cook was said to be instrumental in the 're-integrating' process after straussy, now the ECB would not make this decision without Cook's opinion...that just would'nt happen
so we can presume Cook has had enough and is not prepared to back him any longer.
the thing that get's me about all this is Swann and Prior have said lately KP has been fine, the Surrey boys say he is fine but there is a problem that cannot be solved.
like others on this forum I would have dumped him after textgate and the south africans.
Now? well, we don't know what's happening to tip it over the edge.
some of the press like hussein and athers must know.but for now they are not saying.
Nasser and Atherton were knows as good man managers of difficult characters like thorpe,caddick,gough etc
I think myself the issue is KP's view of him and the team. He has to be part of the team regardless of how good he is.