Hi I recently bought a bat (rather over payed because I always wanted to have a bat from this brand) that although I knew would need a refurb turned up in worse condition than what I envisioned it would. Although I have the tools and general gist of what I have to do, I have a few more queries that hopefully you guys can answer.
1. I have sandpaper going from 120 to 400 but I was wondering at what point do you go up in grades
2. The bat will need gluing, clamping and sanding but do I sand first then glue and clamp or the other way around
3. The bat has unfortunately delaminated (or at least I think it has) near and on the actual edge. I've seen suggestions about using a needle to get glue in there, but is there any other options and does it affect performance once glued back down.
4. When I took of the stickers I noticed that there was a small amount of wood filler at the bottom of the splice so as to even it with the face of the bat, anything to be concerned about there?
Here are some photos of the bat in question