@Wickets-then-runs that bat looks great and that profile pic does match warner's bat

Looking forward to some better quality pics 
Not sure the profiles are that different.
I'm a bit of a nerd for these things, so i imposed the photo Wickets-Than-Runs put up of the profile, over the photo of Warner holding his bat in photoshop.
Warner is holding it at a bit of an angle, so not square which makes it difficult to check exactly, but they are very, very close.
I suspect its the difference between the stickers of the Legend and the Kaboom.
I know myself when i've done some reno's on my own bats and put different stickers on, it makes them look quite different shapes.
The other thing to remember too is that Stuart makes the bats by hand, so I'm sure, even for the master bat makers, there will be some variation due to the make up of the clefts.