Not sure this should be in this section but thought why not
So the day finally arrived the other day when I finished my own bat. No I have to be honest and say I have had a bit of help with this from the start from a bat maker in Kent. I got the cleft from them as they do not use butterly willow at all but this one was in with there cleft shipment a few years ago and I was allowed it for free.
I wanted to make my own bat but originaly wanted to do it all myself and as I was around this company a lot at the time and doing refurb/binding/polishing work thought it can't be that hard so I made a little start and then a lot changed in my life and I moved away from Kent quite suddenly. Anyway not that iv been settled and have a little workshop/shed though I would get this finished, anyway long story short I made a bit of a mess originally and needed to either get someone in to help or bin it. I was back in Kent. While ago and visited my old bat maker friend who managed to help me out.
Basically I struggled to keep the spine and amount of wood being removed even through out the process and went to hard to early with the draw knife and then over compensated with a plain. I wanted a full profile high/long middle bat. I think iv ended up with the high/long middle but not as full. I shaped the handle myself, binding myself and sanded myself but was using the tools at the the bat makers workshop, the tools I used I just happen to borrow for a long time and have now had to give back but a lot of the shaping 75-80% I was helped with.
I guess this means it's not a hand made by me bat but it's something I'm happy with. Key Learning just because you can refurb well, or bind well etc doesn't mean you can actually make a bat lol
So butterfly willow which I guess means it's not a grade as personally I do not believe in this G1 butterfly willow nonsense but it's a lovely example, performance is great as the pressing was done by myself but using and being guided by one of the best in the business. 37mm edges and 2.93 finished weight. Spine into the toe, oval handle
Stickers are ones I recently bought from eBay just because I really like them and like the colour purple
Here are a few pics and I hope to do another one soon