I was having some banter on twitter with B3 last night and they call themselves batmakers - which is technically true as they make bats... but for some reason it grated with me.
I think the reason for this is that to me they are not pod shavers - which I consider someone who hand makes bats the traditional way - but they didn't say they were, so I can't complain.
I am not sure where that leaves others who use CNC machines, of which there are several, to make their bats but what do you think are the right way to define the difference?
Please don't get me wrong, I have no issue with machine made bats, I really think it is a great way to make bats - I also really love a traditional hand made bat - this isn't about a preference between the two, more a question of how do we think we should define the different techniques.
Am I being too pedantic?
Does it even matter?