Now that Nike and Adidas have decided that they don't want to get involved in cricket (outside of selling India shirts) I have a feeling the next big shoe company will be Payntr.
I think they gave Jason Day a share of the business so that he can get the AUS team that stopped wearing Nike and Adidas to wear Payntr (I understand most of them love golf too) and they'll find a way into the other key cricketing markets. I feel like they want to go "head to head" with Asics over there and find a way of getting more market share here (in the UK) as I see almost nobody wearing them in Herts or Middlesex.
But I may also be looking too deep into this and they just wanted to get into golf.
I think the Nike domain 2 is getting harder and harder to get hold of so we may need to look at other options, I have some Adidas boosts that I had spiked which I highly recommend!