This kind of a behaviour is embarrassing for all supporters of the team/nation. I am a very proud Indian and this reminds me of what is wrong with the country I love so dearly.
Everything these days is made into a big deal.
It was not out of racism that Moeen got booed so I dont understand what the whole drama around it.
Plently of players have got booed. Sachin has been booed in India for his performances in test match.
There is an article from Bharat army on this in espncricinfo yesterday...I suggest people to have a look at it...
Lets compare sports too...isnt boo's common place in football or does that reflect on a nation?
From that same yard stick shouldnt we all say that English, Italians are the worst people on the planet with prejudiced opinion about the color of an ant as well...
Just media shabba dabba.. Like Gavaskar usually says..."the crowd has full right to boo but not verbally abuse a player personally,racially discriminate or throw things at a player. They can only do that if they throw money or other valuable things back when a player does well "