Eventually got my hands on a camera and have taken a few snaps to share with you. If you are in two minds about refurbishing a bat then hopefully this will prove a decisive persuasion!
After exchanging a few e-mails with Gary, I sent away my pride and joy to Devon along with £25. I think that £25 including return postage is a very competitive rate, especially when you take into consideration the quality of the finished item.
Unfortunately Gary was ill for the first week and sow as unable to get to work on it, but provided me with an e-mail to let me know about the delay which was nice to receive. The bat was then sent out the following week, but the courier service wasn't exactly fantastic. They attempted a delivery, but wouldn't drop it off without a signature despite the signs in the window, the calling card said they would attempt to re-deliver it the following day, but they never showed up. I then tried to get hold of them about re-delivering it, but by that time they had sent it back to Gary!
Another few agonizing days passed by but eventually it arrived. It was certainly worth the wait. Here are the long overdue photos, hope you enjoy them as much as I do, and if you are considering a refurbishment of your bat then certainly consider Gary at Redback.

(Yes I think that might be my finger in the top left hand corner of each photo!)