Having broken my long blade Mids and gotten rid of all my SH bats, I thought that the situation of having only three bats was, well frankly a little scary, especially where two are match bats and one needs a replacement handle, so I decided to take a punt on the Millet Sports sale and acquire a Long Handled 2011/2012 Powerbow 4* for use in the nets, at a bargain price of £65.
Being a bit of a punt on an older bat, as I remembered that this particular bit of tinkering with the Powerbow shape was particularly unappreciated, I wasn't sure what to expect, having specified a medium weight. What turned up surprised me in a good way, and as I have been knocking it in, I have discovered that this seems to be a bit of a hidden gem. With both mallet and ball, I am surprised at the responsiveness of the bat, and also at the looks, as, let's face it, a 4* GN isn't expected to be a looker. It's also only 2lb 9.6oz, which is at the lower end of the Medium weight range.
I'm also certain that they nicked the profile shape from the original Dynadrive, with the cut out near the top of the blade almost exactly mimicking that on the older Dynadrives.
Anyway, here are a few pictures of the purchase.