Custom Bats Cricket Forum
Specialist Cricket Retailers => Uzi Sports UK => Topic started by: Uzi Sports on October 05, 2015, 11:48:32 AM
Open invitation to all the forum members to join Pete Hosk, Simon, Brucie and few others who are coming to use the net facilities and look at the equipment. We will open the place from 10am onwards. It will be nice to have as many people from the forum , will serve tea ,soft drinks and snacks. we will also do a small sale section as well
Could you plz let me know who is planning to attend
Sounds interesting as I love to watch Bruce in full flight as its poetry in motion
Ah man! I leave for Edinburgh for 3 months from the weekend before!
Next time...
Sounds interesting as I love to watch Bruce in full flight as its poetry in motion
I believe you mean 'Poultry in Motion' :D
I believe you mean 'Poultry in Motion' :D
I would never insult such a skilled technician in such a derogatory way
I hope you will have some special stock in Birmingham Asad! Looking forward to seeing the new facilities! :D
I believe you mean 'Poultry in Motion' :D
All i can think of is this pic i snapped on the road a while back
I'm sure theres a gag in there somewhere...
I will be going
Hopefully, I should be able to make this. I'm sure I can twist @19reading87 arm to make the trip as well
I wish I could have made it! I have known Asad since 2009 and have been buying bats from him since then, probably have bought nearly two dozen bats of various brands and I can swear by each and every bat. Such is quality of his bats, amazing bloke and amazing products.
Have a great time there guys! enjoy, leave some good willow(s) for me please :D
That's the one weekend in the whole of Oct & Nov I have something on, hopefully there is another one sometime soon as looks like great facilities plus would love to look at all that quality willow
That's the one weekend in the whole of Oct & Nov I have something on, hopefully there is another one sometime soon as looks like great facilities plus would love to look at all that quality willow
we will hold another another one before Christmas and one after Christmas
I wish I could have made it! I have known Asad since 2009 and have been buying bats from him since then, probably have bought nearly two dozen bats of various brands and I can swear by each and every bat. Such is quality of his bats, amazing bloke and amazing products.
Have a great time there guys! enjoy, leave some good willow(s) for me please :D
Have to agree with you about the bats they are some of the best bats I have ever owned
Me an Jnr northern monkey will be in attendance
Me an Jnr northern monkey will be in attendance
I bring my body armour then lol
I bring my body armour then lol
looking forward to see u batting :)
looking forward to see u batting :)
As long as your bowling Asad I be ok 😀
As long as your bowling Asad I be ok 😀
In that case, u need full protection :D
In that case, u need full protection :D
Might need to try the new helmets out then mate 😀
Might need to try the new helmets out then mate 😀
I will get one reserved for u
Wish I could make it but have to work. On the plus side I'm going to the Swindon shop on Sunday ☺
Wish I could make it but have to work. On the plus side I'm going to the Swindon shop on Sunday ☺
Looking forward to ur visit, let me know what sort of time you will be coming
i am in Birmingham on saturday
Can't make it son will be over from NZ we will be visiting relatives across our green and pleasant shame as i am only 15 miles from Asads Birmingham setup.
Wish I could make it Asad, haven't been to see you for absolutely ages. Brum is a much closer journey for me as well! I'll see if I can make it along sometime soon though. I'm starting to get the bat/kit itch again...
Most of my saturdays are spent in Birmingham so you guys are welcome to visit on any saturday if you can't make it to this forum get together.
we will try to have another one before Christmas and one in New Years
Looking forward to ur visit, let me know what sort of time you will be coming
i am in Birmingham on saturday
The plan is about 1130 depending on traffic. Going to Gloucester for the rugby on the evening so managed to get a couple of hours for Swindon.
Ok mate, see you on Sunday
Hmmm, this is the first weekend of half term and also very local. Definitely keen but will have to check with the boss!
Get down there Giraffe-boy!! Good to meet some more chums, plus I'll bowl you into form all afternoon!
We will also put some equipment on special prices for forum members
Cant make the 25th due to the american football. The follow ups are important to meet some forum gentlemen.
