The bags are now black and silver, Dan. In my opinion, they don't look as good, but they are a little bigger. The Double Decker has gone and been replaced by an even larger one, with a rather unusual shape.
I was pretty disappointed with the M&H kit overall. I think the softs look worse now, and of all the new stuff, it was only really the Master Lite that interested me, and their prices seem to have gone up more than most. Can't see us stocking much of them next year...
Yeah, I've got quite cynical about them over the past year or so, and I understand the need for change so happy that I got all my gear when it was better quality/colourway!
The cynicism is a bit extended by the mixture of square toed and faced bats, and the general development in lineups from 2010 to now. Almost as if they're changing, or using different batmakers...