I'll settle for cool... from Puma, M&H, GM and lastly some sample sets this had to be addressed. granted the tech used was a thermometer designed to tell if i have cooked a perfect chicken!
But the brief was to make sure the hands did not get to a set temp. Sweating is always going to happen, more so with certain people but regulating air when the hand opens and closes is the reason why the vents are in these places. The Palm of the hand if worn with an inner needs to remain at a higher temp for feel... but the best way to keep that from sweating was to cool the area under the knuckles at the back of the hand. The finger vents just aid the airflow as stated before but allow it to pass in between the fingers. Its just based on 'feel' again and with our lad wearing gloves for set periods of time I'm happy to go for comfort and feel first when it come to WK gloves. Plus having a very vocal friend giving me tips on WK gloves im not going to ignore his expert opinion... the badger knows his onions!
Back to the board now to get the rest finalised and out the door!