Hello Forum.
My MH Distinction didnt take kindly to removing the anti scuff face so a new bat was needed to replace the beast ........... so I decided to go for one of the Red BB bats.
I went for a couple of pounds lighter than normal at 2lb 9 and give another try to one of the thick edge bats, I had got a LE SS TON which was a very big disappointment. It put me off Indian made bats for good. Once i knew these bats English made i went for the plunge.
A day after Mr BB let me know the bat was in the post it arrived the very next morning.
I unwrapped the package and my initial view was that it looked like a nice bat. I have been known to instantly dislike a bat by just looking at it. (It happened to me a few years back when i order a very expensive bat from top batmaker. It came after being held up in customs for a few weeks only for it to be half white half brown ......... I had never really seen a heartwood bat before so i fired off an email to the bat owner letting him know i was disappointed with the willow when i bought a limited edition bat. In the menatime i fired off an email to a good friend of mine who is a well knwon pro and he told me i had just got a belter .... how embarrssing!! I then received an email from the bat maker saying they would gladly take it back but the bat was made and rejected by Jayasuiya because it was a little to heavy .... it went like a gun until i snapped it through some wekness as a result of a swollen toe from getting wet..)
Anyway I tapped up with a mallet and a new ball and it feels very nice, as good as any bat i have ever had .... Laver Wood (Jayasuriya bat), Redback, MH Distinction, B&S ( South African test player bat), County with the black stickers (Hansie Cronje's bat) Gray Nicholls ( Chanderpauls bat) and an SS Jumbo i got off Ian Austin, BAS Vampire bat (WI test player bat)
I instantly compared it to the SS TON LE and there is no comparison, this BB is a lot more responsive. I cant compare it to the Distinction but from memory it feels just as nice.
Once i get a chance to use it in a match, will spend a couple of weeks knocking it in, i will put up a proper update.
Nice balance
Nice grains
Nice profile
Great ping and rebound
superb price
The handle is the only problem i have and htat is only because it is different to the MH Distinction, so more of a personal issue than a problem with the handle.
score 9.5/10