UK manufactured by a contact in the industry that i stumbled on recently.
I have been meaning to get a topic made for a while now. The Aldred topic jogged my memory, apologies to Aldred for undercutting on the price, I feel £70 is a fair price.
My mallet is 900g approx. Typically they come in around 700g.
I can provide these mallets with approx a 10 day turnaround for £70 with free delivery.
Note they can vary in colour quite a bit, i have seen others that are a fair bit lighter with areas of green running throughout.
I can also provide heavy duty Oak mallets which are far superior to the mallets sold from the cricket manufacturers. They come in around 500g and are £30 with free delivery.
Perfect for someone a little worried about damaging their willow with a lignum mallet.