around here you have to buy 6 bats a season, keep one for nets, keep using your trusty match bat even though you keep meaning to "play a new one in" and by the end of the season sell the 5 for a loss. Its just how things seem to go.
Interesting postI've had loads of bats over the years that I couldn't get on with, or was underwhelmed with.Of these, the majority have all been moved on to people who have scored well with the bats.I agree as well with the comment about comparing to a favourite bat, it's always hard to replace a gun batI suppose that's when the bat buying addiction starts
I think one of the major factors here might be that you are comparing it to your match bat, the SS? I have become a huge fan of SS- their pickup and performance is just brilliant!I have picked up 3 H4L bats (2 Hell fires and one Hattori)- their pickup is not great but performance is good. In my experience they do take time to open up properly.