At my club we have experienced an increase in numbers and I think there are a few reasons; the pitch is well maintained, we have nets twice a week, people convince their friends to come and play, we are friendly people and largely want to have a laugh and not take it too seriously. Out subs are 25 quid a year and 5 quid match fee. We don't have covers or sight screens but the opposition are always complimentary on the quality of the pitch.
however, a club nearby, who played in a different league, folded at the beginning of last season due to a lack of players and we were grateful to pick up a few of their players. Many Sunday friendliest were cancelled as the opposition couldn't field a side. There are some answers to this. Firstly, there are clubs with 'spare' players, why don't they loan them out. Secondly, why doesn't someone set up a local database where clubs that have been let down by their opposition be put in contact with teams looking for a game.
As for kids. We are looking to set up,a youth team/practice. The issues of CRB checks, insurance etc. mean it may be too much hassle. I know that sounds bad but we struggle to stay in the black each season and we would not use them to prop up the finances.
In my experience, many kids would like to play and don't because: they don't get to bat/bowl, are intimidated as they have not played much, want to join with their friends so they know someone and parents have concerns about playing with men. So when you get young lads in the club be nice and give them a chance.