I have been advising a few new brands on their launches for this season, and as such I have been given a few new sticks to test for them :-
From left to right we have:-
1) Pony Cricket - The Pony Express Blue, 2.9lbs of willow perfection and my chosen stick for this season.
2) Diesel Leisure - The 'Brave', their original factory tester, so little battered, but a great pickup at 2.10 - smells great too!
3) Ping Sports - The 'Ping Perfection Pro Plus' 2.9 with a lovely (No Swearing Please)
4) LeCoq Cricket - The 'Incroyable' model, brand new, G2 in their range. Made by France's leading podshaver Wil L'Eau-King
Sadly, FatBastard did not share my enthusiasm for these!