 PM
Yeahhhhhhhhh, foolish deal really - but I thought I wasn't going to use it. I am a plum, but as I say, the new Salix more than makes up for it!
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: trypewriter on April 02, 2015, 06:57:12 PM
I was thinking PLUM but then I thought, too charitable - basically - what Affinity Marcus called himself when he got himself out...  :D
Seriously mate, you don't get to see too many bats like that in a lifetime, let alone own one.  ;)
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: FattusCattus on April 02, 2015, 07:30:10 PM
Come and have a net with the other one and unleash some of your savage cuts!
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: trypewriter on April 02, 2015, 09:48:43 PM
Come and have a net with the other one and unleash some of your savage cuts!

What, against all of those in-drifters?  ;)
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: harry gamble on April 12, 2015, 01:13:50 PM
I am not sure this is allowed on the forum, but I mitigation I only played 2 or 3 games last year...

My kit is the same as last year, with just the bag changed to something smaller :O

GM icon 606
blank bats hulk (main bat)

Gm original l.e.  pads and gloves

Nike span 7 trainers spiked.

Foxy thigh pads, shock Dr box and old masuri ti lid.

May replace the lid at some point to a compliant one...

The bag is a sports direct slaz duffle

([url][/url]) ([url][/url])

not bad kit for two or three games last year
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: harry gamble on April 12, 2015, 01:14:48 PM
My kit sorted for 2015. Only thing I've added is a ton duffle. Might also get some more trainer's spiked.




what is the picture on the thigh pads ryan. naughty  ;)
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: 19reading87 on April 15, 2015, 07:57:50 PM
This is me ready for the first game of the season on Saturday having just had my first outdoor net of the year!!! Bring it on....

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Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: Ryan on April 15, 2015, 08:28:39 PM

what is the picture on the thigh pads ryan. naughty  ;)
Some lovely ladies of course. Can't beat a 50s pin up girl. 
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: nomad71 on April 20, 2015, 02:14:57 PM
Quick pic of this years kit.. Over 40's T20
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Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: Buzz on April 20, 2015, 02:29:52 PM
good commitment to brandless stash!!
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: nomad71 on April 20, 2015, 03:14:57 PM
Hi buzz
All down to small budget
 brandless = cheap
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: RF on April 20, 2015, 03:20:28 PM
I think it looks classy
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: Jaffa on April 20, 2015, 03:22:04 PM
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Embarrassment of riches. Spoilt for choice for bats. The BB is going so well the two AOC test bats will have to wait in the wings.
Pads I picked up about 5-6 years ago. Still going strong. Have some GM OLE players pads to replace them when needed.
Ayrtek with Albion Ti grille. Have a titanium Ayrtek one buy prefer this for some reason.
P1 strippers. Bought on the assumption they would be less bulky than P2's. Silly me.
Ayrtek gloves. Fit and protect well.
Adidas SL22 mids. Heavy but give good support.
Bag is a Slaz 360 duffle.
Plus more I'm sure I've forgotten about.
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: FattusCattus on April 20, 2015, 03:53:04 PM
Quick pic of this years kit.. Over 40's T20
([url][/url]) ([url][/url])

Hi Mr nomad,

I really like the red-trimmed gloves - can you reveal where you get them from?
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: nomad71 on April 20, 2015, 04:07:57 PM
all the softs are from India. I'm I aloud to give company names out on here if there not a sponsor ?
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: Six Sixes Cricket on April 20, 2015, 09:46:24 PM
([url][/url]) ([url][/url])

Embarrassment of riches. Spoilt for choice for bats. The BB is going so well the two AOC test bats will have to wait in the wings.
Pads I picked up about 5-6 years ago. Still going strong. Have some GM OLE players pads to replace them when needed.
Ayrtek with Albion Ti grille. Have a titanium Ayrtek one buy prefer this for some reason.
P1 strippers. Bought on the assumption they would be less bulky than P2's. Silly me.
Ayrtek gloves. Fit and protect well.
Adidas SL22 mids. Heavy but give good support.
Bag is a Slaz 360 duffle.
Plus more I'm sure I've forgotten about.
Glad to hear the bb is going well for you 👍
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: jwebber86 on April 20, 2015, 10:17:45 PM
Hi Mr nomad,

I really like the red-trimmed gloves - can you reveal where you get them from?

there is a company on ebay selling some very similar ones also with green as an option
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: dougydee on April 21, 2015, 12:06:05 AM
Quick pic of this years kit.. Over 40's T20
([url][/url]) ([url][/url])

Nice simple looking kit.
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: nomad71 on April 21, 2015, 06:52:58 AM
Hi jwebber
Your correct about the company selling gear the similar stuff as I think it's the same person I get my stuff from. I know he supplies to another company as well as the one on eBay
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: shamelessshaun on April 22, 2015, 01:41:48 PM
Kit for this season as follows:

Bats - Newbery Kudos Players 2lb8.5oz - (Bought via girlfriend who is a 'sponsored' player) last years but still going like a gun. May look in to getting a copy made by a forum sponsor.
       - an original Gray Nics Powerbow 5* - used for wet weather games only.

Pads - Flix Touch - Bargain off ebay 2 seasons ago. Great protection and very comfortable.

Gloves - Neon 'Pink' - Great comfort and pittard palms - match glove
          - New balance achieve - last years used for netting and as spares(should I bat long enough).

Protection -  Adidas Pro outer thigh pad - £5 from sports direct
              - Surridge Sports inner thigh pad - £1.20 in their sale

Helmet - Slazenger ultimate (masuri copy)

Bag - 2014 Bellingham & Smith wheelie.

Boots - New Balance 4030 - orange.

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Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: Alvaro on April 22, 2015, 01:51:00 PM
^^^^^pics please^^^^^
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on April 22, 2015, 01:51:44 PM
(Bought via girlfriend who is a 'sponsored' player)

^^^^^pics please^^^^^

Is she a keeper??

