Technically right now I own;
Batting gear3x Bats (1st choice bat, Slazenger V600; 2nd choice, SS Jumbo (my Dad's old bat); retired 1st/backup, Adidas Pellara)
1x Gloves
1x Pads (Soon to be 2 if I get the H4L ones, but will return to 1 when/if I sell the GM)
1x Helmet
2x Box
1x Thigh pad
1x Arm guard (redundant these days as I only wore it as a junior)
General gear1x Spikes
2x Caps (one from my old club, one from my new club)
Wicket keeping gear1x Wicket keeping gloves (I used to keep regular, now I'm simply backup)
1x Wicket keeping pads
6x Wicket keeping inners (rough estimate for how I have)
That's it if my memory serves me, which is a worrying statement for a 22 year old