What do you want to see from Black Cat..?
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Black Cat Cricket

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Re: What do you want to see from Black Cat..?
« Reply #60 on: March 29, 2010, 10:55:56 PM »

its cool asking what we want, but you have to ask why... its either because its not working as it is (low sales etc.) or just for a bit of fun, if it is the former then my suggestion would be a complete overhaul in branding and style as suggested

I didn't ask to wonder why people aren't buying our current bats, they are, and that's great.  But you can always sell more...

I was just asking out of interest, and to see what people would like to see (more of), how many other cricket brands give you the opportunity to put your ideas to the owner and potentially see them happen? 

So, while the thoughts/suggestions about branding etc. are valuable, I wasn't really looking for 'have cartoony stickers, half your prices' type ideas, more 'I'd love to see pads and gloves', 'how about a bat aimed specifically at women cricketers' or 'how about a totally personalised bat service, where the customer can design his own stickers and bat shape etc.'...

That's not to say the suggestions so far haven't been great (I'm thinking of implementing one or two at least), but rather than looking at big changes I can make, I was looking for new things to do, new products to launch etc.



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Re: What do you want to see from Black Cat..?
« Reply #61 on: March 29, 2010, 11:03:19 PM »

protection is a area i think could be improved with a remfry type product in the offering.

in my opinion there are only 2 real world bespoke thigh protection companys on offer and i think there is room for another.

if you could keep the cost down to under 85 quid it might be another feather in your bow.

remfry currently 107 for set
ace 85 for set

i know it is not everybody cup of tea with strippers and all but if they last 10 years then the cost if kept say between 55-60 pound for a set of bespoke thigh guards i think they could be a real seller.

it all abit cloak and dagger stuff with both remfry and ACE so a more open approach would be a real winner

i think softs are all well and good but like most there all the same just branding different so it will be a harder market to crack but protection bespoke protection is hard to find and i know some do not care less but i suspect a lot do

with your bespoke joker and possibly other equipment pending how many company's out there do the whole thing(helmets are a little different in my opinion) a good set of softs to go with the bats topped off with bespoke protection i can tell you not one.

sorry for going on one charlie as you can tell i like my protection
« Last Edit: March 29, 2010, 11:36:34 PM by procricket »
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Re: What do you want to see from Black Cat..?
« Reply #62 on: March 30, 2010, 12:08:19 AM »

I didn't ask to wonder why people aren't buying our current bats, they are, and that's great.  But you can always sell more...

I was just asking out of interest, and to see what people would like to see (more of), how many other cricket brands give you the opportunity to put your ideas to the owner and potentially see them happen? 

So, while the thoughts/suggestions about branding etc. are valuable, I wasn't really looking for 'have cartoony stickers, half your prices' type ideas, more 'I'd love to see pads and gloves', 'how about a bat aimed specifically at women cricketers' or 'how about a totally personalised bat service, where the customer can design his own stickers and bat shape etc.'...

That's not to say the suggestions so far haven't been great (I'm thinking of implementing one or two at least), but rather than looking at big changes I can make, I was looking for new things to do, new products to launch etc.


ok, thanks for clearing that up, now i know your motivation for creaing this topic i hope my answers can be of more value...

some ideas...

1.clothing, teamwear etc
2.a good, own brand helmet, could probably grill ayrtek tom about that
3.on a business note, could you not try selling bats through the online shops as opposed to direct from yourself? surely this would increase demand and get the black cat name out there


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Re: What do you want to see from Black Cat..?
« Reply #63 on: March 30, 2010, 03:28:29 AM »



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Re: What do you want to see from Black Cat..?
« Reply #64 on: March 30, 2010, 06:00:26 AM »

I think you need to get your website glammed up a bit more as I think if you google Blackcat it's possibly not the instant impact that you might want.

I also think the possibilty of getting your bats out there a bit more would just allow more people to see them and feel them and find out about you. Not sure I'd have heard about you had I not been a member of this forum
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