I have eyesight issues, and not done too bad for the last twenty years or so, I have a graft on my left eye and wear a contact lens on my right.
For whatever reason, I’d not changed my lens for four or five years,(I have regular eye check ups etc, and my vision and the lens were fine), but found I was struggling to pick the ball up sometimes,,,,,anyway,,changed the way I clean the lens, and managed to scratch my cornea,(I actually didn’t realise I’d done this until I dropped a couple of very simple catches!) batting wise I just thought I was out of touch?,,,,so ended up getting my vision checked etc and found I’d lost about four lines of vision!
Anyway,,,hopefully all sorted now, but I desperately need a net just to see how it’s affected my batting
I’ve had to change my stance etc over the years depending on which eye was more dominant