What’s with the bat widths though?? 5cm?
Painful, who measures cricket bats in cm - just shows how out of touch some of the cricket media still are. Not using 'oz' after the 2lb '10' is annoying to read too.
Thankfully most brands seem to be wise to these 'gear tests' now. The Wisden one is only ever stock off the Serious Cricket shelves so has it's place, but the Cricketer mag couldn't even get a brand to sign up this year as it's all pay to enter (aka whoever pays the most tends to do rather well!). As far as I'm aware they'll also only be testing bats off the shelves as opposed to anything 'boutique' as they put it (hate the term 😂) as they hadn't managed to sign any brands up when I spoke to them. Apparently paying to be tested alongside the likes of GN/GM/Kookaburra was supposed to be an 'honour' for me!!! 🤣🤣
Ironically without the Cricketer's gear guide Belly wouldn't have come into Neon, but even so there's very little benefit for brands nowadays and the funds can absolutely be spent better elsewhere.