Cant make the 25th due to the american football. The follow ups are important to meet some forum gentlemen.
I was hoping that you will come as you are local to the centre
We are giving special rates to Forum members for hiring the Net facility. Plz contact me if you to book the Nets
Blimey - there's more people saying they can't come than those that can!!!
The address is
Forward Drive Academy - Uzi Sports
177 Barford Street
B5 7EP
Who we got so far?
- let the whole class down!!
Northern Monkey
anyone else?
Would love to come but it's a bit of a way from the UAE.
Still hoping to pick up an Uzi bat in the new year though
I'm popping up there
With your little monkey?
I will be there to add a bit of culture sir bruce
What? You're bringing yoghurt?
Who we got so far?
Northern Monkey
anyone else?
I'm unable to make it unfortunately
Redders!!!! What a shame! what will Nick do without his C3-PO?
With your little monkey?
He's trying to get the day off
Hopefully not, as he's lethal bowling indoors! Ha
Not many days to go before we have a forum get together , there will be some special prices on some equipment especially our own range
Not many days to go before we have a forum get together , there will be some special prices on some equipment especially our own range
Can't wait mate looking forward to seeing the new bats and some of the special ca bats you have mate :)
Not long now
Kid in a candy shop and all that
Should be good!
Asad - have you got any 2016 softs in yet? Kookaburra? H4L? Anything else my friend?
Your wallet twitching Pete
Can't wait guys it's going to be a good day that's for sure
Simon, fetch some of those lovely match balls you have, for the Nets ,(I will bring a few)
Hopefully my 'tackles' OK to have a bat and a ball!ha
Will do mate and I sure their be some lovely willow to stroke so it will take your mind of your swallow plums lol :)
I may not bring too many bats to net with, as there will be other bats to play with once we're there.
But I may bring half a dozen special bats if anyone wants to admire them? Gilchrist signed match bat? L&W Signature? 30 Grainer? Hick bat? etc? Let me know if anyone wants me to bring some (but not for netting with)?
And Roco - simply wanting to try on some of the softs for size, although there will be some cash in my wallet....and I could be tempted ;)
I may not bring too many bats to net with, as there will be other bats to play with once we're there.
But I may bring half a dozen special bats if anyone wants to admire them? Gilchrist signed match bat? L&W Signature? 30 Grainer? Hick bat? etc? Let me know if anyone wants me to bring some (but not for netting with)?
And Roco - simply wanting to try on some of the softs for size, although there will be some cash in my wallet....and I could be tempted ;)
Knowing what Asad bats are like you're surly have a new bat or two
I can't wait to see your wood pete
Not hard to tempt you mate
I may not bring too many bats to net with, as there will be other bats to play with once we're there.
But I may bring half a dozen special bats if anyone wants to admire them? Gilchrist signed match bat? L&W Signature? 30 Grainer? Hick bat? etc? Let me know if anyone wants me to bring some (but not for netting with)?
And Roco - simply wanting to try on some of the softs for size, although there will be some cash in my wallet....and I could be tempted ;)
Bring that Green Laver with the modern profile I used at the Batoff at Headingley Pete please. I know it doesn't narrow it down much but it weighed around 2'8-9.
I know mate! Resistance is futile!!
I will see if I can dig it out, if I still have it! I totally lose track of what I have these days Nick!
Looking forward meeting all of you who are attending. We will have plenty of equipment for you to view. Also there will be special prices on certain bats, pads and gloves for one day only. Every one is welcome
Looking forward meeting all of you who are attending. We will have plenty of equipment for you to view. Also there will be special prices on certain bats, pads and gloves for one day only. Every one is welcome
Looking forward to it mate
Looking forward meeting all of you who are attending. We will have plenty of equipment for you to view. Also there will be special prices on certain bats, pads and gloves for one day only. Every one is welcome
There had absolutely be plenty of gear to view and test!! Otherwise we will be throwing a tantrum! ;)
Looking forward to it Asad Will Uzi or any other members of your lovely family be there?
There had absolutely be plenty of gear to view and test!! Otherwise we will be throwing a tantrum! ;)
Looking forward to it Asad Will Uzi or any other members of your lovely family be there?