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Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: shamelessshaun on April 22, 2015, 01:55:32 PM
Only got a net bag with me at the moment as i work away during the week, will get pics of what i have tonight tho.

as for pics of her I hear you can get in trouble for posting things like that on the internet...well I did last time anyways..
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: KarlPennington on April 22, 2015, 03:42:59 PM
Bat - SS Ton Ltd Edition - refurbished by Lukey. Pads SS Gladiator. Gloves SS Test. All purchased from Lukeys Sports.

Whites - Slazenger (Sports Direct)

Batting shorts - Kookaburra

Helmet - Albion (Hand me down)

Bag - Fernley (hand me down)

Spikes (Garden Shed)

Socks/underpants (Matalan)
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: Andythomo21 on April 22, 2015, 08:05:55 PM
Right, got my gear ready for the upcoming season plus a few excess bits and bobs.  This seasons kit will be :

B&S GP274 Bat, Pads & Gloves
Aldred Grade 2 Bat
Champ Pittard Palm Gloves
Custom Stretton Fox Inner & Outer Thigh Pads
B&S Wheelie Bag
Masuri Titanium Helmet (Sports Direct)
Asics Spikes (From last season)
New Balance Trainers/Batting shoes

Spare Gear :

Hunts County Bat (stickerless) Bat
Chase Volante R4 Bat
B&S Assegai 3 Star Bat
Nixon Thunder Bat
GM Original Duplex Wheelie Bag
GN Xiphos Bag

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Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on April 28, 2015, 07:40:18 PM
Since I posted in this thread the first time I've added, chopped and changed a few bits.

Bag: TON Duffle
Gloves: SS Super Test & SS Super Test Whiteout
Pads: SS Test Opener Whiteouts
Helmets: Albion Ultimate Classic (Ti22 grille) & Albion Elite Pro (Ti22 grille)
Thigh Guard: Aero P2 strippers
Arm Guard: Adidas
Chest Guard: Aero P1
Shoes: Nike Luna Dominate
Box: XXXL size
Bats: Warsop Venom no antidote (refurbished). SS Limited Edition (refurbished). SS Master 1000.

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Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: Chalkie on April 29, 2015, 07:55:17 AM
Nice kit Cam, good to see you have got the Warsop into a decent enough state to use after it arrived from ebay.

What has happened to the nicely grained Master 5000 - have you found it a new home....?

Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on April 29, 2015, 08:26:11 AM
Hi mate

The master 5000 is still in my possession and I'm really not sure what to do with it.
My head is saying find it a new home as it probably won't get used that much with my other two, while my heart says keep it to look at!

What to do with it, hmmmm....
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: tushar sehgal on May 03, 2015, 04:37:37 PM
Here is my 2015 kit, significantly cut down from what I used to have.

Bats: Blue Room Le ( blue grip blank), RPC, BB Hulk & Robinsons ( orange grip blank). SF is a spare that was purchased for team kit but I might keep it as pings phenomenally.

Gloves: 2 x Puma and willowstix

Pads: Puma 6000 or 5000 something I

Helmet: Ayrtek

Shoes: NB & Puma

Thigh: Aero p1 and GN

Bag: Puma Platinum wheely and GN duffle

Might have missed a few things, common summer


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: StandUpKeeps on May 07, 2015, 03:05:22 PM
Uni Kit
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Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on May 07, 2015, 03:08:59 PM
@StandUpKeeps did your student loan fund all that?
If so, well played  :D
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: StandUpKeeps on May 07, 2015, 03:13:28 PM
@StandUpKeeps did your student loan fund all that?
If so, well played  :D

Haha you'd be surprised how much you can save not eating ;)
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: liscon12 on May 07, 2015, 03:16:38 PM
Haha you'd be surprised how much you can save not eating ;)

Or heating your flat haha
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: liscon12 on May 13, 2015, 07:56:26 AM
Now I've bought a few new items I thought I'd finally upload a picture of all my kit, I'm looking to get another set of pads soon and relegate my trusty GM 808 ones to net and T20 use.

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Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: Kulli on May 13, 2015, 08:37:23 AM

Have meant to post in here for ages but never got round to it. So the above is my matchday kit for this season.

For those that are interested the kit above is

H4L Hellfire LB 2'9
CA 500 SH 2'9
TK cleft shaped by @SillyShilly, reshaped and lightened by Salix and finally repaired by @Ryan, SH 2'8

A big bunch of fingerless inners

Salix Pod One pads in blue

Newbery Tour Fielding pads.

A Pair of old Chase gloves I got on here for the odd occasion I bat long enough to need a second pair.

A lovely pair of Salix gloves whose model name currently escapes me.

A huge stretton fox inner and outer thing guard set, having finally found someone tall selling a pair second hand, cheers @roco

Shock doctor box and pouch

An Old school masuri lid with Slazenger Ti grille

and finally a properly sun bleached cap, not sure how that happened playing in Oslo!

EDITEd to make the photo less of a 1:1 scale.
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: Alvaro on May 13, 2015, 08:45:20 AM
Top looking kit @Kulli
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: Kulli on May 13, 2015, 08:47:37 AM
Cheers, feel half naked looking at it compared to some of the others, maybe need a full collection picture shortly, if only to stop me panic buying a ton more stuff today to avoid a ban from the forum!
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: Chad on May 29, 2015, 05:38:15 PM
Finally decided to get kit together for some pictures! Hopefully won't be many, if any, additions to this lot, as I'll be looking to trim this down too! (Getting more and more difficult to say no to an SS Master and a B&S GP274 each passing day...)

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Got a few bats on the fringe, but most likely they'll have to be sold on as well.

Bottom row, left to right:

CA stickered up as a Mongoose - Super light at 2lb 7.8oz with 2 grips and minimal concaving. (

Newer SS LE full profiled - Back up bat

Older SS LE full profiled - Current match bat

SF Triumph - Potential future match bat, massive for the weight.

BDM Twenty20 - Incredible ping, and was a factory seconds.

H4L NV G2 - Still unused, despite getting ages ago

NB TC560 - Not bad for a G4!

BAS stickered up as a B3 - Incredible bat, had a squinty handle which was replaced by B3, hence the stickers.

