OK this is where we are getting really interesting !
Stretton Fox is developing into new products for the 2014 season, 2013 is about the thigh pads and additional body "Armour" (thanks AllOutCricket for the phrase !) And this will always be my absolute core focus as it is so critical to a batters safety, confidence, and health !!
But, once more established with reputation the ambition is to apply further technologies we have into other areas of Cricket, the next venture is into 2 items, a special arm guard which is being developed and tested at the moment with Jigar Naik of Leicestershire CCC, and the Leg System.
I will go into more detail of the intentions of this with time but would love to get initial thoughts on what people think, but to start the ball rolling this is a completely different way of looking at leg protection and I can't wait to tell you all more !!
So heres the link....
Big thanks to Leicester City Cricket Academy, Don, Sonia and all the team for their continual support !!
And thanks again to everyone here for their support, it really is the best help I could wish for.