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Author Topic: Cherry Positions  (Read 938 times)

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Cherry Positions
« on: September 19, 2024, 11:52:52 PM »

One for the coaches out there, any ideas why Im hitting the ball mostly high on the bat?
Anything to help improve?



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Re: Cherry Positions
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2024, 08:01:59 AM »

I would be careful reading too much into that as that just shows you are hitting a lot of (slightly damp?) balls.

Not all shots you hit give you a cherry.

Film yourself batting to give you a better view of why there may be so many marks on your bat.

It may be as simple as you are facing a lot if balls on a damp fast bouncy net, and playing a good number if defensive shots.

If course it may also mean you need to buy a new bat with a high middle...
"Bradman didn't used to have any trigger movements or anything like that. He turned batting into a subconscious act" Tony Shillinglaw.


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Re: Cherry Positions
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2024, 10:39:16 AM »

Thanks Buzz. You got my OCD juices flowing and after a bit of research I think panic over 😅
But I like the video idea as never done before.

Youre probably right regarding the mix of damp summer and defensive shots.
I was also thinking the same regarding a higher middle bat. Fortunately after doing some measuring and comparing, the majority of my bats are mid-middle with sweet spots a good 180-200mm from toe. Apart from a Volante which is very obviously mid-low at 140mm from toe. So as it happens these high cherries are only a ball width from the sweetest spot. So likely defensive or mis-timed back foot shots.

I also notice that I hold the bat very high up the handle like a golf club. Most people have a bit of handle sprouting out the top hand which sits just below the nobbley bit at top of a handle. I fill in this annoying nobbley bit as thats where my top hand sits.
So no wonder I prefer a very oval, thick, handle, Im only using top half of it!

Still, its always nice to have an excuse to keep a look out for a new mid-high bat just in case 😋

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