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Mongoose MMi3 - What are they like?
« on: January 20, 2011, 12:49:45 AM »

Got myself a Mongoose MMi3 over Christmas and had my first net with it today. Prior to batting, i asked the bowlers which bat they'd like me to use and they answered "The silly one". "Uh oh" I thought.

Wandering into the net, i took my stance and waited. First ball pitched nicely on a length for a straight drive and it belted back down the net at the bowler. Very impressed i was! During a 15 minute net, i felt that when i connected, the ball stayed hit and i didn't feel that i had to change my style of batting to use it. I also managed to generate a number of sharp intakes of breath from bowlers when i really spanked it. Most importantly, on finishing, i left the net with a huge grin on my face. I had really enjoyed the power that the bat provides and the feeling of hitting the ball really hard.

The bat generated loads of interest, and it was interesting to see other batsmen using it, especially those who normally play incredibly defensively. They were having a swing and connecting pretty regularly. Most importantly they were enjoying it.

I'm looking forward to trying out a couple of other T20 style bats, but i can see that they definitely have a place in the game and create some interesting situations.

I love mine, and will be using it again.... And again.....

How has everyone else found using these beasties? Were you as impressed as I was or did you hate it?


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Re: Mongoose MMi3 - What are they like?
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2011, 02:51:27 AM »

That's great feedback. Have been considering buying a 'goose or a Joker. But have concerns since I'm a straight bat player, and a bit defensive at that. Did you have any trouble defending the bouncy ones?

Like to see what others think...
CBF gave me BAD real bad!
(BAD = Bat Acquisition Disorder)


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Re: Mongoose MMi3 - What are they like?
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2011, 07:13:25 AM »

Ive used one in a net, the pick up was quite poor but the bat certainly went well. Personally i doubt i would use one in games but im not writing them off after only trying one of them after some of the good reviews there have been
Yeah yeah yeah I'm still about

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Re: Mongoose MMi3 - What are they like?
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2011, 08:27:07 AM »

Ive got one but hardly used it.

i can see a place for them against the pitch up bowlers.

wouldnt want to use one on a bouncy track with a bowler who usually hits the splice of a normal bat


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Re: Mongoose MMi3 - What are they like?
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2011, 08:51:40 AM »

I had one and found that i was trying to slog every ball and hit it way harder that was necessary. When i got my head down and didnt do that it was just like a normal bat


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Re: Mongoose MMi3 - What are they like?
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2011, 08:55:47 AM »

It's an interesting one. I'd also consider myself a straight bat player, so had similar concerns about playing bouncier bowlers. It's interesting to see that when the bowlers cotton on that you are using a goode, then they start to bowl shorter. You have two choices at this point.

1. Move your hands around on the handle so that you use it more like a rounders bat.
2. Attack.

I, and another player who is a self confessed defensive prodder, chose the latter course of action. You soon find that you are concentrating on the ball that much harder, and taking a little more care with how you play the ball as you realise that you don't have the extra willow in the way. The other thing you do is move your feet, because you have to. you don't have the extra willow so you need to get the bat on the ball. An unexpected side effect, but I'm not sure it's a bad one!

In T20, attack is expected in any case, so it's less of an issue. In a 50 over match, I can see that it could cause you problems. Certainly, if you are at the end of a 50 over innings and in the "score runs quickly" phase, one of these may be very useful.

Alternatively, if you are concerned, one of the other T20 style bats may be a better option as they have a greater length of willow with which to defend yourself. I think you'd need to get in a net and practice with all types of bat against a machine to really get comfortable with what works for you though.

With regard to pick up, I didn't find it too bad. It's certainly no worse than many of the low middled bats I've picked up and used. And equally, I used to use a 3lb Zeus and this 2lb 11oz MMi felt very easy to pick up in relation to that.

If you do play fairly normally with it, it actually is pretty rewarding. You don't need to try and slog everything. It just gives you the impression that you should because it has a similar shape to a baseball bat! I found I was more effective trying to play normally. Then it turns relatively big shots in to proper big shots.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2011, 08:57:23 AM by tim2000s »


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Re: Mongoose MMi3 - What are they like?
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2011, 11:27:45 PM »

I had one for a while - top of the range job.
Power wise it was excellent! The middle is pretty huge!
Connect well with a ball time it, and it is seriously powerful.

In the nets I'm quite an attacking player when I'm in the mood and MMi does seem to compliment and reward positive, aggresive batting.
If I was in a defensive mood or the wicket was a bit bouncy, then I would not use it!! Back foot defensive shots are not recommended as you have a lot shorter blade to play with.

So I would say that it all depends on your style of play and the bounce of the wicket!

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