Well that thread definitely raised a few eyebrows and got a few people hot under the collar.
I'm a 71 vintage (Warney/Mcgrath era), have played cricket constantly for the nearly the past 30 years and have coached juniors for the past 5 and took great pleasure in reading the varied views - i like to see things from other peoples perspectives.
From what i read, some of you guys have made some valid points and i think you've may have nailed it on the head.
If you love the sport and are driven to succeed, your hunger will not allow you to be soft even when there are so many other distractions for the youth of today. Lets not generalise, we are talking about test cricketers, so if you've made it to that level, you have had a single minded obsession with the sport and are not the norm.
I think the points raised involving, over coaching and todays gym obsession, with an element of sports science, is most likely the cause of todays injuries as growing bodies just can't cope with the physical demands that these pursuits place on young bodies.
Have you ever noticed the physiques of the general 17-20 year lad these days - they are massive and sculptured like Conan. Back in my time the general cricketer was never that size or shape because the gym was never readily available. Some saturdays when i walk onto the cricket field, i look up at the sight screen and think it would be more appropriate if it were a set of rugby poles, when i have this tearaway 6'4 18 year old sprinting in off the long run up. These hulking physiques, over training, over coaching, tweaking with techniques, etc develop bodies that are highly strung and are not subtle or flexible enough to cope with the riggers of todays cricket. Another point of comparison, look at todays endurance sports - triathlons, tennis, etc, most of these top performers are lean and flexible, making them ideal for going the journey.
In the 70's and 80's most kids played every sport going around until they reached about 16, then graduated to the sport they performed best in, so there was never an onus on over coaching or over analysing a particular code, early in life. Todays parents and coaches spot potential in an 8 year old and try to map out there life before the child even gets a chance to enjoy the sport or more importantly, develop their body naturally........