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Author Topic: Handmade deffinition  (Read 6781 times)

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Dan W

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Re: Handmade deffinition
« Reply #30 on: February 27, 2013, 08:25:42 PM »

I'd argue that SS's head podshaver puts as much heart and soul into the bats that he makes as Paul does. Just because the raw material isn't available in India, he must import it.

I'd wager the SS manager (if not podshaver) has an army of guys (podshavers) working long days with basic tools knocking out however many bats a day with no visibility of his output past his meagre wage. It's incomparable to the communication and service you can get speaking to the guy making your bats. (That's not to say the 'foreign' guys don't have a soul of course(!), and of course they can make astounding bats, but I'd guess their priorities are somewhat different to a small operation in the UK that handles the process from start to finish.

Just a case of whether the above has an influence in your purchasing decision or not - it's not a criticism if it's not, of course, though credit where it's due to the UK guys with the skill (and marbles!) keeping the craft alive, and, to some extent living the dream!).

Dan W

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Re: Handmade deffinition
« Reply #31 on: February 27, 2013, 08:31:14 PM »

What annoys me is brands claiming bats are handmade in the uk when at best they handled and buffed it a bit. All the batmaking has been via a certain cnc.

Yup...Even more impressive are the guys who don't even have an input into the end product and conduct the whole operation from overseas!

Nothing wrong with that if there up front and honest about it

Yup, and as I've said before, credit again for the guys who broke the code and, as you say, where honest about it.


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Re: Handmade deffinition
« Reply #32 on: February 27, 2013, 08:42:52 PM »

I think this was more saying that the soulless bats are the big companies sending there willow abroad to mass machine made then sent back and then sold in cricket shops all over the country. I know one major brand in Australia that all the bats you find in the shops are mass machine made in India. Only the very very top bats an one offs for the shops are jan made and obviously their pro players bats are hand made. I would always have a hand made bat, to me I know exactly where the wood is from I've have had an input into the design and making and so it feels that that is my bat and no one else's. Sort of a connection towards the bat! I also think a hand made bat in England is very good value for money from the small boutique brands. You could pay over 500 pound for a hand hand bat from a big brand. Ill always support a local uk bat maker now as the experience I've had is exceptional. They make you feel like a pro, which is always nice.

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Re: Handmade deffinition
« Reply #33 on: February 28, 2013, 08:37:08 AM »

Thanks guys for all your debating and views just what I was after you have given me a really good insight to people's views and mind sets towards different equipment and its origins. Thanks once again
Paul :)


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Re: Handmade deffinition
« Reply #34 on: February 28, 2013, 08:53:23 AM »

I'd argue that SS's head podshaver puts as much heart and soul into the bats that he makes as Paul does. Just because the raw material isn't available in India, he must import it.

So true.

Not to forget experience. So many batmakers in the subcontinent who have been making bats for decades and decades.

Saw this Ihsan bat factory video earlier- the first batmaker in the video has been making bats for over 40 years!

I say good on everyone who is making bats - whether in UK or India/Pak

Based on most posts and marketing used on most bats. here is the order of preference:

Handmade in UK
Machine made in UK (Also called "Made in UK")
handmade in India/Pak

A few others who feel a batmaker isnt a real maker who doesnt do everything themselves (pressing, handles etc).
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