With my first friendly of the season being called off today and having received two G3 semi shaped clefts through from Matt this week. I thought I'd spend some of the afternoon attempting to shape my first bat.
I decided I'd use the top one of the two below clefts for my first attempt and that I was going to go for a very traditional shape with a really low middle, a lot like my old Newbery Samurai I had circa 2000. The cleft started at 3'8.
Getting under way and a little look at my set up
Profile shot after some ambitious drawknife use that I got a bit carried away with in terms of willow removal
Things starting to come together;
Finished for the day;
She's now down to 2'15.3 - I am aiming for 2'7 undressed so I am planning to take some more weight out at the toe and once I get my Travisher to pull some weight out of the body too as well as cleaning up the lines for the edges etc and sanding her down. I'm quite pleased with how it's going so far!
Any feedback or tips would be most welcome.