So, last year I started on a master's, had our third (accident) and only got to play about 5 games.
I almost crumbled under the usual pressures of demanding job, young family and studies.
This year, I realised that while I tried to juggle everything, not playing my favourite sports made me grow older a lot quicker.
My standard is no where near yours but this year I have decided to get back and enjoy while I can.
So extended my studies to put more gap between modules, given up on weekend on call cover and extra cash, joined a new club close to me and got my brain back in to learning mode.
Scores of 17, 12, 10 and 1 have made me sulk whole week but I realised I am at my happiest on a cricket field.
Play less games, find a balance but do not give up, you will not be the same person.
All the best soulman