Why do you want a durham logo on your helmet? Its pretentious and a little bit egotistic if you ask me.... not to mention stupid, when it turns out you're nowhere near good enough to wear it, opening yourself up for all sorts of stick!
Thats a bit strong fella. I think we are here to help not hinder and certainly not attack. Have you never worn a replica shirt? be it football or cricket?
If the lad want to wear a lid like what mustard used... his choice.
I wear an ayrtek that looks like its an extra at a rave party... once again my choice but in getting there I get help and assistance from people like Tom, not cutting remarks and opinionated views that don't actually help anyone.
I'm assuming Toenails
97 is just a young lad anyhoo so it's more a fan things rather than assuming he is egotistical.
In most instances in life if you can't help don't comment.
Tony I'll have a snoop around and see if i can't get the logo in a decent format for you to have worked on.