Jon, you are so frustrating. Rather than moaning or checking that every post is on topic spend more time reading what I have to say, ask questions and then pass your opinion. I'm in a very fortunate role and I post on here to help others out, I'm not trying to flog gear - merely trying to educate and give a little bit of info which may help you find a next beauty. Whether it's from a competitor or not.
An Adidas G3 could easily be as good as a competitors G1. Its not uncommon to upgrade G4s to G1's or turn handmade clefts into G1/2 bats. I dont know what Adidas' policy is on willow - they may/may not upgrade. They certainly won't get all the best willow, but their system may mean a 20 grain half heartwood pinger is a Club - whereas it may be a top of the range bat from another company.
Its all about performance - so why fuss over price tags and the grade sticker. Buy the best performing bat you can for your money, whether it's an Adidas G3, a Redback G1 or a GM G2. The current system is flawed, so use it to your advantage. Buy from a cricket specialist who knows their onions and where possible handpick a bat. As for prices £300 (after discounts) for a companies top line bat is about par for the course for the market it's not extortionate, no-one has ever got rich selling cricket bats.