Cheers, so at the moment hades is the best bat in your opinion for pressing and performance? (Excluding SCat maybe?)
It's one of the best for me due to balance and shape, given the way I play. If you aren't a front foot player, it's very possible it's not the best for you. In terms of pressing? Well Andy does tend to press bats pretty well, and so do Matt, James and others, so I wouldn't say it's the best for that. Performance, my Hades is one of my best bats for performance, but as I said earlier, that's due to shape and balance, and less to do with off the shelfness. I went up to Andy's and he made and balanced it with me there in the workshop, so it should be just about perfect!
You wouldn't be going wrong with either a Laver or a H4L though, as plenty of people on here will tell you.