B3 Mullanator - Absolutely massive bat, probably the biggest in this collection

GM Purist Original - Bargain and brand new from eBay. One of my favourite GM bats of all time. :)

GM Argon Original LE - Replacement directly from GM. Along with the Purist, one of my favourite GM bats of all time.


Top row, left to right:

Bulldog Amplus (lowered) stickered as a Helios Midas - Cracking bat, but surprisingly a touch dead after an inch above the swell

Helios Atlas Reserve - Incredible bat, one of the first I bought off the forum, and hasn't seen much use as I'm scared of breaking it

Vulcan Hermes (Pro grade I think) - Feels incredible in the hands, a true reflection of the craftsmanship skills of Gary IMO. (Did not like the first one I got my hands on)

Ryan Kellsall Custom - A rival to the Mullanator in terms of spine height. Incredible bat, really is stunning. First RK bat I have seen and held - extremely impressed. It's actually a very similar shape to the Mullanator as well, with a slightly thinner toe and slightly smaller edges. (35mm as opposed to 40mm)

B&S Supreme (Tendulkar Shape) - Bought 2nd hand off eBay in good nick. Impressive response, can't wait to drive a few balls with it.

B&S LE (Impi Shape) - Similar to the Tendulkar shape, and won off a charity competition held for the Tom Maynard Trust on this forum.

Laver and Wood Signature - Bought off eBay for less than my Reserves. A brute of a bat at 3lb, was initially told it was 2.10! Picks up well for the weight, I thought it was a 2.14 Laver. (Lavers I've picked up all pick up beautifully)

Laver Reserve - Bought over a year ago, and it's still unused! A copy of the Laver on the right, except with a slightly nicer pick up and seems to respond better.

Laver Reserve - The original 'CHAD' profile, incredible bat. Was in disbelief when James went one better and made an improved copy of it!

Blank Bats LE (Apparently intended for Misbah) - Very odd handle which is extremely oval and thin at the bottom hand. Cracking bat, but I feel it's more of a Thruxton profile than a Misbah one, but maybe he had asked for one in that profile.


Protective gear wise, I decided to buy a new set of softs this year, which are the most expensive I've ever bought, but also the most beautiful. The 2012 Kook 1000 pads and gloves are still going strong, and I also have a pair of Kook Players from 2013. The Aditek is still going well, and is by far the comfiest helmet I've ever worn, so I doubt that will be changing anytime soon.
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: jamesmc on May 29, 2015, 05:45:47 PM
Anyone here know anything about JEDi cricket bats\?
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: gazr5 on May 29, 2015, 06:19:38 PM
Finally decided to get kit together for some pictures! Hopefully won't be many, if any, additions to this lot, as I'll be looking to trim this down too! (Getting more and more difficult to say no to an SS Master and a B&S GP274 each passing day...)

([url][/url]) ([url][/url])

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I think my trousers just got a tad warm and moist!

Lovely collection!
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: RF on May 29, 2015, 06:32:37 PM
@Chad I'm going to show this to my wife, she thinks I have too much kit!
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: Boondougal on May 29, 2015, 10:00:53 PM
@RF... You have a wife?
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: Ams4287 on May 29, 2015, 10:04:25 PM
@Chad absolutely stonking collection - imagine your always late for games as you can't decide what bat to take!

Not decided to let me have that Helios yet?!😉
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: mp07 on May 30, 2015, 03:19:57 AM
Great collection chad! seriously jealous..
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: wayward_hayward on May 30, 2015, 10:15:43 AM
That's an amazing collection Chad, how the hell do you decide what to use!
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: RF on May 30, 2015, 10:27:16 AM
@RF... You have a wife?
She's hot too
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: Boondougal on May 30, 2015, 10:28:02 AM

She's hot too

Haha... It's true!
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: mcgill123 on May 30, 2015, 09:20:03 PM
She's hot too
pics or it didn't happen ;)
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: Six Sixes Cricket on May 30, 2015, 10:31:05 PM
Absolutely loving The grains on that laver reserve chadders
Title: 2015 kit topic
Post by: himanshuvohra on May 31, 2015, 03:15:31 AM
I have only bought bats this year as my pads and gloves are still going great

1. custom made bdm players bat

2. Ss gladiator

3. Sg century extreme


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: Colubu on June 02, 2015, 08:13:45 AM
Anyone here know anything about JEDi cricket bats\?

Yes, they are seriously good bats. Almost every player in are team uses one and they all go well regardless of grade.
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: Danny1981 on June 02, 2015, 08:48:46 AM
Well I've never seen duck tape used as edge tape before  :o
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: FattusCattus on June 02, 2015, 09:26:49 AM
Yes, they are seriously good bats. Almost every player in are team uses one and they all go well regardless of grade.

Haha!  This is going to be brilliant!!  why am I such a cynic?
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: Jaffa on June 02, 2015, 09:33:10 AM
Well I've never seen duck tape used as edge tape before  :o

Don't knock it till you've tried it mate.  ;)
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on June 02, 2015, 10:03:43 AM
Well I've never seen duck tape used as edge tape before  :o

I don't think it's duck/duct tape pal, I believe they're Kangaroo scuff sheets which have reinforced edges. I think it was Shamrock on here sold them a while back (but that's a whole different story!)
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: langer17 on June 05, 2015, 03:39:47 AM
After doing so well and not buying anything for a while, I have now added a beautiful Affinity to my collection thanks to Mark :) (aka. Wickets-then-runs). Like my little collection and I fight the urge to make it grow larger every day.

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In the last week or so I've bought a Remfry set and an Affinity (off Mark) and bought some Kookaburra gloves off eBay. The gear bug seems to have gotten it's claws into me again  :-[
Title: 2015 kit topic
Post by: sarg on June 05, 2015, 10:28:47 AM
Ok here is my gear for the coming Aussie season That starts in October.

Bats: B3 2 stripe DB2, B3 Tonto Butterfly. Also pictured is a SS Master 2000, that im hoping will go towards my fees once knocked in, faced and edge taped.

Pads: B3 and Aero P2 Strippers
Gloves: B3 and a couple of others for training
Helmet: Ayrtek Rawtek
Bag: Slazenger and B3 Duffle on the way.
Mallet: LV , my source of income to pay for all the new kit. Knockins, refurbs, repairs and cleanups fund the upgrades.

