Thats awesome .
Just trying to work out /confirm ....which end was the blade shortened ?, as the stickers look unaffected at the top and bottom of the bat .
2lb7oz xp80 , thats incredible really !
I have 3 xp80s , original weights were 2lb9.5 , 2lb11, 2lb12. The two heavier ones were a bit too heavy , so i reduced some weight in the back of one (went from 2lb11 to 2lb9.7). The other i sent in to a batmaker to be reduced (went from 2lb12 to 2lb 9.5). When you also count that i chop the knob off the handle , which is about 0.5oz , my xp80s are now 2lb9, 2lb9, and 2lb9.2. I feel like those weights are insanely light (i kept the samespine height on the bats that got weight reductions) for such big bats - but these are nothing compared to what you have managed to accomplish !
Very jealous .