Think Uzi in aus mate he was last I heard
I'm just looking forward to seeing the Hosk skills again with the willow
There had absolutely be plenty of gear to view and test!! Otherwise we will be throwing a tantrum! ;)
Looking forward to it Asad Will Uzi or any other members of your lovely family be there?
My elder son will be there who looks after the Birmingham store, simon is correct Uzi is in Australia playing grade cricket
I have few special Bats to show u guys
My elder son will be there who looks after the Birminggam store, simon is correct Uzi is in Austealia playing grade cricket
I have few special vars to show u guys
Special vars? Do you mean vase? Are we doing some flower arranging? Result! :D
And looking forward to seeing your eldest again. Long and enjoyable day on Sunday!
Special vars? Do you mean vase? Are we doing some flower arranging? Result! :D
And looking forward to seeing your eldest again. Long and enjoyable day on Sunday!
Sorry slip of the finger, i meant Bats
Have fun today all, shame I can't make this one, share pics of the day please
Have fun today all, shame I can't make this one, share pics of the day please
It's tomorrow
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Asad, can we have some white sticky labels available please, so that we can put our forum names on them and everyone will know who everyone is.
Although I will be the one in the Tiger-Print onesie, and UKnsaunders will be the one with the huge hairy feet and invisibility ring.
Good Idea sir Bruce
I will be the one with gravy stains on my flat cap
Enjoy it tomorrow boys :)
We will try ;)
Just asked Asad If he has something special for the guys tomorrow he simply sent this makes me want to see more
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Have sent u few more photos , rest u will see tomorrow :)
Oh my these are going to be special for sure
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Can I just hold my finger on the like button?
Oh Asad - for Christ's sake!!!! This sort of stuff should be illegal!
Oh Asad - for Christ's sake!!!! This sort of stuff should be illegal!
Rest of the illegal stuff will be shown tomorrow ,
So many grains.
So many, many, grains!
Also Asad you can expect me and my mate Oli to pop in again at some point towards christmas. Keen to get a look at the new ranges but will probably go for an 'outmode' again :)
So many grains.
So many, many, grains!
Also Asad you can expect me and my mate Oli to pop in again at some point towards christmas. Keen to get a look at the new ranges but will probably go for an 'outmode' again :)
U r always welcome , as u know there is always plenty of high quality stock available at our shops
What time is everyone getting there?
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Unbelievably jealous of everyone there today! Hope plenty of photos/videos are taken and posted of everyone batting please.
Any pictures of the day chaps - facilities, willow and general tomfoolery?
I think Mr Cattus was in charge of media. Just want to thank Asad for his hospitality today and to say what a great setup it is there. Nice to meet a couple of new forum faces and we had a good laugh with a bit of netting thrown in.
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Yes, I've got some piccies.
Great facility, lovely people, good stock in the shop - and a ping-pong table!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'd advise anyone in the midlands to go along and give it a try.
Thank's for your hospitality once again Asad.
(ps - who ate all the cheesy-puffs?)
Common guys the pics before any more updates ;)
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Great place for a net,(most I've bowled in years!) good light, decent surface , bowling machines etc ,highly recommended
About as central uk wise as you could get
And Asads super special selection of bats and quality cricket gear
What more could you want.
Many thanks Asad for the hospitality
Nice to put faces to names etc
Look forward to a return visit when I'm not as sore! :)
Great day today Asad was very impressed with the whole setup and some lovely willow though the ranges and was nice to see the new gray nicks range and some might impressive bats
I bought a stunning new bat today just seeing what grade would you say this is lovely bat
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Post a pic of the whole face Si!
The bit I can see looks like a Grade 1, but of theres a huge knot and a butterfly stain just out of shot i may change my mind lol ;)
I bought a stunning new bat today just seeing what grade would you say this is lovely bat
([url][/url]) ([url][/url])
Well its looks a G1 through and through but I have a feeling its not going to be. What extra special bats did Asad have on show today? Any custom GN ones? I was so impressed with the last batch of those I saw. Still wish I'd bought that Dynadrive when I had the chance, think I'll regret that forevermore.
