Yep - 6000GTR and plays beautifully. I think it was 2010...and can't remember where I purchased it! These bats do play extremely well - has a superb sweet spot too!! I have a stonker of a H4L Hattori and the H4L is a better 'pinger' but the Puma is such a great touch players bat! Time it and it goes like a train! It's hard to say, as a bat is a very personal and individual thing really, but I did question myself several times whether I should sell it or not, but I am trying to be ruthless and finally sell a few! So it had to go.
When you want to sell that LH +LB chase bat, im your man!!
I got it him !!!! Let it through my hobbit hands
I sure you to could work something out its a lovely bat and if not a long blade I would of worked something out with Pete to have in my collection that's for sure
It is but got too many as it is after something i have never tried soon