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Re: Captaincy issues
« Reply #15 on: July 01, 2015, 09:29:25 PM »

I've taken steps within the team to make sure that I can't be accused of focusing in myself in games, and have had a different spot in the order each match depending on how much batting I have. Unfortunately I now have a parent unhappy that I bat his son in the lower middle order... He is solid, but not strong enough to hit the ball off the square often even with great technique and temperament. There have been comments made about always opening with the same people, which isn't true as in 3 games I've had five different people in opening slots. The lad himself knows i back him with bat and ball, and he is a very good left armer who imo has great control for a 14 year old, and the reason he bats lower is that I open the bowling with him each match he plays. I can't win!


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Re: Captaincy issues
« Reply #16 on: July 01, 2015, 10:12:02 PM »

You can keep all of the people happy some of the time, some of the people happy all of the time, but not all of the people happy all of the time.
Our captain often bats 9 to give everyone a game. He should open but is wary that people pay to play and wants to keep everyone happy. It is a difficult balance but if they don't like it they should go somewhere else. Cricket is a game where you might not bat or bowl every game. accept it and just enjoy the company of other cricketers and seeing team mates do well.
also, Do the parents know anything about cricket? Are they members? Do you respect their view? Do they see talent in anyone apart from their son? If you can answer 'no' to any of these questions tell them (diplomatically) to shove it. say you want to see how..... Bats against one of their particular bowlers, or suggest they take over your role.
at the end of the day league games are there to be won, and most fair minded people would rather their team win than everyone have a game and lose.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2015, 10:17:17 PM by Gurujames »


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Re: Captaincy issues
« Reply #17 on: July 01, 2015, 10:16:31 PM »

I hated captaincy with a passion!

I was our midweek captain a couple of seasons ago, a lot of weeks I batted myself at 11 and didn't bowl. That way nobody could say I was playing for myself.
To my mind it's not worth the aggro of getting a side out just for 10 blokes to moan about it afterwards.


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Re: Captaincy issues
« Reply #18 on: July 01, 2015, 10:42:14 PM »

I hated captaincy with a passion!

Can't say I blame you there Cam, I absolutely hate captaining. I'm more than happy to vice captain though, suits me better to be merely advising the captain.

The problem with me is that i'm rather militant with my views at times so its not uncommon for me to call for someone to be dropped if I don't think they're pulling their weight (myself included) or they're being a bit of a nuisance (in polite terms). Although I did go overboard a bit this week in calling for the vast majority of the second team, captain included, to be dropped for consistent poor performance (second game of the season where at least 7 ducks have appeared on our scorecard, at least 3/4 a game is common this year).


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Re: Captaincy issues
« Reply #19 on: July 02, 2015, 12:43:06 AM »

I'm gonna be quite candid.

You believe you are making the right decisions by the way you've justified them. You need the courage to stand by those convictions.

You either need to stand by your batting and bowling line ups and be reasonably pig headed (to a point) or your indecisiveness will be picked up on and players/irrelevant spectators will manipulate you.

Ive captained sides for six seasons and i resigned due to similar circumstances you find yourself in. I got to a point where i was not enjoying my cricket anymore and realised it was time to step down. Ironically i get constantly pestered to restand for captaincy but i don't think i could do it again.

Not to say listening to senior players isn't important or a fantastic way to get them onside but only two players can open the batting and bowling and if they are the same two players why would anyone else bother turning up? It isn't the Indian premier league.

To summarise, Accept your a good captain and stand by your decisions, if people don't like it they can go shopping with the misses/dad. Or let it be someone Else's problem.


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Re: Captaincy issues
« Reply #20 on: July 02, 2015, 02:23:46 PM »

Last season I started opening the batting when captaining,  the logic being that I could set a platform for the youngsters to bat around at their own pace. Now they are a year older I tend to float in the order, and am not bowling in about half the games, because they have the experience of the last year to go by and are bigger and stronger etc. Possibly my problem is that I have listened too much to my older players who think they should do everything, and as such they think they can take advantage to an extent. I have, as all teams do, batsmen who can't bowl, and bowlers who can't bat, but several all rounders who I want to give a proper game. As it is 40 overs most games, I try to give everyone who bowls 5 overs if possible, and I think that I am by and large achieving that and making things fair.
I'm ambitious and want to eventually lead my clubs first xi, and see this as a great way to make an impression both on the committee as captain but also to have the youngsters coming through playing cricket in a competitive but fun environment!
Thanks for all the opinions by the way, much appreciated and I will make sure I consider them whilst working out plans for the next few games


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Re: Captaincy issues
« Reply #21 on: July 02, 2015, 07:13:05 PM »

When I was Captain I resisted taking part in team selection nor would I call for somone to be dropped regardless of performance as I never felt it was right for me to do so. players are paying there money and playing for enjoyment also I believe if you haven't got something positive to say regarding your team mates it's better to say nothing.
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