A 90 degree angle paired with a flat peak will always bend the peak of the helmet. They could make the angle larger by angling the peak downwards making it harder to bend but then the field of vision out of it would be less...... try it for yourself and see if you set the peak and grille distance to 55mm on a helmet and try and push a 5.5 oz ball through it are you able too?
By adding some curvature to the peak it would make it harder to bend as well like the peak of a cap, compared to the Ghetto flat peak gansta look currently being used on the masuri and albion ultimate 98 and original helmets.
This was why our helmets have the rib and aerodynamic look at the front as you will never be able to bend the peak due to the removal of the 90 degree angle as well as the rib giving it even stronger properties.
Hope that helps