During the last couple of days we have been off, there have been a few comments made by people expressing their frustrations about the forum.
Some have been fair and some I feel need to be presented with a fairer argument.
I think that the server issues have been a long standing headache, but this isn't what I wanted to say.
It is the accusation that the forum is only in it for the money and lacks independence.
Firstly look at what the sponsors offer, you get first hand contact with, by and large, the brand owner, access to some premium products at very competative prices and a bigger choice than almost anywhere for bispoke brands.
How many of you would have heard of 90% of the brands without them sponsoring this site?
How much have these guys shared from being part of the forum?
Finally on the independence front, yes we unashamably look to promote the forum brands and retail outlets, because by and large they are independent and offer great products or very attractive deals on the big four, five or six brands.
Finally most of the custom made bats on the forum are sold for less than £200. In the outside world they would be nearer £300. that is a serious value.
Personally I would like to thank the sponsors and if you don't feel you can make honest statements about the bats and equipment on this forum then please use this as an opportunity to explain why.
Oh and one more thing, all the forums have some form of revenue stream, we just choose to have one that can give the members something unique.