Sharpen tools, sharpen pencil then go to the local to ask for advice, you'll get lots of it as you'll find that most people in pubs are experts, always look interested and stay for one extra drink as you are now a bat maker and don't want to let the side down. Go home place cleft on kitchen table and draw the edge it, admire and leave it..... Place an earser by the side of the cleft for rubbing out in the morning! Redraw edge on the bat [both sides is preferable] get draw knife, if hungover after lastnights market research do this carefully. Place Cleft in vice tighten, then retighted turn on the Radio, Radio 4 or Radio 2 nothing to exciting. If your favourite song comes on the radio quell the need to sing you should be concentrating on shaping the bat.
You'll find the difficult stuff is getting use to the drawknife and other tools [if you haven't use them for a while] cursing rip out and getting the weight down whilst keeping it looking acceptable. Recommend a classic shaped back to start with as you can always concave it after [if you drew a fairly big edge on it]
Once complete place a 50p [or 5p / 10p / 20p] on the edge take a picture and admire. If posting on forum take 2 or 3oz out of the actual finished weight when stating the weight