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Author Topic: Helmet  (Read 1233 times)

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« on: June 10, 2015, 12:20:06 PM »

I have recently tried to slim down my kit and the most difficult thing was the helmet. I used to have a GN batting helmet and a Masuri keeping helmet. I've gone with a GN XRD (test opener is the same shape) and it seems to be perfect for both roles. I know some people in the past have posted looking for a keeping helmet so thought it would be useful. Masuri are meant to be bringing out a new keeping helmet but I think it is next year.

Also, when I read the instructions for care for my new helmet it said replace after 2 years regardless as they deteriorate. I imagine this is to cover themselves but it could mean a lot of people are playing in potentially dangerous equipment. Given the pace I face, I doubt it would make much difference as the XRD is designed for test level.
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Re: Helmet
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2015, 01:46:58 PM »

I have recently tried to slim down my kit and the most difficult thing was the helmet. I used to have a GN batting helmet and a Masuri keeping helmet. I've gone with a GN XRD (test opener is the same shape) and it seems to be perfect for both roles. I know some people in the past have posted looking for a keeping helmet so thought it would be useful. Masuri are meant to be bringing out a new keeping helmet but I think it is next year.

Also, when I read the instructions for care for my new helmet it said replace after 2 years regardless as they deteriorate. I imagine this is to cover themselves but it could mean a lot of people are playing in potentially dangerous equipment. Given the pace I face, I doubt it would make much difference as the XRD is designed for test level.

I can't remember exactly where I saw it, but I've seen people mention a 4-5 year "rule" on replacing helmets. 2 years seems overly cautious (and rather costly) to me though.

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