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Well its looks a G1 through and through but I have a feeling its not going to be. What extra special bats did Asad have on show today? Any custom GN ones? I was so impressed with the last batch of those I saw. Still wish I'd bought that Dynadrive when I had the chance, think I'll regret that forevermore.
I think Asad has a couple of custom gn in Swindon mate and the Uzi pro range was something else and all pinged very well indeed
These ca bat are full profile with no concaveing at all and hand picking at its best looks and performance to match they are super value for money and all that was their was taken back at how well these ca played
I think Asad has a couple of custom gn in Swindon mate and the Uzi pro range was something else and all pinged very well indeed
It was very interesting to see the way you test the ping :D ;)
the grains on those Uzi Pro ones are just WOW. need to stop drooling all over my keyboard.
Thanks for entertaining us Uzi with you handpicking methodology and also showing us your excellent facilities! The lanes are so well lit which is nice to see plus everything is so clean and new.
Also thanks Simon for being designated driver mate! Was a great day! :D
the grains on those Uzi Pro ones are just WOW. need to stop drooling all over my keyboard.
Saw a couple of stunning bats that Asad has had made for salman butt and Azher Ali and a lovely rang of Salic bats made exclusive to Uzi sports
Thanks for entertaining us Uzi with you handpicking methodology and also showing us your excellent facilities! The lanes are so well lit which is nice to see plus everything is so clean and new.
Also thanks Simon for being designated driver mate! Was a great day! :D
Not a problem mate was a good day out and the ca bats are very nice as well and rebound of the mallet was just silly
Saw a couple of stunning bats that Asad has had made for salman butt and Azher Ali and a lovely rang of Salic bats made exclusive to Uzi sports
Just as well you brought something. Asad needs the money to repair the ceiling tiles you destroyed doing your ping test ;)
Just as well you brought something. Asad needs the money to repair the ceiling tiles you destroyed doing your ping test ;)
Me I don't know what your talking about lol it was great day and for a low end ca they was very nice bats indeed
Just as well you brought something. Asad needs the money to repair the ceiling tiles you destroyed doing your ping test ;)
Good reminder , invoices emir in their way to guilty party . What a silly way to test ping :)
We have seen others test their bats that way, so thought the ceilings would be safe! Sorry! Although I only used a softer ball and it was 'he that shall remain unnamed' who used a real ball!! :o
Well the ceiling shots took out 4 lights (3 with the softball)
Well the ceiling shots took out 4 lights (3 with the softball)
Some bat that was to take three lights out with the soft ball that's what you get when you hand pick your bats ;)
It was nothing compared to that uzi sports exclusive ton t20 bat with the shorter blade
Would be better if you had ceiling tiles Asad
Then you could just replace the tiles every time Simon pppppp ping tests those lovely bats of yours
Gotta be cheaper than having to re plaster a ceiling? After a forum visit
How nice was that ca ??
And the Salix bats were very nice too
Will be down to Swindon to have a look at those ca,s again ,this week
I actually hurt!!! Sore left shoulder, sore right knee - and I'm stiffer than a w*nkers hanky!!!!
That's just from your batting
My batting is enough to make anyone stiff!
My batting is enough to make anyone stiff!
Get some pictures up of the damage lol :D
Just got home from work and the missus is peeing herself watching me trying to get out the van!
I've seized up!ha
I've not bowled for years!
Enjoyed the day tho
Sorry for the bruise sir
My batting is enough to make anyone stiff!
I thought you batted brilliantly, especially with your determined defence against my wicked spin. Anybody who gives me that much respect must be a proper batsman!
You know it Nick, behind every wild swish there is a forward-defensive waiting to come out.
Just got home from work and the missus is peeing herself watching me trying to get out the van!
I've seized up!ha
I've not bowled for years!
Enjoyed the day tho
Sorry for the bruise sir
Ah yes! How are the plums - did you manage to get a big bag of peas round them?
Blooming bowling machine!
Good job it was only set at 30mph or whatever, otherwise I don't think I'd be walking today !
It was all the variation that fooled Bruce nick
He just couldn't pick them all
It was all the variation that fooled Bruce nick
He just couldn't pick them all
or maybe reach them...
