I think you are wrong in my opinion John.. Just my opinion of course.
The game isn't just for talented kids looking for a career.. Never has been.. If numbers have in fact declined I would say it is due to the bad run by the Australian cricket team over the last few years... Watch the numbers grow when Australia are back on top again... Whenever that may be
I am talking about the elite end not the kids who have a hit and giggle which is great. At CA they know they are being hit hard by the like of the afl and that has come from James Sutherland hence the creation of the Big Bash which has opened the door for more opportunities.
The AFL has 600 contracts available similar in the NRL at an average of 300,000 per year.
You can earn $2000 a game playing country football.
CA offer 21 yearly contracts. Why play cricket!!
If you play grade cricket only 4 players that can be payed the rest do it for free.
If you can play both games what do you choose, not cricket and that is happening right around the country thats why we are so (No Swearing Please). Sport today is professional and cricket needs to follow other codes or it will die a natural death and that needs to be the three tiers of cricket in Aus which is International, state, and grade cricket