Yes there are no immaculate  G1+++ bats, but i can only afford to upgrade one piece at a time and I have to keep it in perspective with my mediocre ability at 44. I purchased nearly 10 plus bats in the past 12 months, which i sold at cost mostly to team mates.

This Season I have heeded others advice and decided this season to refine it to 1-2 bats and channel the rest of the funds into a bit of batting coaching.

I'm so happy with my full profile B3 bats and kit. These bats have reignited my hunger for runs and I'm hoping i can prove my worth as i move to my local club after 25 years at the former local club. That Ayrtek is so comfortable.

Yep even after 270+ two day games i still enjoy that walk to the middle with only my wits and ability to decide how the day will go. That one great day with the bat keeps me coming back for more and ill play until the body says no more.

Cricket is a great game. Love the respect most teams give a good performance, love the history and the culture. Its a hard game for most that takes practice. Love the celebration of victory and the achievement of a team playing well with success. But most of all i love kit.


Old grips on the B3s pictured here. Switched to Gm Ripples above now.
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: Buzz on June 05, 2015, 11:25:42 AM
Do you take the pink walker/car to all your games as well - I can see it coming in useful in between overs to get from one fielding position to another!!

Lovely looking kit too.
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: sarg on June 05, 2015, 01:19:45 PM

Do you take the pink walker/car to all your games as well - I can see it coming in useful in between overs to get from one fielding position to another!!

Lovely looking kit too.

Lol, with arrival of the daughter came the loss of the study and the reality that anywhere is a good spot to leave her toys. She's got a mini shopping trolley I've had my eye on too.
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: calcurtis98 on June 05, 2015, 03:50:11 PM
I have nothing special in my bag and try and keep the kit prices to the minimum as I have to buy all my kit myself and being in school that's a tricky task. Anyway, here's my kit;

Bat: GM F7 808 Icon - 2.12 - tad to heavy for me but am to scared to try and take weight off it. I would sell it but feel I'd make a loss on it and not find a replacement for the price in a similar standard.
Helmet: Kokaburra helmet, no idea the model as it was given to me 6 years ago when I first started out. Will probably buy a Masuri Vision Series next season or in the sales.
Pads: Ayrtek Premium Small mens - top quality pads.
Gloves: Ayrtek Premium SM gloves.
Spikes: Some random GN ones my mate has lent me, because I can afford new ones atm.
Thigh pad: Aero P2's bought off The Palmist (cheers mate)
Bag: GN1000 Duffle.

Will upload some pictures when I have a chance.
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: harry gamble on June 14, 2015, 08:53:50 PM
I think my trousers just got a tad warm and moist!

Lovely collection!

Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: harry gamble on June 14, 2015, 08:54:39 PM
Finally decided to get kit together for some pictures! Hopefully won't be many, if any, additions to this lot, as I'll be looking to trim this down too! (Getting more and more difficult to say no to an SS Master and a B&S GP274 each passing day...)

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Got a few bats on the fringe, but most likely they'll have to be sold on as well.

Bottom row, left to right:

CA stickered up as a Mongoose - Super light at 2lb 7.8oz with 2 grips and minimal concaving. [url][/url] ([url][/url])

Newer SS LE full profiled - Back up bat

Older SS LE full profiled - Current match bat

SF Triumph - Potential future match bat, massive for the weight.

BDM Twenty20 - Incredible ping, and was a factory seconds.

H4L NV G2 - Still unused, despite getting ages ago

NB TC560 - Not bad for a G4!

BAS stickered up as a B3 - Incredible bat, had a squinty handle which was replaced by B3, hence the stickers.

B3 Mullanator - Absolutely massive bat, probably the biggest in this collection

GM Purist Original - Bargain and brand new from eBay. One of my favourite GM bats of all time. :)

GM Argon Original LE - Replacement directly from GM. Along with the Purist, one of my favourite GM bats of all time.


Top row, left to right:

Bulldog Amplus (lowered) stickered as a Helios Midas - Cracking bat, but surprisingly a touch dead after an inch above the swell

Helios Atlas Reserve - Incredible bat, one of the first I bought off the forum, and hasn't seen much use as I'm scared of breaking it

Vulcan Hermes (Pro grade I think) - Feels incredible in the hands, a true reflection of the craftsmanship skills of Gary IMO. (Did not like the first one I got my hands on)

Ryan Kellsall Custom - A rival to the Mullanator in terms of spine height. Incredible bat, really is stunning. First RK bat I have seen and held - extremely impressed. It's actually a very similar shape to the Mullanator as well, with a slightly thinner toe and slightly smaller edges. (35mm as opposed to 40mm)

B&S Supreme (Tendulkar Shape) - Bought 2nd hand off eBay in good nick. Impressive response, can't wait to drive a few balls with it.

B&S LE (Impi Shape) - Similar to the Tendulkar shape, and won off a charity competition held for the Tom Maynard Trust on this forum.

Laver and Wood Signature - Bought off eBay for less than my Reserves. A brute of a bat at 3lb, was initially told it was 2.10! Picks up well for the weight, I thought it was a 2.14 Laver. (Lavers I've picked up all pick up beautifully)

Laver Reserve - Bought over a year ago, and it's still unused! A copy of the Laver on the right, except with a slightly nicer pick up and seems to respond better.

Laver Reserve - The original 'CHAD' profile, incredible bat. Was in disbelief when James went one better and made an improved copy of it!

Blank Bats LE (Apparently intended for Misbah) - Very odd handle which is extremely oval and thin at the bottom hand. Cracking bat, but I feel it's more of a Thruxton profile than a Misbah one, but maybe he had asked for one in that profile.


