Hi Guys
For all of those that have longed for RPC softs to match the popular RPC stickers here is the full range for 2014.
Orders can be placed directly through myself, the online store or via email / telephone.
We do have offers for full kit purchases / sponsorship for anyone this may apply to.
The Heritage Bats are available as a stock item now as well which means you do not need to order a Custom / Bespoke bat to have the RPc stickers. The heritage bat is available in both modern and traditional profile variants. The Heritage is available for £275.00 and made using only Premium Grade 1 English willow. Hand pressed as you expect from any other premium bat available from Blueroom / RPC.
All prices and details can be found on the website
http://www.robertpackcricket.co.uk/Heritage Modern

Heritage Traditional

Heritage Gloves

Heritage Pads

The kit together

A duffle bag is also available as well

Any Qs just let me know guys.