Here is the kit including the pads. The yellow inside is brighter than i really like it and its on the inside anyway! They fit very well, very streamline and really hug the leg, they feel light like aero pads but they are flexible and you know you have them on which is what i didnt like about the aeros! and do have shorter straps which suits my legs well! The styling with blue trim at the bottom and yellow at the knee part (which you cant really see in pic) is a great touch by puma, they really do know how to produce gorgeous kit!
They are much smaller than around 2 years ago, i recently bought some from mike, ballsitic 5000's which were huge in length and the straps were very long, so an improvement for us smaller people i feel

Unpadded cotton, padded half chamois and aero inners, just trialling them all, i like the unpadded but am forced to give more protection sometimes as it batter my hands which are really easily bruised and swollen, but better than they used to be!
Gloves are becoming top notch, very very stiff to begin with, but after using them and keeping them in my hot conservertory and under my materess they seemed to have softened massively, now supple they are awesome. As mens gloves usually fell a little big, and wearing many inners feels all wrong the customs are perfect, yes the cathcing area is smaller but they are smaller gloves and actually fit which is really what counts for me! Love the styling too