Protective gear wise, I decided to buy a new set of softs this year, which are the most expensive I've ever bought, but also the most beautiful. The 2012 Kook 1000 pads and gloves are still going strong, and I also have a pair of Kook Players from 2013. The Aditek is still going well, and is by far the comfiest helmet I've ever worn, so I doubt that will be changing anytime soon.

this is just pure horn for cricket kit lovers
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: harry gamble on June 14, 2015, 09:14:37 PM
Its gunna be a tough one following up chads kit (and a tough one looking at it  ;)) but here is my kit now for the season, a bit late i know but i now have just purchased my new bat which a review of can be seen here (


newbery kudos


GM Mogul Original LE
Gray Nicolls Oblivion e41 LE


M&H t2

Other Protection

aero box (large for a large package)
trusty aero p2 thigh pads
Masuri elite steel grille helmet

Massive woodworm duffle bag
asics 200 not out from 2013  (grey and red, very comfy)

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Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: mohawks94 on June 24, 2015, 06:55:02 PM
My collection of kit for this season is quite long. But not as long as Chad's list of bats (jealous of that!)
Pictures will follow, but here goes:
Helmet: old style Masuri with steel grill
Thigh pads: Kookaburra players combo
Pads: Kookaburra Impulse 950
Gloves: Kookaburra Impulse 950 primarily. Spares are Kookaburra Rogue 850 and Kahuna 1000.
Spikes: Adidas 22sl for fielding, and got some Puma Evospeeds from eBay that I'm trying out for batting atm.
Keeping: Neon pads and gloves, mostly used for coaching but will probably sell on before long.
Bag: Kookaburra Pro Players Duffle
Other bits: sidearm and fielding bat for coaching. Plenty of tubi-grip for an elbow problem.
Bats: Impulse 950, approx 2.8 bought online at the end of last season whilst ill (mentioned in my previous topic asking about the impulse kit)
Impulse 950, approx 2.10, bought from Romida on a whim whilst having a tough time at uni and wanted something to motivate me to work hard
Recoil players, 2.8, absolute gun, ebay purchase last season
Blade 950, 2.7, refurbished as a Ricochet by kookaburra, but I've put some muscle on so it's a bit light for me now.
Rogue 850, 2.9, just refurbished it, glued and taped the toe but it still smells of brasso!

Will include pictures of all my kit, but this stuff is what will be used primarily.
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: mohawks94 on June 24, 2015, 10:09:30 PM
A few pictures. Will get the rest of my kit photographed when the parents are out or when I have it all accessible as mum was using my car which has some bits in it.

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Basic kit, normally the more used Impulse and the Recoil in the bag, now the two Impulses

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Recoil face, 8 grains all nice and straight and well spaced

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Older and lighter Impulse, used most of the time since I started netting again in January. 8 grains, not an amazing looker but a gun middle

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Blade, as mentioned refurbed as a Ricochet. For a 2.7 this flies, scored my first ton with it so have a soft spot despite now being a bit light for me

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Newer Impulse, 14 grains, only used it once in a net but it flies amazingly.

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Puma EvoSpeeds, last years model. Have them as half spikes at the moment for batting, absolute steal for about £20 on ebay during the winter.

Photos aren't spectacular quality, will try to get some on a camera rather than my phone when I do the rest of my kit.
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: Alvaro on June 24, 2015, 10:42:37 PM
Gray Nics man, then?

Ps lovely kit
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: mohawks94 on June 25, 2015, 04:37:16 PM
Cheers :) I seem to have a knack for finding bargains on ebay at the moment, something that student finance seems to fund quite nicely...

Got a few more pictures on a decent camera, so here goes (a few comparing the Impulses just to see how the same range can vary)

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Better grain shot of newer one

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A few other bits/spares

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Rogue previously mentioned

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Spare blank pads

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Neon keeping kit (even though I'm not a keeper. Uni keeper tried the gloves and was seriously tempted to order some)

Other spares I have are my old Ice Sub Zero bat (retired but still usable in emergencies), pads and two pairs of gloves, Kahuna Players pads, plain Onlinestockist gloves, plain thigh pads, GM Original LE gloves and Flare Original bat and an Albion Club Mk2 helmet with steel grill. I'm thinking about selling the GM stuff, or taking the stickers off the bat as it is a serious piece of wood that is too good to not be doing anything and I prefer to have all matching kit, just one of my little foibles that I have
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on June 26, 2015, 07:13:09 AM
I've gone a bit old school mid season!

Bat - Woodworm Torch (premier)
Pads - woodworm Performance
Gloves - woodworm Pioneer (nets) and Woodworm premier (matches)

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Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: Alvaro on June 26, 2015, 07:23:48 AM
Master not up to much?
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on June 26, 2015, 07:48:39 AM
Master not up to much?

Not hit a ball with it yet!
There's another post on here about a memorial game I was playing in which I sourced the Woodworm kit for. (
I loved it so much I've been using it since and treated myself to some higher quality softs. It's my dream kit from about 7 years ago too, so my inner 14 year old couldn't resist the kit for the price paid  :-[
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: jwebber86 on June 26, 2015, 09:25:57 PM
I've gone a bit old school mid season!

Bat - Woodworm Torch (premier)
Pads - woodworm Performance
Gloves - woodworm Pioneer (nets) and Woodworm premier (matches)

([url][/url]) ([url][/url])

You were bidding against me on those gloves the other week I think cam. I didn't have Internet and forgot all about
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on June 26, 2015, 09:36:19 PM
@jwebber86 I don't think they were an auction mate. I missed out on a pair just before they were listed because I was still playing when they sold.
Damn cricket matches getting in the way of bidding on cricket kit  ;)
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: jwebber86 on June 26, 2015, 09:37:58 PM
That's good I don't feel so bad now. I do like the colour scheme of them
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: petehosk on June 26, 2015, 11:18:43 PM
Finally decided to get kit together for some pictures! Hopefully won't be many, if any, additions to this lot, as I'll be looking to trim this down too! (Getting more and more difficult to say no to an SS Master and a B&S GP274 each passing day...)

([url][/url]) ([url][/url])

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Got a few bats on the fringe, but most likely they'll have to be sold on as well.

Bottom row, left to right:

CA stickered up as a Mongoose - Super light at 2lb 7.8oz with 2 grips and minimal concaving. [url][/url] ([url][/url])

Newer SS LE full profiled - Back up bat

Older SS LE full profiled - Current match bat

SF Triumph - Potential future match bat, massive for the weight.

