Hi guys,
General question here as i've not posted for a while thought of a good discussion.
Has anyone ever knocked a bat in for so long that there are actually no seam marks after playing it in? I have owned a good 10 or so bats, and none of them have ever been played in showing absolutely no seam marks. I dont think it is possible unless you have a lignum mallet, I have a kookaburra and a ball on a mallet and am at the point with my latest bat where I am belting it as hard as I can, still getting seam marks. I've never had a bat get damaged severely from lack of knocking in, infact the worst damage i've ever picked up from my own batting was using a GM and the toe cracked.
Just wondered what everyones thoughts were... I've spent a good hour or two on my current bat, which is a New Balance TC560 and it feels good to go but then bounce a used ball on it (the ball does still have a pronounced seam) and it's leaving marks.
So what's everyone's view on this?