After finally finding time to have a good look at the collection, weigh each bat individually and put it on a spreadsheet, I have decided on what I'll be keeping! (55 bats is the current count) Here are the ones which made the cut for my personal collection!

From left to right:
01. SS LE - Repaired a snap, still awesome, but will probably die soon. Scored the most runs with this one!
02. SS Butterfly - Full profile and 2.10 dead. Such a nice response, incredible, almost as good as the SS LE.
03. BAS Shadow (B3 Stickers) - Still not used this, incredible bat. Had it rehandled by B3 as handle was squint.
04. B3 Mullanator 1 Stripe - The best bat I've had from B3, just immense in terms of size, response and pick up.
05. H4L Warbird G2 (Vitas) - Lovely bat, was one of the first Warbirds available for sale to the public. Incredible pick up.
06. H4L Hattori G2 (IJC) - Same as above, lovely bat, and pick up is great! Better than the older Hattori I reckon.
07. BB Misbah LE - Well balanced bat, incredible looks and all round performance, classy stickers - what more to say?
08. Phantom Shadow LE - Bought from Maverick79 on here. Lovely bat, some disappointing aspects, but good enough! (Will explain in separate thread)
09. Helios Atlas - Still perhaps the best responding bat I've ever owned, and possibly the oldest bat in this collection.
10. L&W CHAD Reserve - The original CHAD profile. The grains, the pick up, the shape, just everything about it oozes class.
11. L&W J. Millichamp Reserve - Profile based on the classic profile Julian Millichamp made famous among us kit nerds. C-Ten handle.
12. L&W Bradman Signature - Used to be a 3lb 1oz brute! Still a good sized bat at 2lb 9.4oz, and shaped to Bradman's profile. Gorgeous.
13. L&W CHAD Copy Reserve - Copy, which had weight taken off. Response is arguably better, as is pick up, all while being 2 ounces lighter!
14. RK 19reading87 Custom - Got off Reds, not dissimilar to the Mullanator. Ridiculous pick up.
15. GM Epic Original Limited Edition - Little cracker, a toothpick by todays standards, but response is right up there.
16. GM Purist Original - The REAL Purist, lovely shape and grains. Just gotta love the classic profiles!
The ones which have actually been used, most usage on left to least on right.

Dem grainz:

The Salix Pod Players is actually my brothers, and has probably seen the heaviest use of the lot. It's been played in so well, I'm surprised he's nailed the middle so often! Bought from IJC, it's still in great knick, and was purchased back in 2012, when the Players was the best offering Salix had!
Aaaand the ones that I have yet to use:

Dem grainz again:

Now, the next thing to worry about, shifting a bunch of bats, and also I have a bunch coming... Why do I never learn?!