BDM Twenty20 - Incredible ping, and was a factory seconds.

H4L NV G2 - Still unused, despite getting ages ago

NB TC560 - Not bad for a G4!

BAS stickered up as a B3 - Incredible bat, had a squinty handle which was replaced by B3, hence the stickers.

B3 Mullanator - Absolutely massive bat, probably the biggest in this collection

GM Purist Original - Bargain and brand new from eBay. One of my favourite GM bats of all time. :)

GM Argon Original LE - Replacement directly from GM. Along with the Purist, one of my favourite GM bats of all time.


Top row, left to right:

Bulldog Amplus (lowered) stickered as a Helios Midas - Cracking bat, but surprisingly a touch dead after an inch above the swell

Helios Atlas Reserve - Incredible bat, one of the first I bought off the forum, and hasn't seen much use as I'm scared of breaking it

Vulcan Hermes (Pro grade I think) - Feels incredible in the hands, a true reflection of the craftsmanship skills of Gary IMO. (Did not like the first one I got my hands on)

Ryan Kellsall Custom - A rival to the Mullanator in terms of spine height. Incredible bat, really is stunning. First RK bat I have seen and held - extremely impressed. It's actually a very similar shape to the Mullanator as well, with a slightly thinner toe and slightly smaller edges. (35mm as opposed to 40mm)

B&S Supreme (Tendulkar Shape) - Bought 2nd hand off eBay in good nick. Impressive response, can't wait to drive a few balls with it.

B&S LE (Impi Shape) - Similar to the Tendulkar shape, and won off a charity competition held for the Tom Maynard Trust on this forum.

Laver and Wood Signature - Bought off eBay for less than my Reserves. A brute of a bat at 3lb, was initially told it was 2.10! Picks up well for the weight, I thought it was a 2.14 Laver. (Lavers I've picked up all pick up beautifully)

Laver Reserve - Bought over a year ago, and it's still unused! A copy of the Laver on the right, except with a slightly nicer pick up and seems to respond better.

Laver Reserve - The original 'CHAD' profile, incredible bat. Was in disbelief when James went one better and made an improved copy of it!

Blank Bats LE (Apparently intended for Misbah) - Very odd handle which is extremely oval and thin at the bottom hand. Cracking bat, but I feel it's more of a Thruxton profile than a Misbah one, but maybe he had asked for one in that profile.


Protective gear wise, I decided to buy a new set of softs this year, which are the most expensive I've ever bought, but also the most beautiful. The 2012 Kook 1000 pads and gloves are still going strong, and I also have a pair of Kook Players from 2013. The Aditek is still going well, and is by far the comfiest helmet I've ever worn, so I doubt that will be changing anytime soon.

Nice collection Chad - good to see a decent sized quality colony of bats!!  :D
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: sanredrose on June 27, 2015, 12:08:13 AM
A few pictures. Will get the rest of my kit photographed when the parents are out or when I have it all accessible as mum was using my car which has some bits in it.

([url][/url]) ([url][/url])
Basic kit, normally the more used Impulse and the Recoil in the bag, now the two Impulses

([url][/url]) ([url][/url])
Recoil face, 8 grains all nice and straight and well spaced

([url][/url]) ([url][/url])
Older and lighter Impulse, used most of the time since I started netting again in January. 8 grains, not an amazing looker but a gun middle

([url][/url]) ([url][/url])
Blade, as mentioned refurbed as a Ricochet. For a 2.7 this flies, scored my first ton with it so have a soft spot despite now being a bit light for me

([url][/url]) ([url][/url])
Newer Impulse, 14 grains, only used it once in a net but it flies amazingly.

([url][/url]) ([url][/url])
Puma EvoSpeeds, last years model. Have them as half spikes at the moment for batting, absolute steal for about £20 on ebay during the winter.

Photos aren't spectacular quality, will try to get some on a camera rather than my phone when I do the rest of my kit.

Fantastic collection of Kook bats.
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: Alvaro on June 27, 2015, 09:18:52 AM
Do people really need to keep copying the photos for a one line comment?
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on June 27, 2015, 09:22:33 AM
@Alvaro yeah, of course! That way looking at the forum eats my mobile data allowance (and anyone else who browses using a phone) twice as quickly.
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: richard.underhill on July 14, 2015, 05:19:18 PM
my kit contribution!...  the blank bats a Salix AJK.

shame i cant use it any more this season due to a bad injury....

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Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: 19reading87 on July 15, 2015, 09:29:41 AM
Wow!! That's nice
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: crobbo on August 01, 2015, 07:00:04 PM
No point me posting by batting gear as I'm an absolutely mutton batsman, but here is my keeping gear for this season:
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Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: harryatkinson1000 on August 01, 2015, 08:32:00 PM

Since I posted in this thread the first time I've added, chopped and changed a few bits.

Bag: TON Duffle
Gloves: SS Super Test & SS Super Test Whiteout
Pads: SS Test Opener Whiteouts
Helmets: Albion Ultimate Classic (Ti22 grille) & Albion Elite Pro (Ti22 grille)
Thigh Guard: Aero P2 strippers
Arm Guard: Adidas
Chest Guard: Aero P1
Shoes: Nike Luna Dominate
Box: XXXL size
Bats: Warsop Venom no antidote (refurbished). SS Limited Edition (refurbished). SS Master 1000.

([url][/url]) ([url][/url])

([url][/url]) ([url][/url])

([url][/url]) ([url][/url])

Do you mind telling me where you got the SS Whiteout gloves? Looked everywhere...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on August 01, 2015, 08:42:00 PM
Do you mind telling me where you got the SS Whiteout gloves? Looked everywhere...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

They were on eBay months ago.
These have since been sold on though  :-[
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: harryatkinson1000 on August 01, 2015, 08:47:09 PM

They were on eBay months ago.
These have since been sold on though  :-[

Ah ok mate , why u sell them on?

