Was having a gander in Amart All Sports and saw a rather nice Omega Superblade. The grains looked to run straight through too as they were just as straight on the back as well as the front. Not bad for a $179 stick and have the feeling it would of been graded higher if not for the two marks on the face. I didn't see how it performed though, so perhaps that could be another reason it was graded down. I've seem many bats that are $700 that have looked worse (and not like they were awesome performers either)
What was really weird was that the side of the edges were bleached, but no where else was. Seems kind of silly, but maybe they have a reason
This will probably be nothing special considering what we get on the forum and the fact the the ebay over in the UK is pretty awesome and absolutely poo's on the Aus equivalent, but compared to what is usually served up over here, I didn't think this was too bad.