The only variation that doesn't dribble down the outside of the net is that mystery straight ball.
Any chance of some pics from this forum day and a write up people?
Any chance of some pics from this forum day and a write up people?
Thats a great idea... Would be to good to hear stories / see pics from the day!
Ok - pictures - imgur is playing up - if I send someone th images, could they upload them for me?
Ok - pictures - imgur is playing up - if I send someone th images, could they upload them for me?
Plz send it to me or Simon or Pete
Was great to meet some of you and see some quality bats !
Nice work on joining up James - good to meet you too. You couldn't keep your hands off some of the willow on display!!!
Get James to a forum gathering guys - he's a lively seam bowler.
Was great to meet some of you and see some quality bats !
Welcome James to the forum good to see you at Asad bat cave
Nice work on joining up James - good to meet you too. You couldn't keep your hands off some of the willow on display!!!
Get James to a forum gathering guys - he's a lively seam bowler.
Any news on photos mate
When I get home - still at work.
i am sure Pete took few as well
First up was some damage caused useing the ping test indoors That Paul showed all how to do
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That ceiling got some hammer ping testing Asads lovely selection of willow!
What's with the blank bats?
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Now that I know there's a table tennis table I'm definitely going to have to make this my store of choice rather than Swindon :)
What's with the blank bats?
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They some Uzi pros that Asad had made up for salman butt and Azher Ali very nice bats and same quality as every Uzi pro that's why I rate the Uzi pro so highly
The Supernova's are available?
The Supernova's are available?
Yep speake to Asad
They some Uzi pros that Asad had made up for salman butt and Azher Ali very nice bats and same quality as every Uzi pro that's why I rate the Uzi pro so highly
Salman Butt???? is he still playing? :o
Salman Butt???? is he still playing? :o
Yes all three of them have been cleared to play first class in Pakistan
i saw these bats at the swindon shop before the open day. they were amazing
Those uzis look a bit special!
Man - there was a really light one with Green sticker that Simon was waving around. The grains were unbelievable.
All our Pro and LE bats are made in Englabd and they not only look nice but perform as well
Is there another meet up in birmingham planned anytime soon by any chance?
I think we are planning one in feb
I think we are planning one in feb
Very Keen!!
In that case let's check with forum members which date is suitable for them
Why don't we do the first Sunday in February I sure Asad will be more than happy to have use at his Birmingham store with the nets
Why don't we do the first Sunday in February I sure Asad will be more than happy to have use at his Birmingham store with the nets
That won't be any problem ,u guys chose the day/date which is suitable to most of the members
Why don't we do the first Sunday in February I sure Asad will be more than happy to have use at his Birmingham store with the nets
I'd be up for then. Any time would suit me!
Why don't we do the first Sunday in February I sure Asad will be more than happy to have use at his Birmingham store with the nets
Id be up for this @simonmay5
I wouldn't allow any more silly ping tests in future ;)
I can get any day off we enough notice
Would 7th Feb ( Sunday) be Ok?
Book it in.
@19reading87 after our no show last week I think you should pencil yourself in quick!!
I believe we will have all the New range from all the suppliers we work with, may have some demo bats for people to try
@simonmay left one with a note on it for you to check. Did you get a chance to see it
@simonmay left one with a note on it for you to check. Did you get a chance to see it
No mate I didn't but will be going to Swindon next weekend so will see it then
sounds like a goo date for the diary.
where abouts in the new shop in going to the nec next but staying on the west side of birmingham. trying to decide which day to visit on
sounds like a goo date for the diary.
where abouts in the new shop in going to the nec next but staying on the west side of birmingham. trying to decide which day to visit on
We are very close to City Centre, 10 mins drive from Bull Ring and Edgbaston. Address is on web site
Have you got some new stock in at the Birmingham store? Saw some lovely Kudos1 in there whilst having a net!!
Have you got some new stock in at the Birmingham store? Saw some lovely Kudos1 in there whilst having a net!!
As soon as we receive the 2016 stock, both shops will have them. I believe we are receiving GN softs this week