I may have to just settle for these - (

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on August 01, 2015, 09:02:59 PM
@harryatkinson1000 I'm not using SS kit anymore (gone to vintage woodworm like I wanted when I was 14!) so couldn't justify keeping them.
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: skip1973 on August 02, 2015, 10:17:40 AM
I managed to snaffle a Watson players bat that came in our GM delivery through last week, 2.7, big, full. Very rare to get these under 2.9.
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: Buzz on August 02, 2015, 10:25:31 AM
I managed to snaffle a Watson players bat that came in our GM delivery through last week, 2.7, big, full. Very rare to get these under 2.9.
pics please or it doesn't exist!! What model is he endorsing?
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: skip1973 on August 02, 2015, 10:28:42 AM
pics please or it doesn't exist!! What model is he endorsing?
Icon again as his test bat.
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on August 02, 2015, 10:35:50 AM
Was it one of this years Watson players range?

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Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: skip1973 on August 02, 2015, 10:37:52 AM
Ha Ha, that's the only drawback of the bat, his signature on the back.
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: skip1973 on August 02, 2015, 12:56:45 PM
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Not great pics, might take some more tomorrow, grains are a bit tough to see but there are about 14. High middle makes it pick up like a feather.
Title: Re: Your kit for the 2015 season
Post by: Buzz on August 03, 2015, 08:05:20 AM
maestro batting pads and gloves? Are they from sports direct?!
Decent looking bat though, thanks for putting the pictures up. Shame about having Shane Watson's signature on the bat to devalue it!!  :D
Title: Re: Your kit for the 2015 season
Post by: skip1973 on August 03, 2015, 08:30:59 AM
No we had the Maestro out here last few seasons, organised them through GM. I like a traditional pad in small mens and they fitted the bill. He gets a hard time Watson and most of it deserved but in all my dealings with him he has been great, a really nice guy.
Title: Crciket gear
Post by: nickpain77 on August 10, 2015, 04:02:21 PM
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Title: Re: Your kit for the 2015 season
Post by: Buzz on August 18, 2015, 06:07:17 PM
Just doing some kit tidying so thought I would update my pictures here...

Is it game day yet?
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Reasonable to say my kit needs to be used more than it is currently!! Still I have a game on Sunday which is good news.
Title: Re: Your kit for the 2015 season
Post by: Northern monkey on August 18, 2015, 09:11:53 PM
Like the saf profile a lot
Title: Re: Your kit for the 2015 season
Post by: Buzz on August 18, 2015, 09:54:13 PM
Like the saf profile a lot
It is a serious bat, the forerunner to the Hades (which has sparked a few copies) but basically an icon with an off-set edge.
All 3 of the bats are 2-11
Title: Re: Your kit for the 2015 season
Post by: mohawks94 on August 23, 2015, 05:26:51 PM
Used my old Ice kit in the nets Friday so my good stuff wouldn't be sweaty for the match Saturday... felt so good that I used it in the match, with my 17 including a genuine accidental six down the ground 5th ball. Meant to hit it on the floor but got under it and it just sailed away, so must be life in the old bat yet! I've also taken the stickers off my GM and had that as my spare bat.
Title: Re: Your kit for the 2015 season
Post by: edge on August 26, 2015, 08:45:54 PM
Can't be bothered to explain why I got them all out on the balcony, but actually took a picture of my current bat collection today:
Title: Re: Your kit for the 2015 season
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on August 26, 2015, 08:51:41 PM
Fake NB?? And what's the blank?

P.S why are they all lined up on the balcony??  :D
Title: Re: Your kit for the 2015 season
Post by: smilley792 on August 26, 2015, 08:54:32 PM
I want to play at a club with a big glass. Balcony!!

We don't even have a friggin window.
Title: Re: Your kit for the 2015 season
Post by: edge on August 26, 2015, 08:58:24 PM
Fake NB?? And what's the blank?

P.S why are they all lined up on the balcony??  :D
Yeah local shop brand (made by Hunts I'm pretty sure) that lost its' stickers during refurb. Blank is an old and monstrous Kookaburra Kahuna that the Red Ink is based on.

Ha @smilley792 I wish that was my club!
Title: Re: Your kit for the 2015 season
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on August 26, 2015, 09:01:34 PM
I want to play at a club with a big glass. Balcony!!

We don't even have a friggin window.

We have frosted widows that don't open! Makes the changing rooms more like a sauna (and that gets worse once the showers are turned on!)

Played at Steep Hill in Ventnor on the Isle of Wight last year, they had a 2 storey clubhouse with the changing rooms upstairs. This was the view from the balcony.
I'm gutted I wasn't required to bat, I would've loved to have walked along the balcony and down the steps to start my innings  :-[

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Title: Re: Your kit for the 2015 season
Post by: smilley792 on August 26, 2015, 09:08:38 PM
They replaced our changing room window with a scoreboard!!

That view does look spectacular.
Title: Re: Your kit for the 2015 season
Post by: spoonbed on August 26, 2015, 10:01:00 PM
Can't be bothered to explain why I got them all out on the balcony, but actually took a picture of my current bat collection today:

Is that your gaff?
Our Saturday skipper lives a few doors along from you- nothing better than club nights there squeezed onto the balcony, drinking and watching the mighty Glos!
Title: Re: Your kit for the 2015 season
Post by: edge on August 26, 2015, 10:07:31 PM
Is that your gaff?
Our Saturday skipper lives a few doors along from you- nothing better than club nights there squeezed onto the balcony, drinking and watching the mighty Glos!
Yep! Cracking place to live for a cricket tragic, still can't believe I persuaded the missus it was a good idea... What's your club?
Title: Re: Your kit for the 2015 season
Post by: Sampath on August 26, 2015, 10:29:23 PM
We have frosted widows that don't open! Makes the changing rooms more like a sauna (and that gets worse once the showers are turned on!)

Played at Steep Hill in Ventnor on the Isle of Wight last year, they had a 2 storey clubhouse with the changing rooms upstairs. This was the view from the balcony.
I'm gutted I wasn't required to bat, I would've loved to have walked along the balcony and down the steps to start my innings  :-[

([url][/url]) ([url][/url])

Why is Off side Boundary so small ?
Title: Re: Your kit for the 2015 season
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on August 26, 2015, 10:35:29 PM
Why is Off side Boundary so small ?

