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Author Topic: G2 Custom Scott Cricket bat review  (Read 12669 times)

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Re: G2 Custom Scott Cricket bat review
« Reply #15 on: December 08, 2020, 09:06:54 PM »

Great to see new bats posted up on the forum. There hasn't been too many pics or too many people sharing their new purchases lately :)

Great too to see the piano back and of course more of Jonny's fantastic looking bats :) Really, really love the look of the stuff Jonny is making!

Some constructive criticism if that is ok?

Very thorough.... but missing one key detail.... actually using it! More of a first look than a *review*? So many bats I have had feel nice at home but horrible to use and vice versa. I realise using a bat is hard for anyone on the forum let alone someone with 5 billion bats :D

Wouldn't it be better to measure handle dimensions on the twine? Grips are spongy and vary but the handle itself is what actually matters. Maybe also either max/ min sections or sections relevant to where you place you hands?

The balance point thing irks me but that is my problem :) If you want to try and quantify things then at least try to use two of the same decently calibrated scales, at least make sure they are level with each other and if you can't do either of those at least make sure that when comparing bats you place the bats the same way around on the different, uneven scales :D Pathetic pointless rant over.

Love the bat, love the detail! Now go get it grubby :D

Thanks for reading - always open to any feedback on the way I do these write ups - and as you say, it isn't really a review!

1. I would do this, but sometimes grips have been glued down, or I'd have to remove the tape to get this measurement, hence why I don't do that for this one. I'll try my best to in future, but if I can't, I'll just mention the grip type so people have a rough idea.

2. Yup, I know, and the surface probably isn't exactly level either! But I did swap it round for 2 measurements - maybe I could have explained it better...

Will set up my V Elite Pro and hit some balls! Been wanting to do so, but with bats all over the place, haven't found the time or space!

Tremendous review, I'm putting an order in with @jonny77 after Christmas, I hope you don't mind but I'll be putting "just give me that one" on my Order! it's a stunner.

Go for it! :) It is a lovely bat, amongst the lightest of pick ups I've tried for this weight.

Awesome review Chad, I appreciate the time and effort you've put into it, and thoroughly enjoyed reading it.  Confirming what I'd already suspected, that Jonny77 knows his stuff!

I for one appreciate the balance stuff you've put into it, but it need not take hours.
What you have done previously in weighing both ends of the bat, and it's total length is all you need to calculate a balance point.
If the geeks like me want to know, they can do it themselves :)

For the Scott bat 527g at handle and 706g at toe =1233g total
As a percentage thats .4274 % handle and .5725 Toe.
X by total length 854mm gives you a balance point  364.9mm from one end and 488.9mm from the other. 
Your 'guess' of 362mm is pretty close!

The Kook bat calculates at 325mm from the toe (.618%), and your measurement was 323, so your CD case is a fairly scientific instrument :)
For me, the point of balance calculations (.5772 % of the weight at the toe vs .618 %) qualify why these two bats feel different despite only 8g difference in dead weight.  A perfect example of why this info can be useful.
I get that many people are quite happy not knowing this info - each to their own.
I find it very interesting to know just how much of a difference that duckbill makes to the balance.

And I like the detail in the handle measurements too!  Thanks.

It'll be a mixture of things for the pick up, the handle thickness and weight, the amount of wood leading up to the handle, and duckbill etc. Kind of difficult to quantify just how much difference duckbilling does - I'd imagine if you duckbilled a finished bat the pickup should improve for sure, but willow is really quite light - you'll be moving maybe half an ounce max? A batmaker would be able to give a more accurate amount, but even 1oz of willow is quite a bit of shaping!

Glad you took time to read it - I do try to include most things that interest people, even if it's only a few! :)
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