Am i the only one that is suprised that non bat making companies haven't looked at sponsoring players?
Eg Pepsi etc? Doesn't have to be about selling bats I guess, just the exposure which I would expect would get more than any advertising board around the ground
Why bother, you have advertising boards, the fact grounds usually only have either coke OR pepsi. Plus they tend to sponsor things like the caps etc that are on tv all game and not just when someone is batting. I'm not that surprised non bat making companies aren't sponsoring players entire kit, sure they'll give them some cash to have a sticker on there but I doubt you'd pay them and get them shed loads of kit. Just not worth it.
It's interesting to see players having to scratch around for deals though, you wouldn't expect it at the high levels but still. Of course, looking at it from another angle I'm thinking that with the likes of Kookaburra pulling all their local level deals, they may have made a small mistake. Sure selling at a discount means less profit BUT at least your shifting volumes of kit, plus people are always going to be attracted to a 'good deal'. In the current climate I think I'd rather be shifting more stuff and having less left over at the end of a season than pulling the plug and potentially losing their custom as they won't pay full price etc.
Just a different way of thinking about it. If all the local clubs kids see the adults in their clubs playing with Kookaburra I'm thinking that'll have more effect than Jos Butler etc. Maybe I'm wrong but I know I'm more inclined to go with it over some player on TV.