It was shorter on one side but wasn't tiny. It's more the camera angle looking down and the pitch is literally in a bowl.
You run down a hill from both ends (hence why it's called Steep Hill...)
Title: Re: 2015 kit topic
Post by: potzy248 on August 27, 2015, 06:46:19 AM
my kit contribution!...  the blank bats a Salix AJK.

shame i cant use it any more this season due to a bad injury....

([url][/url]) ([url][/url])

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Please sell me one of those bats @richard.underhill  ;)

Absolutely beautiful.
Title: Re: Your kit for the 2015 season
Post by: spoonbed on August 27, 2015, 03:04:41 PM
Yep! Cracking place to live for a cricket tragic, still can't believe I persuaded the missus it was a good idea... What's your club?

Currently( but not for much longer) Gordano Valley CC. Fancy a change for next season.

Good work on the flat fella!

Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: jwebber86 on August 28, 2015, 04:59:54 PM

([url][/url]) ([url][/url])

looking back at this is quite interesting.

my main match bat is now the h4l its bar far the best bat i have ever used pings like crazy and helped restore my confidence and a dismal run of form.

ive sold a couple of the bats and replaced them with others.

i have also sold most of the softs and replaced them during the season.

overall though i am now much happy with the kit i have
Title: Re: Your kit for the 2015 season
Post by: AlanB on September 14, 2015, 08:24:31 PM

This was the kit I used most this season, pictured when new.

Purchased direct from M&H in autumn 2014 whilst visiting the area.

The bat is a Clearance item, sold as storm damaged, without warranty.
2lb 13oz high middle with Distinction labels.
The good news is it hasn't broken and am absolutely delighted with the performance.

Together with Alpha pads and gloves.

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Title: Re: Your kit for the 2015 season
Post by: AlanB on September 14, 2015, 08:28:45 PM

the storm damage is noticeable, several horizontal marks across the face, the bat has been freshly oiled here

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Title: Re: Your kit for the 2015 season
Post by: SOULMAN1012 on September 14, 2015, 08:38:23 PM
Lucky that's lasted mate, I tried that bargain bin once from M&H lasted 4 overs before became saw dust and they didn't give a hoot mate took ages before I finally got what I paid £150 off another bat but only if I bought a CK22 or Master at £400 plus pissed me off tbh. I do love that profile though.
Title: Re: Your kit for the 2015 season
Post by: AlanB on September 14, 2015, 08:46:00 PM
thank you, yes I did consider your experience before taking the plunge.
I face fairly steady club cricket bowling, plus its a big bat.
tapped it up in the shop and it sounded perfect (if that is any guide to durability)
the profile certainly suits me
Title: Re: Next seasons kit, 2015 kit topic
Post by: gerhard303 on September 15, 2015, 12:45:54 AM

SG test pads
Blank online stockist gloves, I have a couple of pairs.
Stretton thigh pad set
SS platinum
B3 bespoke 3 stripe, Bragg used stick

How did you get on with those SG Test pads? I've had a pair of those in the past, but found them to be too thin and don't take impact too well. Then again, I suppose I should use my bat a bit more  ;)
Title: Re: Your kit for the 2015 season
Post by: skip1973 on September 15, 2015, 02:55:19 PM
Couple before and after pics of my new GN kindly made for me by Stuart.
2lb 6oz, mid middle, thin semi oval handle, it's a ripper as usual.
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Title: Re: Your kit for the 2015 season
Post by: Batbuddy99 on October 04, 2015, 09:58:53 AM
@jwebber86 have you still got that mmi3?
Title: Re: Your kit for the 2015 season
Post by: petehosk on October 04, 2015, 10:07:38 AM
This was the kit I used most this season, pictured when new.

Purchased direct from M&H in autumn 2014 whilst visiting the area.

The bat is a Clearance item, sold as storm damaged, without warranty.
2lb 13oz high middle with Distinction labels.
The good news is it hasn't broken and am absolutely delighted with the performance.

Together with Alpha pads and gloves.

([url][/url]) ([url][/url])

Loved these pads and gloves - some of the classiest I have ever seen.
Title: Re: Your kit for the 2015 season
Post by: thegowerwaft on October 04, 2015, 11:54:14 AM
These and the M&H original pads were pure class.
Title: Re: Your kit for the 2015 season
Post by: jwebber86 on October 04, 2015, 02:06:25 PM
@jwebber86 have you still got that mmi3?
I do indeed. I use it on lms games and some t20 games. I love the bat.
Title: Re: Your kit for the 2015 season
Post by: petehosk on October 04, 2015, 02:20:40 PM
The mmi3 bats are great fun, aren't they! All middle and power. Wouldn't want too many short and quick balls  :(
I still prefer a 'normal' bat when batting though.
Title: Re: Your kit for the 2015 season
Post by: WalkingWicket37 on October 04, 2015, 09:47:52 PM
The mmi3 bats are great fun, aren't they! All middle and power. Wouldn't want too many short and quick balls  :(
I still prefer a 'normal' bat when batting though.

I've only used mine in the nets. Anything "in the arch" was fine as you can just swing from the hip.

Anything short or back of a length made me very concious of the missing blade. Once my teammates worked this out, I found myself backing away to square leg when using it, as I didn't want to be in line with a short one.  :-[
Title: Re: Your kit for the 2015 season
Post by: himanshuvohra on October 15, 2015, 04:15:19 PM


Sent from my SM-G925I using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Your kit for the 2015 season
Post by: JTY on April 04, 2017, 02:51:50 PM
We have frosted widows that don't open! Makes the changing rooms more like a sauna (and that gets worse once the showers are turned on!)

Played at Steep Hill in Ventnor on the Isle of Wight last year, they had a 2 storey clubhouse with the changing rooms upstairs. This was the view from the balcony.
I'm gutted I wasn't required to bat, I would've loved to have walked along the balcony and down the steps to start my innings  :-[

([url][/url]) ([url][/url])

Mate, you're lucky you have a clubhouse, my clubs in rural Victoria in Australia, we have a shipping container and a bus shelter ahaha! on the plus side we have a really nice ground, great wicket!