If that is true Tushar, then it is a clear case of fraud. I know in other industries, bigger stores can buy left over stock in auction or by weight etc. but if the brands are sending their lower end products labelled as higher ends then it is criminal.
Yet is it possible for anyone to prove they're doing this?
With no set grading for willow it's down to the brands discretion, so if anyone questions it they can just say "no, we class all clefts like that as X-grade".
Disclaimer - this is an example only, this is a total work of fiction I have made up.
I am not implying any brands would actually do this.
Totally fictional scenarioBrand 1 put all their bestest bats out for those who hand pick their stock. They set dates so they know when to have their showy willow on display. Once they've all been hand picked by the retailers, they'll have a load of unstickered bats left, to grade at their discretion.
Shop A, who does not hand pick orders 4 G1, 4 G2 and 4 G3 bats from Brand 1.
Brand 1's (delete as appropriate)
owner/bat maker/cleaner/whoever is responsible for picking and sticking bats picks up 4 G2 bats and stickers them as G1, 4 'better looking' G3 bats and stickers them as G2, then picks 4 mingin' clefts and puts G3 stickers on there.
Shop A receives their stock and can see the clear difference in grading between the bats, they're happy, and Brand 1 are laughing.
End of totally fictional scenario Final disclaimer - the above scenario was a total work of fiction. I made the story and names up myself.
Anything that is seemingly a reference to any real life brands is totally coincidental, I do not wish to imply or accuse any brand of carrying out such practices, and nor have I at any time in this post.